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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Anxiety before surgery

    Surgery was great for me- just some really bad gas pains for about 2 hours after surgery. The rest of the time has been sore but nothing that would ever make me rethink. Best decision ever HW 242 SW 236- December 20, 2017 CW 196 GW#1- 199 GW#2- 175 5’6”
  2. 2 points
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/341461593034430/ I have created a support group for the April/May 2018 Surgery patients. I am looking for 2 admins who is willing to handle this page as it will you for you all to help each other.
  3. 2 points
    Seahawks Fan

    Anxiety before surgery

    Yes! Read my past posts. I was scheduled for surgery May 30, 2017 and I was in the hospital with the IV in my arm when I backed out and went home. This was the worst decision ever as my addiction became realized. I’m happy to say I was back in the hospital on January 18th & got sleeved. Everything went great and I so regret not doing it back in May. If you’re nervous when you go to the hospital and ask for Ativan and don’t forget to get the patch behind your ear for nausea. For me personally the surgery was more like a procedure. Everybody loses weight pre-surgery if they follow the pre-op diet but if you have an addiction to food the weight will come back like always! This is the only way to stop the real yo-yo.
  4. 2 points

    Anxiety before surgery

    If you don't have surgery, will you regret it later? For what it's worth, LOTS of us had anxiety & wondered whether we should have surgery. Three years later, I look back & wonder what I was so tied up in knots about. You are not alone. Good luck!
  5. 1 point

    Anxiety before surgery

    I am planning on having surgery March 26th but I keep going back and forth if I’m going to do it or not. I have lost almost 40lbs on my own since I have started this process. I just keep wondering if I can do it without being sleeved. I have heard some horror stories about the way you feel after surgery and I just worry I’m going to feel sick for longer than I originally expected. I have a hard time recovering from the flu how will my body react to major surgery?!?! Has anyone gone through the whole process then backed out?
  6. 1 point
    Im 9 days post op and really want a drink, I've been healing well tolerating everything extremely well. How soon can I have a drink? Thanks!
  7. 1 point

    Safe to sleep on stomach?

    Hoping you find your comfy spot soon - nothing worse than going through all this and getting **** sleep. I slept on my side about 4 days post op because sleeping on my back was next to impossible. Only thing that got me through the immediate post op was sheer exhaustion. I found that, just like another user here said, I would fall asleep on my side and wake up sometimes on my stomach. Your pain level will be the best indicator of whether the position is right for you.
  8. 1 point
    Girl, looking at your profile pic, I find it hard to believe! You look pretty When I lost the initial weight when I started dieting, I told all my healthcare providers I've changed my mind. I was excited and thought I could do it the old fashioned way. But then the weight loss slowed down and I just can't go down that yo-yo dieting road again. I have to do this.
  9. 1 point
    My friend did the surgery and she looked older (neck wise) I was shocked that was 6 months after her surgery she was down 100 pounds now 124 pounds down and 1 year later her neck is perfect. So I think you just need to let till you skin catches up. Also your skin is an organ take care of your skin I oil myself daily and have really good skin. Olive Oil, Coconut oil, castor oil and argan oil I rub my hair, scalp, body, face, neck, arms everything feet it soaks it up I sit in my living room on a chair and soak it all up for 30 minutes or more then I shower (oh you can shave before you shower with the oil on its really good) Your Skin is an Organ look up ways to take care of it and make it part of your journey
  10. 1 point
    I'm also in my 30s now, and had been concerned about potential aging effects after having surgery. I lost weight at the speed of a snail, and I think that helped give my skin more time to adjust. My doctor told me to stop showering as much because I was drying out my skin with daily, and sometimes twice daily showers if I'd had a sweaty workout. Her suggestion was to just clean under the arms, the feet - the smelly bits - daily but not fully immerse in a shower every day. I use dry shampoo to keep my hair fresh. I typically shower three, sometimes four times a week, and use an in-shower moisturizer, then as soon as I step out apply a body oil (Trader Joe's has one that smells and feels lovely), and after it has had time to be absorbed, apply body lotion. My face became softer and far less irritated and dry when I switched to Korean skincare, which is gentler. There's a "beauty guru" named Charlotte Cho has a popular site with product recommendations. I usually buy the products from Amazon or a local Japanese market that carries a lot of Asian products. I do the "double cleanse" method of a creamy emollient face wash to remove makeup, followed by a foaming green tea face wash that removes residue. Then I use Dr. Thayer's Witch Hazel, which isn't Korean, but is beloved. I actually found out about it from a woman who is also in her 30s and had the VSG, who goes by Fit Miss Bliss. She said it made her skin "fluffy", in a good way. Then I use Korean milk lotion and finally a moisturizer. I may try to add in Retin-A, sparingly, as a preventative. Before I started the Korean beauty products, I had fine lines and wrinkles on my forehead, and they've totally disappeared now, unless I'm super dehydrated. It's definitely helped with aging. I am a professor and getting confused as a student now, and getting card far more often, than I did prior to having the VSG in 2015. I definitely recommend giving it a try.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
