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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Weird food tolerance changes

    This post is gonna sound fake as hell...and like the kind of post I'd wince at reading last year. "Oh good grief...don't be such a liar! Seriously?!! Oh, come on!!" is kinda what would be going through my head. But I swear on huskies everywhere...I'm being dead honest. (and I really, really like huskies) Ok...here's the deal... I love oatmeal now. Like...it's one of my favorite things in the world to eat. It tastes amazing to me. And I've hated it my whole life. Now? I can't get enough of the slimey crap. I want to top it with nuts and apples and peaches and blueberries...and make it all fancy...because it's honestly delicious to me now. And I had mashed potatoes the other night...which I have always loved....and they tasted...kinda blah to me...like damn, why did I love these so much? I didn't want the quarter of a cup that I put on my plate. They just seemed utterly Meh.. Same with french fries....which used to be a favorite. I just don't really care much about them now. Sugar is different. I still love sugar. And I've tried a little bit..and wanted more. But if I eat anything more than two bites, I feel crappy. Like nauseated and just rough. I want a glass of water and to just sit for twenty minutes. Like mild dumping syndrome. I still love sugar...but sugar hates me and the conditioning is working. I don't want it anywhere near like I used to want it. A cookie doesn't look like five minutes of joy anymore....it looks like twenty minutes of yuck. Sometimes I'll have a nibble...and run away before the sugar monsters sicken me. I crave apples with peanut butter. But I don't like Jiff anymore. I used to love Jiff. Jiff tastes waxy and creepy sweet now. I like that weird healthy ground peanut butter with no additives. That stuff...on an apple...is heaven. I don't crave bread anymore. Bread kinds hates me and gets stuck a little more than other things even when I chew really well. It holds little satisfaction. I want olives. And blasamic vinegar. And fresh basil. And homemade humus. And honey lime chicken. I don't crave fast food...at all...it even smells gross...which is astounding to me. I loved fast food. I love protein bars. It's like candy...without the sugar monster to make me sick afterward. I cut them up into four 50 calorie pieces and use them as "dessert" I hate eggs and ham...which sucks because I used to really enjoy them. and I know how contrived this all sounds...and a fair number of people will think I'm spewing bullshit or wishful thinking or something....but I'm serious as a heart attack. Your cravings change. And the things you like might be WEIRD. What the hell did the aliens do to me?
  2. 2 points

    Weird food tolerance changes

    I haven't tried most non protein foods that I would have eaten before to test everything out - but I definitely feel like things have changed too. I used to crave things like chips, bread or other carbs. I have no interest in bread now, it just doesn't have any particular appeal, same with chips. Same with sweets, i was never hugely into them, but I'd want cake or whatever. We've had a bunch of birthdays so I've tried a little cake and a tiny bit is ok, any more and I also feel sick. It's not something I crave at all. The protein shakes drove me nuts and powerade is tough to drink daily because of the sweetness. I think one of the biggest changes for me is that everything tastes too sweet. I'm hopeful fried food doesn't agree with me. I haven't tried it yet, but that is something I'd like to live without if I can... pizza too for that matter What I do crave is salt. i really want ANYTHING salty. I really like nuts, but more than 1 oz makes me feel sick. I really like water with lemon, unsweetened tea or cocoa and can't stand artificial sweeteners. I used to drink seltzer, but don't miss it at all. The surgery definitely has changed my relationship with food. It's hard to describe, but before eating something bad would be amazing, like air for a drowning person. It would feel so good for a minute or two. Now the magic is gone. Food is just fuel and I can take it or leave it. For now I'm happier that way.
  3. 2 points
    I recognise so much of this. Tonight I am out of town, meeting people - one has a grandchild with her, so MacDs was arranged. Everyone eating. I loved a Big Mac - tonight I ordered a burger, opened it, ate half a beef patty for protein but yum. I REALLY wanted lettuce and tomatoes and light things. I can honestly say I have never ever ‘wanted’ that sort of food before this month. I wanted pizza. Fast food. Not I want light, fresh. I want subtle taste, not a 150g bag of crisps. I am not craving sweets, fries, biscuits, buns at all. Nor nearly as much salt. Seasoning with chilli or chipotle - I want less flavouring. Drinking - I want lightly fizzed water, 20% light cranberry - don’t miss my usual apple cider (sweet sweet) at all. I am finding this basic shift in my food desires quite mentally disconcerting! Do you think it will settle, and we’ll revert?
  4. 1 point
    Clementine Sky

    35 bmi anyone????

    Dr. Fernando Garcia in Tijuana.
  5. 1 point
    @orionburn Ok, I'll cop to this. I can't claim being innocent on this one. So in Houston, we have this morning drive shock jock team -- Dean and Rog. And they are beloved! Every week they have a "Cocktail of the Week" that they do on the show and the vote is always to "spit or swallow". LOL. So not exactly original. But hell, I don't care who you are, that's funny.
  6. 1 point

    Weird food tolerance changes

    Thats great! I have always loved salads as well. They are def something i am looking forward too and i hope my stomach likes them as well.
  7. 1 point

    Weird food tolerance changes

    I can agree with this as well. The smell of fast food makes me feel nauseous. And I loved, I mean LOVED fast food before surgery. I don't crave it. No bread or pasta cravings either. The thing i miss the most right now. Is Salads. And I'm craving raw veggies like crazy. I still have a month or two before i can try to introduce those. I cant wait.
  8. 1 point

    Weight loss for far

    You look so great!!! ♡ Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point
    Thanks all! Glad to hear I'm not entirely crazy! Before hubby went to work today, he stopped by the recliner just to order me to stay off my bed!
  10. 1 point

    Frustrated and Pissed off!

    AMEN! I see sooooo many people on these forums every day complaining about their "slow" loss. Hell, I've been one of those people! But this race to the finish line is a remnant of our old diet mentality. In the past, when we have tried to lose weight, we have wanted to lose it fast, because we wanted to be "done" with our diet. We'll never be done with WLS. We have permanently altered our digestive systems in such a way that we can never fully return to our old habits. And we have to work every single day to get in our Protein and Water and exercise. That will never stop. When we get to goal, we still need protein and water and exercise. So what is the rush? Why does it matter if it takes 6 months or 16 months? I know it can be frustrating. I've lost weight faster "on my own" in the past too. I've been in a stall for over a month now and it's can be pretty trying at times to stay motivated to keep on track with my food and exercise. But the great thing now is I'm not gaining. In the past, had I reached this point on my old diets, I'd be regaining like crazy. At least this is just a stall.

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