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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2018 in Status Updates

  1. 4 points
    Thank you @Frustr8, @Creekimp13, and @FluffyChix for all the concern and well-wishes. Here is the update. I have a stomach ulcer infected with H. Pylori. This isn't good news because it needs to get treated with a pretty serious course of antibiotics. The upshot is we know what's going on. The downside is that I am looking at 6-8 weeks of antibiotics to fight this little b*stard off. I will also need another endoscopy in a month to make certain that the course of antibiotics is working. H. Pylori is a nasty little phucker ... it has been known to cause stomach cancer according to the Mayo Clinic. It's going to take a bazooka to kill me though. LOL!
  2. 2 points
    Yesterday I was a year post-op sleeve. I had my appt too. Doc wasn’t too happy...only because I let old habits slide back in. These darn emotions!! But even being an emotional eater, I cannot use it as an excuse. So, starting today, I have to start journaling my eating to stay accountable and show it to him in three months. Now, on a good note, I am just 5 lbs from the docs goal. About 20 from mine. Totally doable. I’m not complaining...I’m down over 80 lbs from my highest weight. Let me find some pics to post.....first, got to get my child to school! Be back....
  3. 1 point
    To do: attend one more class in June and then one on one with dietitian in July. make appts: EGD, psych eval, sleep study, & redo cardiac appt. make shopping list for vitamins/supplements create a new routine with exercise in the morning figure out meal planning/simple, repeatable menu of healthy meals all things are possible you are not alone if you can wrestle 2 kids in car seats onto an airplane by yourself, then this is doable.
  4. 1 point
    15 May, 5 months post bypass. I am now just 7 or 8 lbs off “normal bmi”. People telling me to stop is a daily thing, but kindly. I have run out of clothes in storage so haven’t been this weight for ... 20 years, probably 30. I got travellers tummy in China last week, had to cancel flights and lost 6lbs in 4 days, which really shows. Funny, I could have just done that 10 times in a row and saved $25k!!! I think that weight must be mostly water, and some might come back on as I pick up the eating and the world stops falling out my bottom! I know I worry too much but two things occupy me right now.... 1. How do I pick up my calories and stop losing? Cos I would like this to slow down around about now (funny. Was way TOO slow just 3 months ago!) 2. A little bit of me is yelling “do not lift your calories. In fact pretend you still have a bad tummy even. Eat less. You can get rid of ALL those bulgy bits if you try”. Hah, I will NOT go through Luckily, Dr and Psych next week!

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