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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Born in Missouri

    My incisions are itching

    Why does my wound itch? The skin contains specialized nerve fibers that detect when the dermis is being irritated and send signals to the spinal cord, communicating that there is an itch. This is known as "mechanical stress". Wound healing also elicits mechanical stress that activates itching. As it heals, the cells around the wound proliferate, which means the margins around the wound grow and migrate inwards toward the base. In fact, the cells follow an electrical pathway at a voltage that is different than the margin so they can tell where the base is. The cells then unite at the center, attach together and contract to pull the wound shut. This process creates a mechanical stress that activates the itch nerves and tells the spinal cord to scratch. The dangers of scratching Scratching a wound that is trying to heal can cause damage to the new tissue that has grown to replace and repair the damaged tissue. If this happens, it can slow the healing process, which leaves your body susceptible to wound infection longer and can result in excessive scarring. Additionally, it can cause potentially harmful bacteria on the hands to transfer to the wound, again putting you at a higher risk of developing an infection. To find out more, including tips to reduce itching: https://advancedtissue.com/2014/10/understanding-wound-healing-itching-dilemma/
  2. 2 points

    Surgery is today!!

    And He Will! He loves us as a Shepherd does, helping the weaker lambs until they can be healed and rejoin the flock. And as He watches over the tiniest sparrow he will watch over our friend until she is whole again! Don't we Serve an Awesome God? Lets agree on this in 🙏prayer!
  3. 1 point
    Yes, I was Elmered. (You know what I mean.)
  4. 1 point

    What to pack?

    Items I was glad to have: Chapstick Slippers/flip flops My own hand lotion My kindle for something to read, although I was too sleepy most of the time Something comfortable to wear home Since you are going to be there 3 days, maybe bath/shower supplies if you are particular about what you use
  5. 1 point
    Cats not impressed-Hmmn? Too bad you don't have a dog that demanded to,be let outside to escape the smells. You know you make me wax Rodgers and Hammersteinish, paraphrase. "There is nothing like a Dame" from South Pacific. Are you ready? There is nothing like a Poo***Nothing in the world***There is nothing you can do***That beats a heartfelt sincere poo! There is nothing to stirs like a Poo***And Nothing that occurs like a.Poo*** Nothing clears the house like a Poo*** Repels a spouse like a Poo*** Nothing scares cats like a Poo***Makes them ask "What's That?" like a Poo*** There's not a thing you can. find*** Relieves the pain in your behind*** Like a Heartfelt Post- Surgical Poo! Thank You, Thank,You, the line of Worshipful Admirers may form : Stage Left! And now I will put my C Pap back,on and go back to sleep! PS I am having that trouble presurgical, don't know if it's too many protein shakes or the iron pills. Wonder if the local Bookmobile,lends out SquattyPotties?
  6. 1 point
    Same here. Sleeved in July. Period should have started day after surgery but it didn’t. PMS symptoms have been around since then (moodiness, cramps, headaches)... but still no period. I’m not too worried about it since I’m sure the shock of surgery and reduced food intake has a lot to do with it.
  7. 1 point

    I have 2 fears

    You have both,halves of your fears under control, this is good. But please remember yours will,be a Jultrim healing, may not spectacular, may not be showy, may even be as large as the next person, but it will be Yours. Croos the T, dot the I, follow the basic rules, get plenty of fluids and the world can watch the contrail from your personal jet self and EVERY THING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT! This part,i can promise. Go in with peace and calmness, and believe we have you cushioned in a blanket of 💘 love.Bariatric Pals take care of their own!
  8. 1 point

    I have 2 fears

    I threw up a lot after my WLS. It was three days of vomiting bile. I threw up the entire ride home from the hospital. I do not respond well to anathesia. I was terrified but it was OK. No burst staple line. You will totally lose weight! It’s impossible not to! I was so scared of my surgery and if I had known then what I know now, I think I would have been more excited! I have had my own issues and complications but WLS is an amazing tool! This is an amazing opportunity! Make the most of it!
  9. 1 point

    Before and after pics two months out

    Hi all! I’m two months out on the 12th of August and 41lbs down! Starting weight:122 kg Current weight: 103 kg Goal weight: 75kg I’m not going to lie it’s been hard but it really works! My before photo was the day after my surgery with my surgeon!
  10. 1 point

    Time to stop losing weight!

    Resistance training with heavy weights is the only effective way to gain muscle mass. Make sure to focus on compound movements that stress a variety of large muscle groups (i.e. squats, dead lifts, presses, dips, pull-ups). Its damn hard for most guys to gain more that ten pounds of actual muscle so don't expect the moon. The good news is that just ten pounds of muscle can make a huge difference.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
