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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It is 9 days since my RNY procedure. (A bit unusual because I had open surgery and also had a gastric band removed.) After the surgery? Well, it iwa a brutal surgery because they used a rib spreader to give maximum easy access, and an incision from rib center down to tummy button. The wound felt ok, but my chest felt like I had been kicked in the chest by a horse. (My family were bemused as I inadvertently txted them all that it felt like I had been licked in the chest by a horse, and they couldn’t understand if that was good or bad!) The joy of open surgery - no gas pain! Slept rest of day 1 and much of day 2. Self pump morphine allowed a dose every 5 mins, but needed way less. Walked corridor 4 times on day 2. Day 3 30ml (medicine cup) or water an hour. Diarrhoea begins - daily once or twice. Don’t trust a fart!. Last morphine dose 10am. Short walk every 2 hours. Day 4 60ml hourly in the morning, 90ml afternoon. Lear broth for dinner with a tablespoon of jelly for after. Slightly longer walk. Day 5 Tablespoon of purée fish for lunch, over 30mins - and when it goes down, off home (to a big city hotel). Hooray. Nice, peaceful home, where no one wakes me up every three hours to take my blood pressure! Sleeping a bit uncomfortable, need a pillow ‘under’ my tummy to sleep on my side. Now I am on day 9. Diarrhoea stopped day 7 and quite normal now. I am going for gentle walks maybe 300 yards/metres but they do quickly tire me out. Can sleep on my side with near comfort now. Eating: 3 teaspoons yoghurt for breakfast, slow - 15-20 mins. 3 teaspoons cottage cheese with pesto/mild chilli/flavour for lunch, also over 15-20 mins. Protein soup from BariatricPal pal for dinner - 8oz over 1/2-3/4 hour. In between, water (20% Apple juice cos I hate water) constantly, and 1/4 chai latte in a cafe today made me feel like a million dollars! About 250 -300 calories, 30-40g protein and I am up to 6 cups fluid today. Not enough hours to get in All the food and the liquid! Eating speed is hard to judge - I was told to expect a lump in my chest if I ate too much or too fast, but don’t get that. So just trying to be sensible - if I AM too fast I get mild sharp tummy pain about an hour later. No regrets so far - really manageable surgery. Not half as rough as a hysterectomy!! No weighing yet - till I go home on Boxing Day...
  2. 1 point

    Should I or Shouldn't I?

    Wow! ((hugs)) You've been through the wringer backwards haven't you?!!! I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know you must do something. It can't hurt to start the process and schedule in a teaching hospital if possible. That way you may have more access to the surgeon to ask your questions. I do know you need to have your med issues sorted out prior to surgery...especially when they deal with thyroid and psych meds. But I don't think it's impossible. But I'm just a schmoe on the internet that makes crap up all damn day! I'm hypo. Take endocrine therapy to keep me in cancer remission. Have so many comorbidities and am on 3 bp drugs and still fight with blood pressure every day. My metabolism is crap. But I'm pursuing this surgery with the hopes that I will have a metabolic reset that might make it easier to lose the weight. Hang in there and congrats on fighting your way through the massive grief you've experienced. You're a fighter and survivor!!!
  3. 1 point

    Nervous about outpatient VSG!

    I would not have wanted it to be outpatient surgery, it may only be a 30 minute surgery but it is still MAJOR surgery. You are getting an important organ excised by 85%. I was monitored by an excellent nursing staff for pain, liquid intake, given blood thinner, etc. Good luck. Keep in close touch with the surgeon's office - they might only have ONE nurse on call. Do guard yourself against dehydration which can happen very quickly and it's very hard to get caught up with on your own once it happens, you just can't sip your way out of it once you are dehydrated in those first 7-14 days.
  4. 1 point

    When did people notice?

    For me it was about 50lbs when they started to mention it. For context im 5'6" and started at 271
  5. 1 point

    When did people notice?

    When I lost 15 kg I started to get comments.
  6. 1 point
    I go in tomorrow morning super early. Of course I can't sleep tonight. So nervous. Good luck to everyone!
  7. 1 point

    Adhesive reaction

    Oh no!! I'm so sorry. I already knew that I couldn't use the tape. I had a Previous surgery years ago and had that reaction. It was red and puffy even blistered. I told Dr prior abbot it and we used the glue. I'm post op 10 days. One is just starting to peel away. I'd call your Dr maybe he can give you something! Hope it gets better soon[emoji17]
  8. 1 point

    Getting sleeved tomorrow

    I only had to do 2 days before so maybe it will be okay.. I think they know life happens and we do the best we can.. good luck!!
  9. 1 point
    12 days in. I flew back north to my home today - so of course I weighed in for the first time. Down 19 lbs since I began pre-op diet, and 14 lbs since surgery. More importantly, my jeans are loose, and my tee shirt has stopped hanging off my belly, instead falling from my bust. Oh yes. Residual fatigue, little pain. No problems eating but then, I haven’t tried anything stupid size/speed wise. I think I am eating faster than I thought I would, but no problem, just trying to slow down and give my new tummy a chance to bed in. Yoghurt. Cottage cheese (with a few drops of chipotle today - fantastic) and protein drinks. 6-7 glasses of water. So far, so darned perfect.
  10. 1 point

    GERD fake hunger!!??

    Yes! I totally had this problem at first (sleeved 12/7). I don't know what made it calm the heck down, because I didn't change my meds, but by one week out, maybe a week and a half, I wasn't hungry all the time just some of the time. Maybe my stomach acid just needed time to chill. The PA at my surgeon's office told me GERD hunger is definitely real, though.

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