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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2017 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    It's been 2 years now since RNY. I have lost 180lbs. I am feeling great though i have had a few bumps I would still do it all over again. I did have a internal petersens hernia which caused me to have an intuspection and resulted in needing a bowel resection to get ride of some necrotic bowel. It wasn't fun but they said it was because I lost a lot of weight pretty quickly. I do a great deal of walking and now have more focus on working out with weights to build more muscle. I wear a size medium shirt and size 9 jeans my shoe size even dropped an entire shoe size.
  2. 1 point

    Sonoma fires- Staying focused

    10/15/17 Good Afternoon All, I've been having trouble not regressing to eat bad things since the Sonoma Wildfires started. I can't eat a lot at a time but I can snack. I'm trying to stay strong but when I get stressed its very hard to do. These fires are scary. We are still in our house but I worry about evacuating myself, my husband and our 3 cats a lot. It makes me want to eat. Any suggestions on willpower?
  3. 1 point

    Gas Pain is horrible

    I had bypass on 10/4/17 and after about day 4 the gas pain was gone. Things are going to move quick. Sent from my Pixel using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Tummy Tuck inverted T

    Yes thank you just haven't been able to find a lot about the Fleur de lis tummy tuck
  5. 1 point

    Post-op food on the go?

    Sent Rex nectar protein powder- they make single serve portions I can drop in a water bottle. The lemonade flavor is pretty good. Hummus, Hard boiled eggs and cheese sticks are regulars for me. Put in a small lunch bag with an ice pack and it's good for several hours. Doesn't need to be cold...just not hot. In the US we refrigerate a lot we don't need to...eggs and cheese will be ok a lot longer than you think.
  6. 1 point

    Hair loss!!

    What happens is your body was shocked by the surgery. When the body is shocked, it thinks the world is ending, and it shuts down all non-essential functions. Hair growth is non-essential, so it threw the "off switch". The hair stays on your head for about 3-6 months, then will fall out. After it falls out, it takes another 6 months to start growing again. (These are all approximations). So by the time you are 12 months postop, you should start seeing it regrow. The losses, when caused just by the surgery, should not be permanent. If you are low on iron or some other nutrients, it may have trouble coming back. But you won't know that unless a blood tests shows a deficiency. Do not take extra vitamins, especially iron, because it's possible to take too much. In the meantime, you could try a shorter hair style that will allow the remaining hair to fluff up more. You can try a wig or hats, or... I wouldn't recommend Rogain.. but I don't know anything about it really. I've lost at least half my hair, and am almost 7 months postop. It's still falling out, but might have slowed down a smidge. I cut mine shorter so it fluffs up more.
  7. 1 point
    Well I believe in following what the surgeon/NUT says to do - so everyone should just go ask the experts what to consume after surgery instead of the 'commoners'.
  8. 1 point

    In need of help identifying a problem

    Thanks! I have looked into that. I will ask my surgeon about it if it doesn’t let up but it’s already much approved today.
  9. 1 point

    The Longest Stallllllll

    Your body is still healing from surgery. I don't think it's a stall, rather your body adjusting to the changes. Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point

    One Year Out

    My high weight right before I started my pre-surgery diet was 250 on the nose. The first pic is in December of last year, three months after surgery, which means I was down to about 200. I've lost a total of 110 pounds in the last year, which is crazy. Don't be fooled by the black tights- there's a pool of saggy and baggy skin under there. Still, I'm in awe of the difference. I spend a lot of time looking in the mirror- not out of vanity but because I really don't recognize the person I'm looking at. It's a trip. It's confusing and exciting and rewarding. I'm in my goal range and seem to have leveled out as far as weight loss, but my body keeps changing still. It's weird to have a whole new host of body image issues to deal with. I can still very much be the girl who is terrified of taking up too much space and being fat and uncomfortable and unhealthy, and seeing a small person in the mirror can be very jarring to the image I have of myself in my head. That is slowly adjusting as my body does, but I struggle with seeing myself as a different person. I am so glad I made this decision- I feel so much more confident and healthy, I'm more active and eat healthier food, my back doesn't hurt- it's great! At this point in my journey the mental hurdles are the biggest ones to overcome, and it's fascinating to see how my mind tries to assimilate the knowledge of this "new me."

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