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  1. 6 points
    1. When you are dehydrated.. your urine smells BAD! I almost gagged the first time I went to the restroom and couldn't believe what I was smelling.. (yeah so I make sure to get those liquids in!) 2. You don't use the restroom as much.. I only go maybe twice a day. 3. Acid Reflux! I've noticed when I swallow something too quickly or if I eat that soup too fast! I get hiccups or I burp a lot. (Never had this issue before). 4. I am always cold! This drives me crazy! (I'm a little dramatic) BUT!.. I literally have to sleep with my pajamas, snuggie with the covers over my head to keep warm. (And yes I take all my vitamins). I am freezing as I am typing this now 5. Waiters/Waitresses will assume you think their is something wrong with the food when you ask for a TO-GO box. I went to BJ's the other night and ordered a soup and had just a few bites and I became full. I asked our waitress for a TO-GO box and she went into apologetic mode and asked if she could offer me another dish and so on and so on.. very nice of her.. but long story short and lesson learned.. stay away from restaurants as much as possible.. it can be quite annoying dealing with the pressure of not eating your meal. 6. Do not purchase a new wardrobe after you lose those first few pounds. You are losing weight every single day and if you buy jeans today, I promise.. they will be too baggy just a couple weeks later. 7. My advice is to not tell people you are getting/ or had the gastric sleeve surgery. I made the mistake by telling my friends and I get asked a lot of questions such as; "So are you happy now?" "Well.. when are you going to stop losing weight?", "Are you going to act different when you lose all the weight?" It's pretty annoying and people act weird for some reason when you lose weight. I swear people weren't sweatin' me at 330 pounds. 8. I still have cravings! I thought my cravings would go away.. but nope! Still there! The sleeve is really a tool to help you lose weight and it doesn't solve all your problems. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was craving Taco Bell and I couldn't do nothing about it. But the Good News is.. once you put something in your tummy.. you are full after a few bites and the cravings goes away. But it's a struggle everyday. 9. It takes people awhile to get used to the new you! So in my case.. a lot of friends were still inviting me out to Wine Festivals, Clubs, Brunch and Pop Up Bars. Just recently, my friend invited me to go with her to a Star Wars themed restaurant and I couldn't go because I can't have alcoholic drinks and all they offered were fried comfort foods. My new phrase is "no, sorry I can't go.. I can't eat that stuff remember?" Then it's "ohhh yeahh.. I forgot.. so when will you be able to eat/drink again?". Listen. I have come too far to let ANYBODY sabotage my weight loss journey so I am quick to distance myself from ANYBODY who will sabotage my journey and my advice is to anyone reading this is to stay CONSISTENT. People will catch on and know you mean business. 10. Regret. I did experience some regret after having the sleeve because I would use food to cope with issues I dealt with. And when that was taken away, I had to deal with my issues head on. That was difficult and I wanted to reverse the surgery (which you can't) but now that I'm over that hurtle, I have no regrets at all. I have my good days and bad days. My food addiction was real. And I take it one day at a time like I am in a12 Step Program. I used to socially drink every weekend, I was a heavy marijuana smoker, I DJ on the weekends- so I would get free drinks while I'm at the club. And I stopped everything cold turkey. It's tough, but I can't deny the way I feel. I have more energy w/o caffeine, I get 8 hours of sleep, before I was only getting 4 hours, I am in a much better mood, my skin is glowing, my depression is gone, before I was taking anxiety medication and I have completely stopped that. I look and feel like a new person.. and I never want to back to my old habits. Good luck to everyone that is on this journey. You will go through physical and mental challenges but stick to it! You will never have to start over again, if you never give up. Keep at it!
  2. 3 points
    No matter which surgery you get.. you will experience some of the same things. I put this information out there to let people know they are not alone and you may not receive the support from your family/friends. You will receive 100% support from the bariatric community. Losing the weight is easy, but their is no way to truly prepare for the mental challenges ahead of you. Keep in mind that we all go through the same challenges and we are all fighting obesity together. Best of luck to you! And Congratulations on getting your surgery date!
  3. 1 point

    Eating to fast

    Hi Everyone, I am almost 5 weeks out and I am having a hard time eating within 30 minutes. It usually takes me at the most 20 minutes to finish a meal. I don’t really have a problem with food feeling “stuck” and was just wondering if other had the same issues and any tips to help!
  4. 1 point
    Let's try this. What are you eating? If you are eating lean protein and veggies, then the amount really shouldn't matter. I haven't thrown up, dumped, or found a food I couldn't eat at almost 4 years out. This surgery isn't supposed to be a diversion from food, but a reset for food and your life. Eat nutritious, non processed food 90% of the time, drink lots of water, and move more, and you'll do just fine. If you are really concerned about how much you can eat, weigh and measure your food so you won't overeat. The tool itself is really only temporary in the grand scheme of things. Over time it becomes less effective, then it's all on us. Practice good eating habits now and take advantage of the honeymoon period while you can.
  5. 1 point

    Tomorrow is the day!!!!

