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  1. 2 points

    Mark this date!

    Hope in a few months to,be a 2fer like you, my HW355 CW325 hope to be less in March for my surgery. Keep the good work up. Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points
    I was crying before my surgery and absolutely terrified. I didn’t have an easy time afterwards either (don’t mean to frighten anyone) BUT I still don’t regret it. Just get through it and it will be worth it in the end!
  3. 1 point

    High carb ? Low carb?

    Very low carb. My plan adds them back in 6 - 12 months out. I'm on it because that's what they use in my program and they have had great results, so I want to emulate those. Practically speaking I'm hitting 90 - 100g of protein a day, given how little I can eat there really isn't any room for carbs in my daily diet. As things normalize it'll get more balanced, but by that time I hopefully will have lost most of the weight and hopefully will have preserved a good amount of muscle mass.
  4. 1 point

    High carb ? Low carb?

    Balanced. I eat carbs and my plan includes them. Typically, I eat low glycemic index carbs because they don't cause sugar/insulin spikes and boomarang hunger. I eat whole grains, beans, oatmeal, etc. I avoid refined sugar, white flour, etc. I also hit my protein targets. About half animal protein, half plant based. But yes...I love the fact that a whole wheat english muffin has 110 calories and 6 grams of protein. I also enjoy pumpernickel and sourdough bread, protein pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a the occasional black bean brownie:) My preferred maintenance diet is Mediterranean diet or Mayo Clinic diet. I like them because they are associated with more longevity and less cancer risk than high protein diets. They include a lot of whole grains and fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and legumes... and much less meat than the typical american diet. My nutritionist works with me to make this work post sleeve:) I am looking for a Forever Diet that I can live with. Not interested in extremes. I'm really happy with my current diet, and feel like I have good flexibility to keep it fresh, healthy and livable.
  5. 1 point

    PVCs/skipped heart beats

    Definitely get it checked out. They gave me some IV nutrition and fluids. My program requires us to have one electrolyte drink a day (12 oz), I'm doing 20 oz of Powerade zero because I feel weird otherwise. The first few weeks I felt a noticeable difference after drinking it, so I had it first thing in the morning daily.
  6. 1 point
    Down South Aussie

    So what do I say?

    I explained to my Boss that i had some sudden health concerns first. For me my decision to have WLS is grounded in a sudden increase in my liver enzymes and big jump in my A1C. At first it was worried that i may need for emergent surgery but that has not been the case. So since then i explained to her that one of the options to help with both my Diabetes, liver enzymes and high cholesterol is some form or another of weight-loss surgery and that i have chosen to follow that route right now unless something should arise that requires time lines to move forward. I told her there is a bunch of things i need to do in order to make this journey happen and if this is the final route taken i would be off work for about a week (I work from home at a desk most of the time) and that i would not be able to travel for 6-8 weeks following. Apart from this i just dont tell people, that way im not lying to them i'm just making the choice to not share a whole truth. Now if someone was to ask or was to notice and say something then yes i will share and politely ask that they keep the information to themselves.
  7. 1 point
    I wasn’t nervous at all, but my Mom was. She had hers in October and she is doing great. She had her gallbladder removed, hiatal hernia repair and a sleeve. She doesn’t regret it one minute! I had sleeve and hiatal hernia repair 5 days ago. Just prepare yourself for some incredibly dry mouth and sore throat. That was far worse than my incisions. Get up after and move and you will do great!!!
  8. 1 point

    Do you feel you did the right thing

    I had the lapband in 2014, regretted every single day of it. I was miserable and sick for 2.5 years. I took that out in 2016, and I'm now 3 days out of my new gastric sleeve and am so excited! I feel great 72 hours out and am looking forward to my new life (: Sent from my SM-G930P using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point


    Blackcatmatt.....talk to me about wanting a bite of something when you can't have it and your stomach is gnawing through! Let me know then please. I've worked my butt off to get this surgery...been months of waiting, forgive me for being human. Thank you for the reply. Im 6 days in my 14 days before surgery and it is tough.
  10. 1 point


    7 yrs out best thing i ever did...food is not your life....dint force it....vitamins will keep u healthy...we dont need all that food

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