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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Just because we "can" doesn't mean we "should". You know? This is where the retraining and committing to new habits really comes in. Go back to basics. If you're scared now, that's good! Rather be scared now in the early honeymoon phase than 2 years out when you're eating as you always did prior to surgery and gaining like a beast.
  2. 1 point
    Hello, I'm 26 years old female wanting to travel to Mexico for gastric sleeve surgery , starting weight is 207 so my goal weight is 130 to start, I'm excited but of course nervous , is it like plastic surgery do we have to make a deposit? What can expect ?? What to bring?? Is it cash payment only , any april buddy??? Going alone of course ... thank you..And good luck on your journey to a healthy and confident you.😙
  3. 1 point
    I’ve lost 50 lbs. most of it seems to have come out of my face and upper body. I definitely feel that I look older, honestly, my older successful women, what sort of things can be done to be slender and healthy but not look like a sharpei puppy or a deflated balloon? My face seems older and the turkey gobble neck is not helping. Is there something that can be done, like maybe filler injections, or neck lift, or ?? I can’t get friends to admit I look older. But I feel it, I know it. I’m glad I am not obese any more. I look forward to losing more and having a body in proportion and at a normal weight. But I don’t want to look 20 years older! Ideas?
  4. 1 point
    I had plastics in mind when I got my initial sleeve but waited 2 years post-op to start the process, check out plastic surgeons, get quotes and make a final determination of what I need. I waited a bit more than necessary - have been within a 10 lb range for well over a year - because I wanted to really be sure that I could live with the new lifestyle long term (and avoid regaining) before committing to plastics.
  5. 1 point

    F*ck the foamies

    That sounded like a horrible experience! I’m glad that you are feeling better @MsTipps.
  6. 1 point
    I didn't have this problem, but you are definitely not alone. I read over and over that we heal at different rates and that when you try a food for the first time after surgery, it may not work at first--wait a few weeks before trying it again. I know this is miserable for you, but do hang on in there. It will get better.
  7. 1 point
    I'm in my 30s and this is a concern of mine. There are some gastric sleevers on youtube who have had amazing success. These ladies inspire me like nothing else.... but I have noticed that some of them look much older than their before photos. It does make sense, loose skin could happen anywhere and we've all lost weight off our faces. So I'm trying to do what I can. I'm taking vitamins for skin, drinking water and taking my skin care regime seriously. I've spent my hard earned pennies on serums and creams with ingredients like retinol, hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. My skin has also been dry since the surgery, I don't know if that's dehydration, the weird hormone changes or whatever. So now, I moisturize every day. I don't know if it helps, but it makes me feel better to try. Bottom line? I think looking a couple of years older to live several years longer is worth it.
  8. 1 point
    @Marissa37 Congrats on fighting like a girl. In the end, this is too serious not to follow your doctors' advice to the letter. Risk of recurrence is very real, and I'd want to do everything possible within my power to keep that from happening. You might want to call insurance. Mine won't allow WLS until 5 years cancer free. When I was at 5years, my onc started talking WLS to me. But I wasn't ready for the change. It took me about 18months later to get my head in the game and to start the process. From start to now, it's been about 10 months. I hope to have surgery 2.20.18. As for having DIEP (autologous tissue transplant from your belly fat) flap reconstruction, you do have to be careful not to lose too much weight, so that there is sufficient grafting material. I lost down to 218lbs during chemo/radiation/double mastectomy/expanders. My PS, told me we had to do the bilateral latissimus dorsi flap procedures and implants because I didn't have enough fat left in my abdomen to do the transplant and he felt I would not like the results. He also said that even with a partner doing the other side, it would have been an 11hour surgery and he felt I wasn't strong enough to withstand it. So I would make sure you thoroughly understand the process he's suggesting to you and do your research and make sure you won't have any surprises. I hope they at least put tissue expanders in during your surgery? Hang in there and study. You'll find your way! Here's some research I compiled. I made the decision to do RNY because it's more effective against metabolic disease. Hormone positive breast cancer is an obesity mediated metabolic disease that some refer to as Diabetes Type 3. ResearchWLS_MetabolicReset.pdf
  9. 1 point
    Thank the Lord you made it through cancer and are still here to ask these questions. You have enough bravery for an entire village and I salute you. This surgery I believe will be a stroll in the park for you. My Bariatric Buddy Fluffy Chix is a breast cancer survivor, lives in Houston Texas and will be having weight loss surgery on the 20th. She, like me, can be so funny but has head on straight and few things ruffle her feathers. Look her up, I've learned a few life lessons from her myself. Don't be scared, honey you've been thru the fires, been tested and I believe stronger for it. Cancer does not play fair, you beat that rascal. You'll be fine. Just think,if your surgeon uses your belly skin you could,be ending up,with boob dimples from this surgery. See there's always an upside! Hey if you want to talk I'm almost always here. I'll have a RnY early-mid March at Mount Carmel in Columbus Ohio,so see I'll be going thru surgery also. I'm 72, I'm not scared, I just want to live longer, live healthier and live thinner. Obesity is a bummer on someone my age, you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Ah but this spring will be beautiful, probably plant a garden and work in it. This year I won't puke when I bend over from the pressure on my belly. I have reflux and my RnY will help cure that. Your sleeve will help your life better too, I'm excited for you. Let us know when you get a surgery date, we'll all pray for you. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point

    Why did you do it?

    Felt myself getting slower daily.Tired of bragging this old body and its weight sround, many of my high school classmates died in the last year, I'm not ready to join them. I have a young spirt, with weight loss a hope for the future. I do not want to die At this weight. I am pretty inside, it's time for the outside to reflect it. Join me on this journey everyone. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

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