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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I think your girlfriend could be more supportive. I also have been there and done that...with little kids and hectic schedules. It's tough. So, I understand both perspectives a little. That said.... I think you're being flexible...being ok with them eating junk as long as it's not around you. I don't think she's being reasonable expecting you to be around that kinda food....particularly on your pre-op diet....which is very difficult. The way I see it...she can have it one of two ways....you all eat healthier together, or you have a pass to remove yourself when junk food is being consumed. To not allow you to remove yourself from your addiction...is unreasonable in my opinion. And about the kid's diet......if they share your genetics...it's probably best that they don't get into the habit of eating crap. And even if they don't share your genetics....healthy eating habits are learned.
  2. 3 points


    If sipping doesn't work tell your surgeon. You may be developing a stricture or similar issue. If that's the case it can often be resolved with an endoscopy. Assuming you're not drinking within 30 minutes or more of eating?
  3. 2 points
    I had my surgery Dec 14th. I had a slightly similar issue. I was throwing up blood every time I tried to drink something or suck on ice. I was in the hospital for 5 days. It stared as fresh blood and on day 4 it was brown and kinda chunky like old blood. Then it stopped and I was able to keep liquids down. I was told that some times that can happen. My blood sugar rose super high, that I needed insulin. I was on meds for nausea, my lungs were choppy that I had to take breathing treatments. I had none of those issues prior to surgery. Thank goodness on the 5th day it was like everything went away. I’m sure you will be okay in a day or so. The good thing is you are at the hospital and can be monitored.
  4. 1 point
    I haven't been on birth control for almost 8 years. I'm good at tracking my cycle and being careful around ovulation, but my doctor said fertility goes way up with the rapid weight loss so just to be on the safe side I'm going back on the pill. I saw my Gyn today and she put me on Camila. Doing progestin only until my blood pressure is lower. I'm wondering if anyone else uses Camila or has experience on it. I read reviews online and most were negative so before I start it I figured I'd ask here for opinions. IUD is kind of a last resort if the pill doesn't work out.
  5. 1 point

    Destined to be fat?

    I agree with what the majority have stated on this post. You will have to train yourself to realize that just because you can only eat a small amount of food, it does not equal weight loss. I have heard of many people gaining their weight back because of poor food choices, even though they were eating them in small amounts. But eat enough of them everyday and you body starts storing the fat. I am finally back on solid foods and have found that my grocery shopping and cooking has been simplified in a good way. I buy only what I need to make it through the week or till my paycheck and then when I cook it is only meat and veggies. So if you are cooking spaghetti for the family, make some turkey or chicken meatballs to go with it that you can eat and add a multi veggie salad. That way the only thing you are "missing out" on is the pasta.
  6. 1 point
    I am too! Srostad2006
  7. 1 point
    Hi everyone. Have been reading a lot about people getting scared and questioning their decision to have VSG and wanted to share. I’m scheduled for January 15th (a week away aghh!) and I’m currently starting week 2 of my pre-op liquid diet. The weekend was very hard because of going out with the family and them wanting to eat. But I stuck with it...but during that time, I started to freak out and question if my life was going to be like this, not being able to go out with family, friends, and never being able to eat again ( I was getting very dramatic-might have been the lack of calorie intake lol). I was really questioning my decision and even thought about calling the doctor today to postpone. I started to convince myself that I could do this on my own (especially since I’ve lost 11 lbs on the liquid diet). In the past, I’ve lost up to 70-75 lbs on my own and kept it off for over a year. So why not be able to do it again? By Sunday night I had pretty much convinced myself and was ready to call my doctor today. Then I remembered that I had never taken pictures of myself at the start of my liquid diet, which I had wanted to do to see if I saw a difference in the two weeks. So I took the pictures and had my epiphany....I hated what I saw and for a long time i had convinced myself that I looked and felt great when I didn’t. Body dysmorphia is real. When I would lose weight I still felt fat and ugly, when I wasn’t. And when I gained the weight back, I avoided mirrors and pictures and felt and imagined being smaller than I was. So I’m back on the wagon and even though I am still scared, I am excited again and will try to remember why I am doing this. Even though I’ve lost some pounds now, there is no way I could live off of protein drinks, jell-o, and broth for the rest of my life and I’m sure if I started eating again it would all come right back. Sharing because I hope other people can relate and for support bc I think we all need it, especially me. Now to finish this darn liquid diet! [emoji846]
  8. 1 point
    Oh my gosh I feel like I’m reading my own thoughts in your post! I’m having surgery in a week, and I’m a week into pre-op diet. Struggling, but getting through. I keep second guessing myself just like you, and I also saw pictures of myself a few days ago that eliminated all doubt in my mind: I have to do this surgery. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - I have never related to something so much. I’m so glad I’m not alone in these thoughts and fears!
  9. 1 point
    Hummm helpful? for me no. I'm my own food police..lol People have their own opinions on what foods are correct.. I also noticed people get emotional/passionate about their way to eat to lose weight. It's a political topic..lol
  10. 1 point

    Destined to be fat?

    Hi, Thank you so much for replying to my thread. Please don't scream, but I'm not consistently eating low carb/sugar but I'm a heck of a lot better than I was a year ago. Mornings/Breakfast: 1 cup 2% Fairlife milk, with sugar free Nestle Breakfast essentials chocolate powder, 1 cup coffee. This makes my own latte-ish drink. An order of Sous Vide egg bites (egg white and red pepper) from Starbucks (170 cal). Lunch: Frozen entree with at least 15g protein but fewer than 10g of sugar. Snack: greek yogurt with fewer than 10g of sugar or starbucks frappe Dinner: whatever the family eats...last night it was spaghetti. Because of the size of my stomach, I can't eat as much as I used to so I really don't understand why I'm not losing more.

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