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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hi everyone. Have been reading a lot about people getting scared and questioning their decision to have VSG and wanted to share. I’m scheduled for January 15th (a week away aghh!) and I’m currently starting week 2 of my pre-op liquid diet. The weekend was very hard because of going out with the family and them wanting to eat. But I stuck with it...but during that time, I started to freak out and question if my life was going to be like this, not being able to go out with family, friends, and never being able to eat again ( I was getting very dramatic-might have been the lack of calorie intake lol). I was really questioning my decision and even thought about calling the doctor today to postpone. I started to convince myself that I could do this on my own (especially since I’ve lost 11 lbs on the liquid diet). In the past, I’ve lost up to 70-75 lbs on my own and kept it off for over a year. So why not be able to do it again? By Sunday night I had pretty much convinced myself and was ready to call my doctor today. Then I remembered that I had never taken pictures of myself at the start of my liquid diet, which I had wanted to do to see if I saw a difference in the two weeks. So I took the pictures and had my epiphany....I hated what I saw and for a long time i had convinced myself that I looked and felt great when I didn’t. Body dysmorphia is real. When I would lose weight I still felt fat and ugly, when I wasn’t. And when I gained the weight back, I avoided mirrors and pictures and felt and imagined being smaller than I was. So I’m back on the wagon and even though I am still scared, I am excited again and will try to remember why I am doing this. Even though I’ve lost some pounds now, there is no way I could live off of protein drinks, jell-o, and broth for the rest of my life and I’m sure if I started eating again it would all come right back. Sharing because I hope other people can relate and for support bc I think we all need it, especially me. Now to finish this darn liquid diet! [emoji846]
  2. 1 point

    Weight Watchers?

    I was just sleeved last week, but I did follow WW in the past. Try looking at the recipes on HungryGirl.com - she has some really fantastic recipes on her site.
  3. 1 point

    5 Day post op

    Hello, I'm trying to get started on how do I go about getting this surgery started? Do I make appointment with my doctor and tell her I want this done? I've been over weight most of my life and I can't seem to lose the weight but gain it. I'm sick of being heavy and having medical problems. I'll be 50 soon and I want to be healthy and live not fat with heath problems. I'm 5'5 and around 238 lbs. I have Medicare part A and B and Tricare for insurance. I'm so lost and scared that my doctor will say no for some reason. Help!
  4. 1 point
    Yes I am. They tested my blood last night and have been happy with my breathing. Nothing points to anything else other than inner stomach lining bleeding which they suggested and we're not concerned about Sent from my HTC 10 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point
    Sounds strange to say but i didn't know what options were available to me. Before this i've only ever heard of bypass and the lap band. I wasn't nervous about the actual surgery. I was more scared of being obese forever and the health issues that comes with that later on. Once i found out about the sleeve, i was like "when can i do this? Tell what i have to do, let's get it over with"
  6. 1 point

    Period during surgery, please help!

    It will be alright, trust me. I had my surgery on 12/02/17, got my period in the morning so I took with me my overnight always pads which I feel comfortable in. I was so nervous and irritated that this had happened on surgery date. As I whispered these facts to the nurse as I was getting ready (taking clothes off to put hospital stuff), she handed over hospital panties and gave me a big weird pad, then said: it’s fine, this happens all the time, it’s usual and there is nothing to be ashamed off... I was so happy and relieved to have special panties and not worry about being fully out while on my period. To make things better, I asked if I could change to my own pads and they were like sure!! I was relieved! The pads from the hospital were not comfortable at all. I was so happy! Just take a few things with you and you will be fine: baby wipes and your own pads (in case you get your period too). You will be fine. Good luck!
  7. 1 point

    When did people notice?

    For me it was about 50lbs when they started to mention it. For context im 5'6" and started at 271
  8. 1 point

    When did people notice?

    When I lost 15 kg I started to get comments.
  9. 1 point

    Mudruns and Crossfit

    Hey everyone, My wife is three months post surgery and she's doing phenomenal. I've just scheduled my initial consult with the surgeon, so I'm very early in the process here. I did have some questions/concerns that I'd love some input on. I currently enjoy obstacle races such as Spartan and Tough Mudder. I also do Crossfit 3-4x per week. Post surgery, will I be able to fuel and hydrate myself to handle a 16-mile race on a mountain? I worry with the smaller stomach size, I won't be able to take in enough calories to function, or enough water to keep hydrated. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks! Ray
  10. 1 point

    Sex after weight loss

    So far it's better .... I think having the extra weight on ... suppressed my desire ... but now ... I feel like I can move around better and not be so embarrassed to wanna try new things .... I'm very blessed in that I have a husband who doesn't care about the weight and I could swing from the ceiling and it would be ok with him!

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