    Good luck to you both I’m 4 days out but my advice would be to bring some gas x, walk, sip, burp and repeat! Take it easy it gets easier everyday that pasts!
  6. 1 point
    The advice I got was to just sip sip sip small portions all day long to stay hydrated. I couldn't stand water so I switched to warm (not hot, not cold) herbal tea - for some reason I could drink that. It does get better, but those early weeks were rough for me too. I am sorry you are going through this - I remember how hard it was.
  7. 1 point


    I use the Celebrate chews for calcium and Flintstones or Centrum Complete for my multi depending on which is on sale.
  8. 1 point
    @Danny Paul, I have Keystone Health Plan East right now, part of Independence Blue Cross of Philadelphia. We are self employed, so we have an individual plan through a broker. Our policy excludes all weight loss programs and bariatric procedures (except a $150/yr max gym reimbursement w/proof of attendance). We recently moved closer to Reading, PA, so we are in Berks County now, and apparently out of IBC's coverage area. So we had to switch plans during open enrollment anyway, but we were already considering it to try to find a plan to cover me for this. We found out that no matter if we get our plan through a broker, like we have been, or through the healthcare marketplace, that No individual or small business plans from any insurance provider in PA offers bariatric coverage anymore. So, we can't even pay extra to get the coverage. You can only get it if you work for a Co with 51+ employees - which I cannot work except for helping my husband with office stuff from home a few hours per week - and he is a 2nd generation painting/carpentry contractor doing this for 30 yrs, so him just getting another job is not an option. PLUS, it's not guaranteed the Co you work for has the ins plan that covers it either. The employer has to choose that coverage allowance when they choose the plan for their employees. PA is one of several states that doesn't require it. Also, you can get it covered usually via Medicare (not old enough yet unless I get SSI/SSD - have begun applying for SSD, but will likely take a few years if I do get approved and I'm not waiting that long to have the surgery...) And, it is covered by Medicaid, but we are above the income limits for that. We discussed so many scenarios for ways to get coverage (all surrounding states do cover it, so should I move to MD/DE/NJ for a year, rent a room, get ins there, and get it paid for? But in the end all of that what such a hassle and took me away from, well my family of course, but also my doctors and everything else. Just too much work. In the end, my husband said he was willing to take out a loan for it. I didn't even ask because I felt it was too much - but even though this is only one step in trying to help with all my many issues, he could see how it could be a catalyst for helping make everything else a little better. So he thinks it's worth it, which kind of blows me away. Obviously I think it's worth it, but always worry about my "issues" being such a burden on my family. Right now I am feeling really blessed by their support. So, let's just hope lots of people need their houses painted this winter so we don't have any slow spells and we can make our loan payments!! Sorry, I this is probably way more than you were asking...
  9. 1 point

    Post-Op practical jokes

    An enemas might be too much. My idea for a medicine ball, would be that it would be goofy for me, and I can buy books about it, and leave them around apt (after scuffing them up, buying used copies). I can also lay around balls, scuff them up, and even flatten one somehow. I will use the idea of Yoga. I could have my mom ask my sis in law if she ever heard of anyone using an enema for weight loss. I could buy whatever cheap enema gear there is and have my mom say I left it after walking her dogs, but not sure what it is. Sent from my XT1609 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point

    Post-Op practical jokes

    Sooo funny... just don't let 'em see you eat for the first couple months! Instead of medicine balls.. do enemas! Mom calls and says your brother is obsessed with enemas! And look, he's dropped 50lbs in a couple months!!!! Oh man, there was a show.. strange addictions or something like that.. people do the craziest stuff sometimes! (There was a couple that were addicted to coffee enemas.. they did it like, I dunno.. 3 hours a day or some such thing...).

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