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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2018 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Matt Z

    Pre-op diet... oh and a crush...

    Just remember that Doctors have a very strict "don't date patients" policy. Congrats on getting closure to the losers bench!
  2. 2 points

    Pre-op diet... oh and a crush...

    Sighhh lord help me.. my surgeon is good looking, making me have a crush! Not married lol. Ok I need to focus. Just finished my pre-op appointment! I have to be on their diet food for 4 weeks before my surgery. I will need to lose 14lbs which should be fairly easy on this diet ha. Getting very excited for this journey!!!
  3. 2 points

    Pre-op diet... oh and a crush...

    @Kella112 is it bad that I am married but think my surgeon is a "Richard Gere" from "Pretty Woman" type of cute....LOL Look but no touch
  4. 1 point
    Ever since I can remember, I have been the "fat guy". That is what I was known for. I never took my shirt off at a pool or a beach, ever! That is something I want to change though. So, my best friend who I graduated high school together has always been much slimmer, popular, girls flocked to him; I sure you get the drift. Although we have been friends for over two decades I feel he never took me seriously because of my weight. At parties, clubs, bars, social situations I was always the one who was ignored and not payed attention too. Well, he moved out of state and we see each other about twice a year. He has a very stressful job and as a result has been emotionally eating and gained a significant amount of weight. He is one of the few that know that I had my surgery and he is very supportive. We saw each other for the first time in over a year last week and guess what...drum roll.....I weigh less than him. He even made a comment on how I was flirting with the waitress at the restaurant we met at. It felt like I was in his shoes for once. It felt truly that the tables have turned.
  5. 1 point

    Pre-op diet... oh and a crush...

    Also.. can someone tell me how to quote on here? I just can’t figure it out.
  6. 1 point
    I had the Bypass and was told no alcohol for 6 months, I don't think there was a duration for coffee, I'm drinking 1 cup daily at this point now and I started not long after my 3 month mark. Just aim for some low acid coffee and make sure to add some milk to allow the caffeine to bind to it, since high acid content and caffeine binding to calcium is some of the reasons we don't want to be consuming coffee too soon.
  7. 1 point

    natural vs added sugars

    Thank you, I'll need to try to stick to stricter guidelines. I wish there was a bariatric bible all doctors had to follow so everyone was on the same page...lol
  8. 1 point

    Alternative to Almond flour?

    Are you allergic to coconut? Try quinoa flour maybe?
  9. 1 point

    Low grade temp day 3

    Hi there. Thanks for checking in. Yes. No fever. Tolerating protein shakes and water with crystal light. No nausea/vomiting. Sore belly but that’s normal. Hope everyone else is doing well also.
  10. 1 point
    I have an update. Got my letter today from JFS and I qualify for transitional Medicaid for at least 3 more months! As long as I can carry the same provider, I should be good to go! I may have been all worked up over nothing! (Hopefully).

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