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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points


    So I havenโ€™t even had this surgery yet and Iโ€™m already isolating my self from triggers of family, friends etc. I am seriously feeling like this is the best way for now because either people are super insensitive or they just donโ€™t realize the words that come out their mouths. So until Iโ€™m good and ready I am MIA.... rant rave over and out
  2. 2 points

    Feeling Horrible

    I'm sorry you are struggling. I have dry mouth, too. In the hospital they gave me biotene mouth spray. The stuff is nasty, but it works. Other than water, I drink decaffeinated herbal teas.
  3. 1 point
    How did you decide on your "goal weight"? Was it something that you talked to your surgeon about? How many of you took your BMI into account? I am hitting non-scale milestones (smaller clothes, able to walk fast and further, etc.) but I still focus on the scale since that is what I have done my whole life. Trying to get away from it but it is hard. I'm 5'9 and was 419 at my heaviest and around 355 on surgery day 12/28. I'm down to 278 as of this morning so I am making great progress. I was thinking of setting my goal weight around 190. I want to get under 200 and 190 seems like a weight where I would be happy. I know that I will never be "skinny" but I just want to be healthy.
  4. 1 point

    Chicken Stir Fry Night!

    Sounds yummy! Can't wait until I can eat like this!
  5. 1 point
    I had no idea where to even start. But my doctor asked me what I weighed in high school when I was an athlete. I was right around 175 when I played Rugby. So we set a goal of 180, but I'd really like to see myself get to the healthiest place. I'm short at 5'4, but I have a stockier build. I think that I'd be pretty happy between 150-175.
  6. 1 point
    My mom would go on a diet & then my dad would loose weight! It would make her so mad! Toodles, Rue
  7. 1 point

    Still want another kid...?

    Being optimistic hoping to find the love of my life...lol
  8. 1 point
    James Marusek

    Question about 64oz fluids

    Right after surgery your body is in a major heal mode. So during the first few weeks, many find it difficult to meet the fluid daily requirements. But you are almost a month post op and you should be likely able to handle the requirement at this time. It is common for your taste buds to change after surgery. Be willing to experiment. After surgery, my taste buds changed dramatically. Even water changed. In the hospital it tasted excessively chlorinated and I could not drink it. So I experimented. Sugar free popsicles became my best friend. Some individuals find hot or cold can help with fluids. For me, I found that I could tolerate flavored water. So I began using Crystal Light. I also found a new drink Bai which I liked cold. In the winter, I found that I tolerate hot drinks such as piping hot cocoa. But you have to use the "No Sugar Added" variety. Also fine English teas were very good. The fluid requirement is met by a combination. It is not only the water that you drink each day. But also the water you drink when you take your vitamins and medicine. It is the milk you drink. It is the fluids content of the protein shakes. It is the water component of the soups you take. It is met by flavored water such as Crystal Light. It is met by sugar free popsicles. It is met by tea and decaf coffee. It is a combination of all the fluids that you consume during the day.
  9. 1 point
    I wonder if you are reading in different places to me - overwhelmingly what I read here is positive. Tips, tricks, tools, successes and triumphs. A few things gone wrong - every time followed by encouragement on putting it right. I have got so much out of the great ideas on the recipes/food/nutrition forums. I love, at the moment, the fitness and exercise forum, as I try and step up my fitness. Hugely positive place! Nice to add your news of good progress to add to the positivity total!
  10. 0 points

    1 month out, I don't want to eat

    My doctor's plan is to eat every 3 hours. But, I find that this type of scheduled eating is disrupting to my work day. I go to work and get involved in work/meetings/etc. The next thing I know it's been 4 or more hours. That's life and that's reality.

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