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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Adjusting to my new life

    Today I am 45 days out. I take my vitamins daily, get my fluids in with no problem and am tolerating food very well. I almost feel like I'm doing too well...reading some of the things on here have me perplexed. I have to remind myself that everyone is different, everyone heals differently. I'm down 38 pounds. Whenever I get the thought in my mind that I am not progressing fast enough I remind myself that this is the most weight I have lost in ages. I continue to gain and lose the same five pounds, then it finally falls off. Then I plateau and gain/lose the next 5 pounds. Like I said, its frustrating me to no end, but I am trying to be realistic with myself. Slow and steady wins the race, and I am giving my skin time to adjust to the loss as well. Observations and Weird sensations: Sometimes I can barely finish a yogurt while other times I can eat quite a bit more. (For example, a bean burrito from taco bell or a 6 inch sub on flatbread from Subway) I can feel the food shift in my stomach; I've never had that sensation before. Sadly, the sleeve doesn't get rid of PMS cravings. I still have to fight myself about eating crap. The difference is now I can talk myself out of it 95% of the time whereas before I was 95% sure I would eat it anyway. Since I am not consistently on sugar/carbs like I used to be I can actually feel myself crash from eating something carb/sugar rich. It's enough to make me not want to eat them. I've found if I've eaten a few bites too much, I can get rid of that feeling much faster by walking. Walking actually helps move my food. Before surgery, walking while I was stuffed was sheer torture. If I was overly full, I would feel that way for a long time. a couple hours even, before I would get any relief, I definitely feel restriction. I eat maybe a 1/4 to an 1/8 of what I used to. I can't throw up. I've had the sensation a few times and even tried to on one occasion that I overdid it by accident. I didn't feel the restriction til it was too late. I've since learned to slow down when I eat so I have time for my body to signal to me. But the point is, I used to be able to puke almost on command. Not so much anymore. Its not really worth going out to eat at a sit down restaurant. I cant eat like the rest of the folks. While that is a exhilarating feeling, I found myself sulking because I couldn't eat my favorite meal at Chuy's. I had to laugh at myself like really, Tracy? You have wanted to be thinner for years and now that you have the chance you are crying about a chimichanga? I still have to silence my inner fat kid on the daily. I'm hoping that becomes less and less. I didn't realize just how addicted i was to food and food routines. I'm slowly re-learning how to have fun without food or booze and how to incorporate exercise into daily life again.
  2. 1 point

    Am I just impatient

    Sleeved on 7/16 and still feeling nauseous and unable to find anything that tastes good! I know it took over 40 years to get into the unhealthy lifestyle but can’t find a way into my “new” one! Very discouraged and depressed Please tell me when this will get better!
  3. 1 point

    Vitamins and Supplements

    yes and that's one reason why I decided to take all of my multi vitamin at once. Those Bariatric Advantage are no joke. The first time I took them, it was on an empty stomach and I'll never make that mistake again. I eat lunch and then finish with a sip of water and 3 capsules. Then, I set a 2 hour timer for my calcium. My other doses of calcium are when I wake up and when I go to bed.
  4. 1 point
    Hello, Finally got the courage to write my first post. Surgery date is September 7th. I’ve been fighting to get the surgery for over a year and I finally got approved for the sleeve. I was so motivated and excited but I am feeling so emotional today. It’s my first day on my Pre-op diet and I am feeling so sad. Any words of wisdom???
  5. 1 point
    Matt Z

    Patch Vitamins

    I was approved by my surgeon, head nurse, head pharmacist and my nutritionist to try them out. I'm coming up on my 6 month labs so I'll have more information about longer term usage then. But my 3 month labs were all within normal ranges expect for my Vitamin D, but I live in New England and I work IT... so my Vitamin D intake is nill to begin with. But every other tested level was within normal ranges.
  6. 1 point

    Profile help

    @Matt Z thank you for your help. Will do
  7. 1 point
    Matt Z

    Profile help

    You've created a profile already, which is what you used to post. You are unable to modify that profile because the apps do not have the same features as the website... a fact which I've been trying to get them to fix for some time now. Get on a real computer and log in and you'll be able to make the changes you need to.
  8. 1 point

    Protein supplements

    Thanks Matt, I’m glad to hear that!
  9. 1 point

    How many calories per day??

    I rarely go over 800. I am compliant, healthy and had my 3 month post op review with surgeon yesterday. He’s very pleased. Even though I’m at goal, my surgeon told me not to force calories/food. If I slip 10-20 pounds under goal before my new stomach can naturally hold more, everything will be fine. If you are meeting protein, water and supplement requirements, if you are healthy, you are likely just fine. If I were to eat 1200, 1300, 1400 calories per day, I would def gain on the reg! No question.
  10. 1 point
    Revision 8/14. Apparently my body was allergic to my lapband because I always had so much gunk in my throat and nose I could barely eat and when I did it came right back out. I’m 2 weeks post-op and I haven’t had sinus issues AT ALL..... until the Texas wind blew in and now I am throwing everything up. UGH!!!! And this is the week I could finally move to purée foods DANG IT!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
