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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 5 points


    Some good news for once, I am to be employed soon doing an IT contract helping to move in 300 new computers and offices at Riverside Hospital! I see a silver lining finally, such a relief this is. It's good to help others doing what I love and get paid 16 an hour doing so! When this contract ends, it possibly could lead to other in-house IT employment! Yey!
  2. 1 point

    On my way!!

    Well I'm omw to surgery as I type this. I'm not nervous at all believe it or not, just thirsty. Lol Time has flown by and I am ready for the new me! Well wishes for all who has surgery today also!! Prayers going up!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point
    You’re going to do great! It’s tough at first but trouble don’t last always. I’m 12 days post op and feeling good!
  4. 1 point
    I agree with this. I would do something to shake my diet up to see if I could break the stall. Maybe considering doing the protein and green veg like suggested above and at the same time see if you can drop your calories below 1000? If breaks the stall, you can slowly move your calories back up to where you're more comfortable and see if there is a point where you stop losing again.
  5. 1 point
    Most meds are safe while nursing, bring it up with your team. They should know your situation beforehand bc they can choose safer medications to give you. This could allow you to not have to dump at all. Example: for nausea zofran is better than phenergan if you are nursing. Definately bring your pump. Hospitals have them, but not outside of OB. They could track one down for you, but if the nurses are busy it could take a long time. Some surgical groups want you to be done nursing b4 surgery bc your body will be in starvation mode. That being said, baby is eating other food too and not relying on you for total nutrition so it might be ok. I totally get baby led weaning, it is what I did. One decided to be done at 15 months, the other at 18 months. I started the surgical process as soon as I was done nursing. Even if they make you wait it shouldn't be too long. Unless you plan on nursing until preschool, but that would be another issue for another forum. Lol 😄
  6. 1 point

    6 months post op

    Great job. Congrats!
  7. 1 point

    Abdominal binder?

    @MissPriss81 Yes I used one and still use it. I am SO grateful I got one, especially for the week following surgery when I had to take 2 flights home. An abdominal binder works kind of like how a tensor bandage works when you have sprained your ankle - it provides support. When you have had laparoscopic surgery they pump your stomach up with huge amounts of gas so they can see your organs clearly. As a result it stretches the skin around your stomach and sides. For me, it felt as though I had been bruised/hit all over that area and I was extremely sore. So every movement, trying to get up and down from a sitting or laying down position, even being pushed in a wheel chair and going over the slightest bump, really hurt. But the binder provided support and sort of held me in so that it minimized pain. I have since taken in my binder because it was too big and it worked fine doing that on a sewing machine. When I have to do a lot of errands I wear the binder and I swear by it. Here is the one I ordered from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/TOROS-GROUP-Elastic-Abdominal-Postpartum-Operative/dp/B012LA01ZA/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1529366747&sr=8-1&keywords=Elastic%2BAbdominal%2BBinder%2B%2F%2BPostpartum%2B%26%2BPost%2BOperative%2BBelly%2BWrap%2B-%2BBeige%2C%2B3X&dpID=41o39hvCCpL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&th=1
  8. 1 point

    How are you treated by your mate!!!

    WLS can really change relationships. My ex-wife had WLS six years ago. Her surgery was very successful (522lbs to 165lbs). Once her weight stabilized she had several reconstructive plastic surgeries. Shortly thereafter she asked for a divorce (I was no longer her best option). I had my surgery last year and have lost about 115lbs. The way women interact with me has totally changed. This includes my ex-wife who I still have to talk to since we parent our kids jointly. All this has actually lowered my already problematic estimation of most people.
  9. 1 point
    Matt, since you've researched so much of this already, maybe you can explain how #2 in the article relates to people who've had wls, please?
  10. 1 point

    OMG My Home Scale is a Liar!

    I have a scale I love: Yunmai Smart Scale But I really want this one, because it's so pretty: Digital Bathroom Scale I don't use all the body measurement features all that much and I rarely sync my smart scale up to my phone since I use other apps to track both food and weight. Plus - This is an important lesson to learn - If you are the type of person that likes to take pictures of your scale for social media purposes (or this board), note that the smart scale I posted above is REALLY shiny. And if you're a person that likes to take pictures of your scale while standing on it naked, your nakedness will be reflected in the shiny scale and thus on your social media page. (Not that I have any experience with that or anything)

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