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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Family support

    There is inevitably someone in everyone's life who won't support this decision. This is why I don't advocate telling people. Its is really necessary to tell anyone who doesn't live under your roof, and who may be affected by your recovery time? I don't think it's anyone's business. Lean on your therapist, husband, best friend if they are supportive for the emotional stuff. And your surgeon for the medical questions. I see too many people who get discouraged by other people who think this is the "easy way out". This surgery is life changing, but for the better. I sincerely hope that you move forward, and your fears are eliminated.
  2. 1 point
    Bear in mind that Britain is completely different to the rest of Europe 😊 I recommend you find a shop called Holland and Barrett, they’re everywhere over here and do a great selection of protein bars and powders, as well as low carb meals and snacks. There’s at least one in pretty much every city so shouldn’t be hard to find one!
  3. 1 point
    How old are you? Have you had a colonoscopy? You're on a lot of medicines; some of which cause bleeding. You might have a small, slow internal bleed. The blood can irritate the lining of your abdomen and may cause the shoulder pain, and of course, the low blood count. It seems that you need a thorough workup. What you're describing may not be related to your wls surgery, but, with the passage of life, is due to some other medical condition: ulcer, perforation; small bleed, cancer, hemorrhagic cyst; a pancreatic lesion; other. Get the CT scan, for sure; hope it's of your abdomen and pelvis. Full battery of blood tests and a good exam. An MRI might be indicated, as is a colonoscopy, and possibly an upper endoscopy (looking down your esophagus and further, as far as possible). You're doing the right thing to check on it. Hang in there.
  4. 1 point

    Water/Liquid Intake

    They tasted awful maybe I’ll try to water it down like you I’m getting fluids from the water/ crystal light and one protein shake
  5. 1 point

    Water/Liquid Intake

    I am drinking a vanilla protein shake right now. So I will get 40 grams of protein today.
  6. 1 point

    Water/Liquid Intake

    There is alot of protein in lentils and black beans which I eat tiny portions of through the week. I have some black beans in the crock pot right now.
  7. 1 point

    Water/Liquid Intake

    I have an unsweetened protein powder that has 20 grams of protein per scoop but I have no used it yet I just bought it. I am going to make some black eyed beans in the crockpot today and that should provide some nice protein.
  8. 1 point
    That’s amazing! All of you have lost a lot. I guess the important part is that the number on the scale keeps going down, not how fast it takes. Fingers crossed!!
  9. 1 point
    I am having an unhappy mind blip. My PCP, as he was leaving exam room, it was Tomkitten's appointment, not mine. He looked over his shoulder at me and said You Will Be The Oldest Person I. Have Ever Known Seeking WLS At 72 and shook his head in a negative manner. Now it is getting close to my surgery time and maybe I'm over-sensative, but I felt he was telling me I am a silly foolish old woman for doing this. Odd isn't it that I thought to this point he was totally supportive in this endeavor? Maybe he thought this was a whim I would soon discard? No Never Mind, I am still going to have it, I have spent too much time and suffered too much grief on its behaft to stop suddenly now. As my mantra goes Right Time Right Surgery For The Right Results Done by the Right Person At the Right Location For the Right Reason For the Right Person- ME! And H***,High Water and a PCP with faulty logic and support will not impede ME now! Onward Onward toward the Conclusion I Go!😷& 😛🏣
  10. 1 point

    Water/Liquid Intake

    Yes, liquids slide right through. You will start to feel restriction when you get to soft foods. No worries. And congrats on your surgery and smooth recovery! Don't wait until you feel hungry. Ever! You may be one of the lucky ones who doesn't experience much hunger post-op. Plan out your protein, divide it into 5-6 servings throughout the day and drink up!

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