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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Nutrient deficiency

    Well my hospital insisted I have my blood work in May for my September RnY, I turned out I had some deficencies. We have addressed Vitamin A , Vitamin D , Iron , Magnesium and Calcium and I have been a very good Bari- Baby, one slip up was I need to get more calcium, missed it for 2 days. Whip me with a noodle, if you want! Anyway between the protein shakes, the calcium and the iron I'm bound up tighter than Cootie Browns Goat, so Miralax and MoM are getting to be my friends. But minor inconvenience for,Great Potential Glory, that's what I say until I reach the Porcelain Throne. Then all bets are off!
  2. 2 points
    J San

    I’m concerned it’s not working

    Follow your program, don't cheat and be honest with yourself. If you are cheating, well you know it only gives you the feelings you are having right now. Try your best to get back on track. If your not cheating talk to your NUT and let them know what's going on and how you are feeling. Follow the advice the others have given you here. I wish you success and the best of luck to you!!!!
  3. 2 points
    Matt Z

    7 days post up and HUNGRY!!

    Not sure where you read that... but both of those statements are not accurate. Overall, more folks still have hunger than not. And no bypass patients *CAN'T* absorb all the calories consumed, the whole point of the redirection of the stomach acids are to reduce absorption.
  4. 1 point
    Apparently being post op RNY is a mosquito repellent. This weekend I was at an outdoor party and after dark everyone (except me!) was going nuts about mosquitos and drenching themselves in bug spray. Previously, as much as I hated the idea of spraying toxic chemicals on myself, I would eventually cave if they were really unbearable and douse myself as well. However- this time I hardly noticed an issue with them at all!!! I’m not sure what it is (possible malabsorption/malnutrition) that made me so unattractive to them, but I’ll take it! 😂😂
  5. 1 point

    7 days post up and HUNGRY!!

    Hey y’all. So I’m experiencing the hunger sensation even after I had my meal. I’m in the liquid stage still. But is it normal to experience hunger , even if I just ate. I eat very liquified stuff, like runny yogurt, non fat sugar free custard etc But even after that, I still feel hunger. How did you work through this and what did you eat feel the restriction? Xoxo
  6. 1 point
    I was talking to my husband about the judgement passed on people who have bariatric surgery. He is on the fence about the whole "easy way out" thing. But he is being supportive of me. So he tells me that when he thinks about the easy way out, he compares it to jumping off a plane. The easy way out would be when someone pries your fingers of the plane and pushes you out. That's the easy way out but the problem is that after that the is no getting back on the plane. So you are screaming all the way down hoping the parachute will open. My response was, think about it this way you are on a plane that has lost its engines. They tell you they are going to try landing it but chances are it will still be a crash landing and many on the plane will die. Or you can put on one of the parachutes and jump? So what do you choose? The plane is obesity. We know it is a killer. Some live long, normal lives while being obese, but the majority will get sick in various ways and die prematurely. If you jump, which is having the surgery, the parachute might not open but the chances of that are minimal. The parachute might open late and you will get seriously hurt, but you survive and end up living a long life. You might not land well because you don't know how to parachute and break your legs. But you still land and live. So which one do you choose? Stay on the plane and hope you survive the crash? Or jump and take the risks of jumping with the more likelihood of survival? It is a personal decision that only you can make for yourself. I choose to jump off the DAMN plane!!!! Because I am already on the plane and the only decisions you can make are jump or crash. The option to never get on the plane to begin with is long gone.
  7. 1 point
    J San

    My first Surgiversary!

    You look wonderful!!! Congrats on your 1 year surgiversary and on the great progress you've accomplished.
  8. 1 point
    Stall is finally broken and I am losing again. Stalls suck but I understand them much better now. I am still feeling great and have kicked my workouts up a notch. I went to an arm/abs class that turned out to be all men and "me". The dudes walked in with their 30 lb hand weights and I have my little 7.5/10 lbs and I was thinking to myself...what did I get myself into, and am I going to embarrass myself? Well I decided to stick it out and although I couldn't do everything the dudes were doing, I did a pretty darn good job of keeping up and I am proud of myself for being able to stick with it. I decided I am going back again tomorrow and I am going to kill it again. I belong there too!
  9. 1 point

    Surgery is today!!

    Freedom of speech. You do know you can block a person if you dont like or want to see what they are saying, right?
  10. 1 point

    I have 2 fears

    And so will you @ dreaming of a sleeve! I believe yours fears are fears of the unknown, not,of the surgery itself. And that is normal, you can hear all of us until you think your head will pop, but since you are an individual yours still might differ. But it will be good, good for you, and a -👣step on the pathway to good health. I have met only one person not planning for hers, she,was the 1 in a million that had a rare abdominal occurance and ended up with a sleeve to save her life. She came here, scared, bewildered what happened and I'm glad we could give her enough. practical advice that I think she's going to be okay. And if we were here for her, rest assured we are here for you too. Ask if something is bothering you, we usually have at least 1 answer. Sometimes many!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
