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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    Ok, this surgeon needs to stop taking about nutrition and leave that to the nutritionists (granted I know I'm not one, but I've done enough research into these things to know that what I'm talking about is true, plus I've talked to my Nutritionist about this stuff as well) Surgeons are great at surgery, but would you discuss the chemical make-up of the gasoline you are using in your car, with your mechanic? No, you'd want to talk to someone that specialized in fuels. Surgeons are Mechanics, Nutritionists are fuel specialists. Sure you don't need *THE* most expensive protein, but not all proteins are created equal, and using store brand... you are more than likely not getting all the Amino Acids and BCAA's that you should (or could) be. Plus, store brand stuff tends to have lower quality, less refined proteins which can lead to tolerance issues. Clearly to each their own, but paying a little more for a high quality protein *IS* going to be beneficial. Hell, not even every protein metabolizes the same. This is why I'm taking Casein at night and Whey in the morning. Casein is a much slower uptake protein and helps with muscle recovery specifically overnight while you are sleeping. Whey is a faster update protein and is used during the day for muscle and energy support. Having the proper AA's and BCAA's is pretty important.
  2. 2 points
    Matt Z

    Mountain bread 2 weeks post op

    Not that it matters to your question, but you failed to state which operation you had. Even still, no matter which WLS you had, I'm pretty sure no-one is approved for breads 2 weeks after surgery. I'd stay far away from any carb this early in your recovery... if you cave now, you are setting yourself up for a very bad habit moving forwards. I know it's hard, but stick to your plan, if you haven't been cleared, DO NOT EAT IT. Use this time to change your relationship with food, because this is part of what put all of us in the position we are in now. Be Strong! You got this!
  3. 2 points
    Matt Z

    Headaches and low blood sugar

    @Pink nova how's the water intake? Headache can be caused by dehydration. Have you reached out to your surgeon / surgical team?
  4. 1 point
    I'm sure people have posted this kind of thing before, but breakfast or lunch? I'm mostly at a loss for breakfast. I'm 7 weeks out and I suppose I'm still on soft foods? I'm gluten free. Anyway, I know a lot of us do shake for the protein boost and I do that often but that can get boring and I do eggs all kinds of ways. What else? I'm a good cook, but I hate cottage cheese so that's out. It's like bariatric breakfast seems like shakes and eggs and I know more than that. LUnch? I guess my brain is drawing a blank. I am not a fan of salad (yes, I know) I just can't think of stuff that's new and interesting. Looking back it looks I eat leftover breakfast, yogurt, some low fat chees, shakes. I need variety! So basically i just want to know, what do YOU eat?
  5. 1 point
    Matt Z

    Protein - How much is too much?

    You'd think so... but you don't want to lose mobility while gaining muscle mass. You can end up losing mobility if you work out too much and don't stretch, since muscle building happens due to damage to the muscle (micro tears) you can actually reduce your mobility if you continue to build and not stretch. Stretching without building *might* cause the slack issue to increase, overall you just don't want to end up "too tight".
  6. 1 point

    Any idea why?

    Since liquids go right through your stomach, I'd up my drinking well before the workout. That way the water is already available to your system. You weren't specific about what your workout entails. Cardio or weight-training? If it's weight-training, make sure you're not holding your breath while you exert yourself. That might be putting extra pressure on your stomach, causing reflux and/or nausea.
  7. 1 point
    hummus, babaganush, stew, bean salad, ground beef, corn torilla with some ground beef and some avocado aka a taco, quinoa salad, caprese salad, 3 oz of any type of meat without fat, just use your imagination get what you can eat and see what you can come up with! in my case im 3 months in and still cant eat more than 3.5oz without throwing up so use a scale
  8. 1 point

    Headaches and low blood sugar

    @pinknova I didn’t experience headaches but did have low blood sugar causing dizziness, nausea and vomiting. I’d talk to your surgeon. Mine was great and helped me modify what I’m taking in and I no longer am having that problem and my sugar is staying around 80. My surgeon told me that some people are very sensitive to ketosis and suggested I drink a little juice or have something with natural sugar several times a day. I avoid any processed sugar still. But will do a all natural yogurt popsicle, Greek yogurt - I can only eat a few teaspoons at a time but it really seems to help, organic apple juice. Also, when going out I carry a few peppermints in my purse, the ones that dissolve quickly on your tongue. Took me what seemed like forever to figure out what was going on. Wishing you all the best in your journey.. also adding this small bit of natural sugar has not seemed to impact my weight loss I’m down 20 pounds since surgery and had surgery exactly 2 weeks ago today.
  9. 1 point

    Pain killer alternatives

    I can't speak from experience, but maybe look into CBD oil. They sell it in preloaded vape pens or refillable cartridges. If it's legal where you live there are THC & CBD options that are targeted for pain
  10. 1 point

    Pain killer alternatives

    Tylenol for after everything is healed. DO NOT take ibuprofen, Aleve, Naprosen, Aspirin etc.this can cause perforations at the staple sites. I work in an emergency department and I cant tell you how many times I have seen bari patients come in with abdominal pain only to find out they were taking NSAIDS

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
