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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Big or Small Victories!

    Today I learned that the cargo pants that barely fit on me in September are too big on me. The downside is, they’re out of stock in the next size down.
  2. 1 point

    Surgery - 1 week today

    I'm 7.5lbs down on my pre-op diet - hoping to get to a stone before my surgery this time next week. Excited, nervous, happy and dreading 4 weeks of pureed foods. Still believe I've made a good decision for my health though.
  3. 1 point

    Gastritis and RnY

    I had a bit of gastritis. Still had my surgery. I’m more curious how many people don’t have gastritis..... I work in a hospital. Every patient I’ve ever had has gastritis it seems. They may put you on a PPI before surgery. I think you’ll be fine. Can’t see them cancelling for something so common.
  4. 1 point

    Help breaking a stall

    The usual jibber-jabber - remember if you are losing weight, even if at a slower/reduced rate, that isn't a stall. And are you hitting your water intake with no problems? Still taking vitamins every day? When I hit my first road block it helped me to actually bump my calories up a bit. Obviously at 2 months out that isn't easy to do. I did little things like adding a spoonful of Greek yogurt to my protein drinks. Just getting it up by an extra 100-200 calories seemed to help. I did tweak my carbs a bit to try and get them a bit lower where I could. Don't get too bothered with it. It's frustrating but things will kick back into gear before you know it.
  5. 1 point

    Big or Small Victories!

    Had to go get new clothes for work (Sleeve on 12/20/2017) since I should get released to go back this week. Bought 46 pants, down from 52. XXL/XL shirts down from XXXL.
  6. 1 point

    Hormones Going Nuts?

    YES, this totally happened to me too. I'm on birth control, and I'm wondering if going off would make it better or worse. I personally get extremely depressed and emotional the week before my period, even while on BC. It didn't happen like this before surgery. I haven't done anything about it, but being aware at least helps me kind of prepare for that time when it comes.
  7. 1 point
    Kate D

    TMI question

    I didn’t have any problems on my pre-op diet. However, for about a week after surgery it was bad! I only had one accident where I didn’t make it to the bathroom and it was in the hospital. All I have to say is never trust a fart [emoji16]
  8. 1 point

    Sugars or Sweeteners?

    I love sugar....but here's the problem with sugar...it's absorbed into the blood really fast (sugar spike), and tells your pancreas to make insulin fast, too. So your pancreas goes...OMG! Look at this rush of sugar, I'd better make a TON of insulin (insulin spike)! But then, after the sugar is taken care of, there's insulin left over and blood sugar gets a little too low...which triggers your hormones to go...OMG, we're running out of food...we NEED more SUGAR! So you end up with a biological craving for sugar...that makes you eat more sugary things...or other simple carbs like white bread or fruit juice...and the whole process starts over again:) Round and round you go. I try to be mindful of picking low glycemic carbs...sugars that will enter the blood slower...whole gains, etc. For my really sugary stuff...fruit, milk, naughty regular sugar.....I am mindful of that boomerang effect. I eat small quantities and when I predictably get hungry again....I break the cycle with something low glycemic, or I just tough it out because knowledge is half the battle. I get along great with Splenda. I hate Stevia...just tastes God-awful to me. After sleeve I've noticed that if I try to eat too much refined sugar, I won't get true full-on dumping syndrome, but I'll feel a little nauseated and crappy...so maybe a touch of it. It's a good reminder and I'm happy to have it.
  9. 1 point

    Cat out of the bag

    That's so great to hear! I was soooo nervous to tell my hubby about my lap-band back when we were dating and he was fantastic about it too. He's also very supportive of my choice to go to the sleeve. Sounds like you found yourself a great man!
  10. 1 point


    Just to clarify, if someone were to swallow their gum, it wouldn't plug anything up or block anything past the esophageal sphincter. Stomach acid would make short work of it. Also, the act of chewing signalling the stomach to produce extra acid can lead to heartburn.

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