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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Post op freak out

    I'm honestly baffled by this. You ate a small portion of food, that in total probably had 300 calories in it. You are more than two months out and this doesn't sound like it represents any kind of overeating. Just because you are eating healthier doesn't mean that you are limited to only eating healthy things for the rest of your life. The goal is moderation which it sounds like you are doing, don't try to convince yourself that you did anything wrong or that you "cheated." You ate what you wanted and did it in a way that conformed to your weight loss goals, so congrats.
  2. 1 point

    April 25, 2018

    Surprisingly on this clear liquid diet (exception of Protein Drinks) my 2 Premier Protein's a day are making me not hungry. I'm also getting way over 64 oz of liquids a day as well. I'm not even close to meeting enough calories but I am losing water weight and the scale is showing. As long as I am taking all of my vitamins and getting enough protein and water in I'm okay with the lower calories. It's going to be the same way after surgery. No matter how hard we try we're not really going to be able to come even close to our calories for the day at least in the beginning. As long as I'm on track with my vitamin/nutrient levels, not dehydrated, and keeping my muscle mass, while exercising daily. I call it a win!!!
  3. 1 point

    April 12th 2018 & Random Thoughts

    Congrats on your successful surgery!!! Welcome to the losers' bench!
  4. 1 point
    I eat normally now, and I love it. 1200 calories a day. I'm never hungry. My energy is awesome. But you know...there's a big difference between eating "normally" and eating the way we used to. I used to think it was "normal" to drink a 2 liter of Pepsi over the course of a day, and have...ya know....5 or 6 slices of bread in a day (what's a few PB and J sandwiches?)...maybe some fried chicken...and dessert? Booyah! Bring it on...big servings and seconds, please. And pass the Doritos, dammit....TV means snacks! Yeah, no. What I used to perceive as normal...and what I now realize is normal....are two very different things. My advice...(take it or leave it)... Really figure out what normal is gonna look like for you long term. Do some research. Talk to your nutritionist. Create a new healthy normal. Be very careful of extremes and extremist thinking. Eating the crazy number of calories I used to eat...ain't normal. But eating starvation level calories long term isn't normal either. (I realize for many folks this is a necessary step in the process) Avoid extremes and work toward sane moderation. "Normal" isn't that far away:)
  5. 1 point
    My surgeon says that instead of a bougie to create the pouch they already have an endoscope in me so they will use the endoscope to measure/create the size of my pouch (pouch will be the size of the endoscope).
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I feel like my diet pre and post op are very strict. PreOp and up to 7 weeks after my surgeon will not allow me to have any solid food. Does anybody else have a diet this strict? · 2 weeks preop diet: Protein Shakes and Clear Liquids only · 2 weeks post op diet: Protein shakes and clear liquids only · 3 & 4 weeks postop: I can add in creamy liquids · 5 & 6 weeks postop: I can add in pureed foods · 7+ weeks: I can slowly integrate solid foods.
  8. 1 point
    Thank you so much!!!! It's inspiring to hear from someone who has been through this. I'm short and starting at 220 which is a 44 bmi for my height. I'm nervous but excited and you made this a lot more reassuring. My husband and I joke that food will be a lot cheaper as I can pick off his plate then. Sent from my SM-T813 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point
    Hey everyone, my surgery is not until January!!!! But I am curious to know how my fellow January sleevers are doing. What are your experiences? What kind of surprises are in store? What things did or did not happen as you expected? How much weight have you lost thus far? Note: I'm only 5'0 so I would also love to hear how weight loss is for us shorties!!! Sent from my SM-T813 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 0 points

    Beta 'vs Original

    Hi @Frustr8! I'm not sure I fully understand some of your concerns here and am hoping you may be able to help clarify for me. 1) What do you mean you are given no 'credit' for number of previous postings? Are you referring to the item in the original app that showed the number of posts when you clicked on your name? 2) I've gone through the original app and am unsure of where you saw your ranking (eg: Guru In Training)? I can't find it listed anywhere in the original app, though it's possible I'm simply missing it. 3) When you say you have no followers nor are you following anything - I can verify that you don't have any followers and as for the "following" I believe you're referring to "Following" that's listed on your profile in the new app, in which case you are correct - you are not following any members. 4) "What gives with that bar that gives super sized emoji" - I think you're referring to the ability to react to posts. The one that shows a Heart (like), a Trophy (thanks), a Laughing emoji (Haha), a Confused emoji (confused) and a Sad Emoji (sad)? If so - these are reactions, which replace the more basic "Like" or don't like functionality of the older app. You can still "Like" the content, by selecting the heart, but you can also utilize one of the other reactions I mentioned if they seem more aligned with your feeling toward the post. P.S. Thank you VERY VERY much for providing feedback.

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