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  1. 2 points

    It's fun to play at the YMCA!

    My husband declared he would never move from our house, so I said I want an backyard pool. Score! I can't swim in public pools anymore now that I know how to test my own water. Shiver. Ha! Everyone should have a backyard pool. ETA: just figuring out that I sound like an ass....
  2. 1 point

    It's fun to play at the YMCA!

    LMFAO! lololololol.....more true than you realize. When we got home, we.... Ahem. LOL:)
  3. 1 point
    Danny Paul


    I was in a stall after three weeks and I was in a one month stall right after Christmas. I was only three months post op then. Thank goodness for my monthly support group. Everyone there told me it was normal and they were right. You will lose the weight.
  4. 1 point
    I can't speak to pregnancy after WLS, but I second the suggestion to get your progesterone level checked. In order to maintain a pregnancy through the first trimester I had to use progesterone suppositories because my body didn't produce enough. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point
    The thing that really stuck with me is when my surgeon commented that what's different with WLS is the metabolic change your body goes through. It's a physical change whereas all those things I've tried in the past were not. That is what made me decide to go for it.
  6. 1 point
    Can you screw up weight loss surgery with a lack of follow through? Yes. Sadly, it can all be in vain if your habits regress. That said... it's your very best shot at success. We all face this dilemma. It's scary...and there are no guarantees. But it's your best shot. And you're worth it....to try.
  7. 1 point
    I am right there beside you. I have been on almost every diet known to man!! I have lost many many pounds but lacked the stickim to it to maintain. Since my RNY I have lost weight and maintained my 124# loss for 4 years. Which I would have never ever in this lifetime been able to maintain any amount of weight loss. Yes this is a tool and yes it does make you stronger!! But we still have and had to work for it. You my friend are not alone in this battle, I will bet most everyone that you talk too will tell you the same thing. Follow everything your DR and Nutrition tells you and you will be successful. Hang tight this is one of the best journey you have been on. Good Luck
  8. 1 point

    Just starting my journey pre-op

    Viky88 I'm not thru with,surgery just wanted to offer friendship. I'm waiting on an early-mid March surgery but will also,be a RnY. I've been on Bariatric Pal a couple months , have,learned a lot from veterans,and done a lot of research myself. I,have a BMI of 45, am 5ft8in tall, 72 years old and goal weight at this time 175 or size 16,,if I end,up smaller, Halleujah! It will,be a struggle but,oh so worth it. I'm in it to win it, care to join me? Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point
    If you eat a cheeseburger two days post op, guess what will happen? 1. Mostly likely, you'll puke. Puking solids at two days post op is very dangerous. 2. You could get a piece of it stuck and end up in the emergency room having it surgically removed. 3. You could rupture your stomach suture line. Which means endangering you life, and spending weeks in the hospital unable to eat anything until it heals. I get that you're disappointed that your weight is up a little. And I get that you're hungry and frustrated. I've been there. Most of us have. That is no excuse for this degree of acting out and behaving like you didn't understand any of the limits you were committing to when you had the surgery. You chose this. You knew it was permanent. You knew that not following the prescribed diet could cause you injury. You need to stop this acting out immediately and start following your program to the letter if you want to heal and have a good outcome. There is no excuse for eating cheese and cheese crackers 48 hours after surgery and threatening to eat a cheeseburger. Is being angry about a temporary water weight gain really worth risking your life? Try to be patient with the process. It sounds like you're panicking under the realization that a significant source of comfort is no longer available for you...and that's understandable, but it needs to be addressed. Not judging you at all...just very concerned that you're about to do something you'll badly regret. I truly hope you feel better soon.
  10. 1 point

    Years out.... anyone else?

    have you had a medical work up lately? I'd be concerned about things like diabetes if I was drinking a lot and still thirsty.

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