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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    If you eat a cheeseburger two days post op, guess what will happen? 1. Mostly likely, you'll puke. Puking solids at two days post op is very dangerous. 2. You could get a piece of it stuck and end up in the emergency room having it surgically removed. 3. You could rupture your stomach suture line. Which means endangering you life, and spending weeks in the hospital unable to eat anything until it heals. I get that you're disappointed that your weight is up a little. And I get that you're hungry and frustrated. I've been there. Most of us have. That is no excuse for this degree of acting out and behaving like you didn't understand any of the limits you were committing to when you had the surgery. You chose this. You knew it was permanent. You knew that not following the prescribed diet could cause you injury. You need to stop this acting out immediately and start following your program to the letter if you want to heal and have a good outcome. There is no excuse for eating cheese and cheese crackers 48 hours after surgery and threatening to eat a cheeseburger. Is being angry about a temporary water weight gain really worth risking your life? Try to be patient with the process. It sounds like you're panicking under the realization that a significant source of comfort is no longer available for you...and that's understandable, but it needs to be addressed. Not judging you at all...just very concerned that you're about to do something you'll badly regret. I truly hope you feel better soon.
  2. 1 point
    Yes, don’t expect pounds to fly off the first week or two. Give your body the time it needs to heal from your surgery, then you will see some weight loss. The same thing happened to me.
  3. 1 point


    Seriouslyyyyy doubt it. You need 3500 calorie deficit per pound. There’s also water weight, but losing 20 pounds of water isn’t something that happens accidentally. It would take extreme measures and you would feel like crap.
  4. 1 point


    Not really my goal. But Saturday I was 260lbs and today I weighed and it said 241lbs. I worked out today for an hour. I’m trying to drink water, I don’t feel dehydrated
  5. 1 point
    Miss Topaz


    Is that your goal? Seems unlikely to me without some sort of extreme dehydration.
  6. 1 point
    Linda....very glad to hear you're gonna stick to your clear liquids and work your program. You're stronger than you think you are. I think everyone's had your cheeseburger moment...where they get so discouraged they just want to run back to what they know is comforting. It's understandable....but just so dang dangerous this close to surgery. I'm guessing by the end of the week, you're going to lose some of that water weight and feel a whole lot better about this situation. The first couple of weeks can be so tough. Hang in there...it gets better.
  7. 1 point

    Thinking About Gastric Sleeve

    Good girl, glad you're gonna make the commitment. I'm 72, I can tell you,what happens to,the body if you wait years to have surgery. Your joints wear out, you end up with them bone on bone and you have 2 knee replacements. Yeah that pain gets better but they are 85 to 90% as good as your natural ones. You get sick and tired of being sick and tired. You start moving slower, if you start out to do something you have to stop once or twice halfway thru. You sit or lay in bed a lot because it hurts to move. You wonder if you're gonna die at this size, if you do will there be a casket big enough and if there is can your family afford it, super size usually is super price. And will there be pallbearer strong enough or like someone I know get put on the back of a truck? He was nearly 400lbs. Will you see your children and grandchildren grow up,or will all they have,is a picture in a frame? These are some of the reasons I'm having a RnY myself in early-mid March. I know I can make success of it, there is still spunk and a strong will to live in this body. I know the post is long but,its very heartfelt. Go for it,my young friend I believe you'll be happy you did. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point

    First appointment tomorrow

    Any updates on how things are going for you? If you need a shoulder to cry on or anything else just ask. I'm pre surg myself, if I can't give you an answer I'm sure one of our veterans on Bariatric Pal can. At any rate welcome my friend. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Aetna 1 pound rule

    The peer to peer was denied, but I got sick of waiting for the doctor to do the written appeal. So I utilized my option to do my own appeal. Today I found out it worked. I have been approved. Just wanted to update this in case anyone else finds themselves in the same boat.
  10. 0 points

    please help, 2 days post op and miserable

    When I got home I weighed 10 lbs more. All from the gas now 2 weeks out almost 20 lbs down Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
