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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hello everyone! Been watching this forum for a while but this is my first post. Had my VSG on June 28,2018 and had a terrible ordeal (enlarged liver, surgeon found a hernia and had to repair it, extreme vomiting for 2.5 days straight in the hospital, and severe dehydration because I was too afraid to swallow anything but my own saliva). But I made it through! 7days post-op today and I've been on nothing but broth, Jello, ice chips and popsicles and I'm sick of it! I also have a lot of the air/gas they put in me for the procedure and it's like a every 10-20mins painful surge that goes thru your stomach and chest, like contractions or something, and I just have to brace myself until it passes. Can't wait till all the gas is out. Other than that I don't have much major pain, but if I do, codine is right there next to me to lend its druggy hand.. But! As you know it was July 4th yesterday and they were BQQing on my block, so my friends and BF came over. And the way my mouth drooled over those ribs, hot dogs, burgers, and MAC AND cheese, you would've thought I was a rabid animal lmao. But nonetheless, I just rolled my eyes at each scrumptious plate passing my face and drank my dinner and followed up with my strawberry and lemon jello to make me feel better. And I all kept saying in my head was "You're gonna look better than all of them one day, so don't worry and keep going." Lmao! That leads me to the bright side of all these pain and struggles-- 17lbs downs as of today!!! Whoop whoop!!! ((HAPPY DANCE)) Now I'm sure it's mostly due to the clear liquid diet I've been on, but still what a difference a week makes! My current struggle is getting all this water (64oz) down in one day, i barely finish a 16 oz bottle in one day, but I'm trying because dehydration is SCARY!!.. Keep going guys we can do this!!! [emoji4]
  2. 2 points

    Eating slowly

    Baritastic app has a timer for chewing. I used it for 2 weeks, and never had to again. Muscle has memory, and you just get used to eating slower after it becomes a habit.
  3. 2 points
    You’re reading an awful lot into some very simple questions. I posted what I posted so that apositivelife4me could think about the “whys”. Any judgement or ridicule is projected by you and not intended by me. I wrote that it was rhetorical because the answers are not my business or in any way related to my path. I meant absolutely no harm nor did I wish to engage anything other than some introspective thought. You read negativity where none was intended. I don’t own your frame of reference.
  4. 1 point
    Well I really thought there was a possibility that I might get a slightly upset stomach but no, it did not get that. I didnt even catch a buzz. I dont need to be drinking alcohol and will not be doing that again for a while.
  5. 1 point


    I also find that cold fluid are more soothing. Did try warm broth but was very uncomfortable and a bit of sensitivity on my tummy
  6. 1 point

    Ten Months progresd

    Congratulations GwennyPenny, I currently look like your BEFORE with strawberry blonde hair. It is most sincere wish to someday look like your AFTER and you,inspire me to stay the course until,mine happens for good also. Thank,you for your visual testimony, you look. truly fine.🙌😛
  7. 1 point
    Trying on a size 6 to find it's too big. Being shocked at my old pictures. I had no idea how big I was. People calling me skinny or saying they're jealous of how thin I am. Truly weird to me.
  8. 1 point
    Stay on this forum and keep reaching out when you feel weak, mad, sad or anything else. Emotional support is PRICELESS when you need a boost or a rap upside the head! We will offer our best suggestions to help, and if they don't help, they will help you clarify to yourself what needs to happen. Cannot stress this enough -- Stay. On. This. Forum.
  9. 1 point

    Why 300 calories?

    All the plans are very different. At this point, my doc doesn't monitor calories at all, just protein and fluid intake. How are you doing on those?
  10. 1 point
    First, thanks for your service. I too am a military veteran who's struggled with weight for a long time. Second, that's so not cool that your psych eval went that way. I'm so sorry that happened to you. You don't deserve it. If that psychiatrist told you she didn't want your kid coming to her office one day, she put her needs ahead of yours. That's so not cool. Get a second opinion. A third opinion if necessary. Good luck. You are not alone.

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