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  1. 2 points
    Ever since I can remember, I have been the "fat guy". That is what I was known for. I never took my shirt off at a pool or a beach, ever! That is something I want to change though. So, my best friend who I graduated high school together has always been much slimmer, popular, girls flocked to him; I sure you get the drift. Although we have been friends for over two decades I feel he never took me seriously because of my weight. At parties, clubs, bars, social situations I was always the one who was ignored and not payed attention too. Well, he moved out of state and we see each other about twice a year. He has a very stressful job and as a result has been emotionally eating and gained a significant amount of weight. He is one of the few that know that I had my surgery and he is very supportive. We saw each other for the first time in over a year last week and guess what...drum roll.....I weigh less than him. He even made a comment on how I was flirting with the waitress at the restaurant we met at. It felt like I was in his shoes for once. It felt truly that the tables have turned.
  2. 2 points
    160lbs now so Fasting really works, also I'm hydrated AF lol
  3. 1 point
    Same here. Sleeved in July. Period should have started day after surgery but it didn’t. PMS symptoms have been around since then (moodiness, cramps, headaches)... but still no period. I’m not too worried about it since I’m sure the shock of surgery and reduced food intake has a lot to do with it.
  4. 1 point
    Russ D

    Psych Eval.

    Mine was a phone interview. Been a while back now, most questions were along the lines of my mental well-being and outlook, about what (in my opinion) had caused me to be obese in the first place, that sort of thing. Can't remember specific questions.
  5. 1 point
    J San

    Why I am so hungry all the time.

    From what I've read/watched, if you drink after eating without waiting the 30 minutes it can help move the food/drinks you had out of your stomach and cause hunger sooner. Also what @FutureRN19 mentioned about acid refulx.
  6. 1 point

    Open surgery

    While I have not yet had my bariatric surgery, I have had three open abdominal procedures for other reasons. All three went through the same area, from just above my belly button to just below my belt line (below my muffin top) in my upper groin. The first one was not bad, since my skin was just skin and not scar tissue like it is now. The first one was in 1995 and they sewed it internally and stapled the outside closed. The second and the third were last year, in May 2017 and in August 2017. The one in May was mostly healed when the surgeon had to open me back up again through the same place. The one from August 2017 took over four months to heal. As for pain, the first one hurt the most of the three (but it was still tolerable with pain medicine) because it was on virgin skin. The second and third did not really hurt much because scar tissue usually does not have as many nerve endings in it. You will likely have what is called a "wound vac" installed over the incision dressing after they close you in the operating room. This is a dressing covered with sponge material and adhesive-backed plastic wrap with a tube going from the dressing to the wound vac. It looks like Saran wrap, sort of, but it is a bit thicker. What this device does is keep a constant negative pressure on the wound to draw out any fluid and blood, which if left to pool within the wound could cause an infection. The wound vac does not hurt at all and really speeds up the healing process. When I had my surgery back in 1995, wound vacs were not widely used and I did not have one. Both surgeries last year used them. The wound nurses will change the dressings every couple of days and depending on how long you stay in the hospital, you may be sent home with a portable version of the wound vac. My surgery in August last year did just that. I had to carry the wound vac with me everywhere I went, but it was small and rechargeable and not very intrusive. After a while, I forgot it was even there. I had to come to the hospital wound care clinic every three days to get my dressings changed and I had the portable vac for two months. I was in the hospital for over three weeks so overall, I had the wound vac for almost three months. It sounds much worse than it is, believe me. I did not have the choice for any my surgeries either.
  7. 1 point

    October sleeve

    Hi! I just got my sleeve yesterday. I was terrified!! Utterly terrified. I thought I was going to die on the table. Once you are in the pre-operating room, the doctors make you feel so good. When I was ready to go into the operating room, 4 people were wheeling me out!! I felt so safe because they were joking around and it made me feel getter. Just trust your room! You just had to force yourself to go. I am in very little pain right now. If you have any questions, please let me know!!
  8. 1 point
    It's about Me

    Three Month Post Op Check-In

    Hello all, Well today is my three month post op check up with my surgeon. I am down 62 pounds since my journey started in December 2017. My surgery was on May 16th, 2018 so since my surgery date I have lost 36 pounds. I did hit a bit of a stall for a week but I just tried to ignore it and keep on keepin on.
  9. 1 point

    Surgery is today!!

    You got this! Just follow instructions and you will be fine. The physicians and nurses know what they are doing. Trust them.
  10. 1 point


    Our NUT said the 30-30-30 rule does not apply until you begin solid foods. The rationale at that point is to allow the stomach to become empty 30 min before you begin a meal. No liquids WITH the meal to prevent washing the food through the stomach before having time to begin digestion. Wait 30 min after for same - so nutrients can begin being extracted from the food for your body to use.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
