I have one word for you: LASERS! Better than electrolysis, way more effective! I did it about 8 years ago and within 4 treatments everything was GONE. I go back about once a year to do a touch-up cycle, and it is absolutely worth it. I was so thrilled that I also lasered my legs; my leg hair was so thick and coarse that even when I shaved it, you could see the stubble through the top layers of skin like ground pepper sprinkled on my shins, but I haven't even touched up on it in years and I have maybe four hairs that come in very thin.
I'm in the same maybe-PCOS boat as you are, with all the symptoms except the actual damn cysts. When I finally snapped and started the lasers it was because I wasn't just irritated by shaving, I was getting a ridiculous number of ingrown hairs no matter what I did. And though I really hate to say it: I think my facial hair's come back a little stronger than it used to post-op. But maybe that's just my body temporarily freaking out, I don't know! And I'm going to zap it back into oblivion soon.
One caveat: laser works best on dark hair and light skin. As a Translucent-American with very dark hair, this made me pretty much the ideal candidate; I can't say if Irish redheads or dark-haired Kenyans would have the same luck. For them, electrolysis might be the better bet. I know some groups don't mention that up front, so buyer beware.