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  1. 2 points
    Sometimes I eat half of the food on my plate, put it down, and pick it back up after a half hour or so, when I'm not feeling quite so full. This is still the case almost five months post-op. I'm not talking about a crazy amount of food--but this doesn't seem like a crazy amount, either--particularly with those calorie counts. Bottom line is, if it's working and you're getting the proper amount of protein and other nutrients, go for it.
  2. 2 points
    So I had my 6 months check up at the hospital on Thursday, 1 day before 7 months. I saw my surgeon who could not be more thrilled with me. I have lost 82% of my excess weight. (which is a little strange as I have lost 91% of what will give me a normal BMI) They don't want me to loose too much more weight as I'll start to look sickly. They don't think I'll need any plastics, as I don't have an over hang and my blood results are great (the doctor at my support group will probably disagree. All my values are within range, but some are in the lower end, and since she is a specialist on supplements for bariatrics, she prefers us in the upper range). They also have a score that they calculate, that I don't remember, but it was very high, and she called me a success case. I don't go back until my 1 year check up. (I'll just have blood drawn in 3 months and show my support group doctor) They were actually fully booked for the BIA test, but the surgeon wanted med to have one, so she called and asked if they could fit me in, and they could. They are done by the nutritionist. She was also very impressed when she saw me, and after the test she could not be happier. I have the values for all 3 tests (1 month pre op, 6 weeks post op and 7 months post op) I managed to gain another 4 lbs before starting my pre op diet, so it wasn't at my very highest. The only negative thing was my phase angle. It has dropped. It's a measurement that shows how well your muscles are getting nutrition. That along with my total protein (from the blood test) she wants me to eat more, and get more protein. Other than that, everything was great and she was so impressed, especially how much muscles I still have. All the working out and walking has helped tremendously. I have included pictures from about 6 months and 7 months post up. It's only like 5 lbs between the pictures, but I see several changes.
  3. 2 points

    So much pain.

    My prayers of STRENGTH are with you. I completely understand. I'm 6 days post op..I'm learning everybody's bodies are different. I was feeling horrible gas pains unbearable hunger pains and feeling like this was a mistake. But I know I must get over the hump...again the hump is different for everyone. My advice is too do your Godly best and pray through it all. Consume as much protein as you can tolerate..it's a challenge but it's a must. And sip the best you can...take walks inside your home...WE CAN DO IT...in the Lord's strength.
  4. 1 point
    oh sweetie pie, pls stop. You did NOTHING wrong. I was insecure and am still unsure if this is "too much" and wanted YOUR opinions. My weight machine broke so I am guestimating simply by picture models.. so pls.. you don't need to drink STFU juice lol You're adorable. I am so excited for you. When is your surgery? I am Joanna pls, you did not come off rude or offending, okay?
  5. 1 point
    I eat it over a period of an hour
  6. 1 point
    I had major blurry vision too! I feel back to normal now.
  7. 1 point
    I had Thrush on my tongue, which is pretty common after a surgery. This is pretty much a yeast infection on your tongue. My PCP prescribed oral Nystatin to swish and spit (can be swallowed). You may want to ask for a second opinion.
  8. 1 point
    I had a really easy surgery. Everything went much better expected...with the exception of one little hiccup:) I had just gotten to my room, was talking to my husband, feeling really good.....when this extremely worried looking hospital administrator came in and asked me if I was feeling up to talking for a minute. I felt great...so I was like...Of course.. And she asks me..."Are you in the process of having your surgery financed?" And I go...."Uh, no. I have insurance." And she goes...."I was just on the phone with your insurance company and apparently there's been some mistake. Your rider doesn't cover bariatric surgery." I can't overemphasize how grim this woman looks. She knows she's giving me horrible news, and it's her job to protect the hospital financially....she looks like she feels terrible for me. She's trying to be really gentle and says "We could do an 18 month financing plan. We don't usually do this and we're really not sure how this happened. Usually financing is in place." And I go..."Um, can I show you something?" I had my husband get my folder of stuff that I had sense enough to bring to the hospital with me. In it...was a copy of my approval letter from my insurance company. So I give her the copy of the letter....and she looks baffled. I go..."Will that help you?" And she goes..."It just might. Please give me ten minutes. I'll be right back." She comes back in ten minutes...all smiles. "I'm so sorry. You have the same name and birth date as another patient in the system and we were trying to bill the wrong person. You're all set. I really appreciate you bringing this letter with you, it helped immensely. I'm really sorry about worrying you when you're already stressed." And I'm like..."I feel so shockingly good, I'm just grateful the surgical team is top notch. No one's perfect. If mistakes are gonna happen, I'd rather they happen in billing, you know?" She smiled, apologized again, and excused herself. Later that day I got flowers from the hospital with a note from her thanking me for being understanding about the mix up. Moral of the story: Bring a copy of your approval letter to the hospital with you. Other Moral of the story: Give your kid a somewhat unique name. Mine is as generic as John Smith... and this has caused me issues a couple of times.
  9. 1 point

    1 week post-op

    Sounds like you're off to a great start and doing all the right things. For food scales they actually make pretty slim ones that you can bring into the office, car or wherever you might want to weigh something. I think I've got about 4 of them in various places so I can always measure things! Even though they don't recommend it, I find myself often doing other things while I'm eating. It takes so long to eat that it's easy to get bored and if I get bored I will eat too fast. I end up taking a bite, putting down my baby fork and then chewing 25 times while I read the news on my phone, answer an email or whatever. Then I take another bite and repeat. it's not mindless eating (while I'm taking that bite I'm focused), but it is slow and methodical!
  10. 1 point

    Lap Band being removed Feb 5th.

    Hi everyone. I'm Scheduled for lap-band removal Feb 5th. I should be having a revision to the sleeve around 3 months after that (pending insurance approval). I am just curious about the recovery time from lap-band removal. I'd also like to know what you're post op diet from lap-band removal was. Thanks!

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