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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I had a stroke at 35 that took me down for 9 weeks. I've had another at 50 in addition to 3 TIA's. Was forced to close my restaurant business due to stress and no tolerance for heat. This was my dream and 35 years of my life, 23 of owning my own 200 seater steak/seafood restaurant. Started college and will graduate in Dec. with office degree, (hate it but, I started and I will finish) Weight went from 160-238--considered morbidly obese for my small 5'3 frame which was always small until all the meds. Drs couldn't control the blood pressure pushing 300, and suddenly diabetic pushing 300. Told me I would have to begin Insulin. I said HELL NO!!!!!! I refuse! Meds were only making health worse, and body was beginning to hurt,,,joints, muscles, leg cramps. Now granted, I didn't eat perfect but, I did and do eat fairly healthy. Recent pictures didn't help either but......INSULIN was the last straw. My insurance won't cover anything bariatric so I was a self-pay at $10,000. That hurt the pocketbook but, no Mexico chances for me.(Although I have read of great results....a friend did that and has nothing but bad health issues and no Dr. wants to do anything for her in the states. She's miserable and can't even work anymore and she's only 40. Since my day of surgery, no meds except thyroid,low dose heart, and anti-depression (1/2 pill) because they started me on those at 35 and they at a b***h to get off of. In my case I became suicidal (for no reason...happy life and young family at the time) BP and Blood Sugar has been fine since day after surgery. Aug 1 was surgery date, down 25lbs first month, only 8 since Sept 1--hit a 3 week stall, and in another from 7-9 weeks. Lost 1.2 today(won't count it until it lasts for 2 days.......I lack 2-3 lbs until I hit wonderland. My first goal...I plan a manicure (2nd in my life for a treat. Overall health with no INSULIN was my main cause, but now, I'm looking towards the weight loss. I'm still waiting for that ENERGY I'm supposed to feel but, maybe it will hit soon. At my age, I'm estimated to only losing to 175, but I'm going to hold out hope for about 150 since I was always 110-125 before all the meds took control. This has caused a complete life change, and large drain on finances (with lifetime bariatric supplements and probable gallbladder surgery) Gonna shoot for the best and take good care too prevent additional problems. I like my bones, and my teeth! SHORT ANSWER---Better quality health and future with my family and someday grandbabies. Best of luck to all of us!!!!!!
  2. 2 points

    Job Interview

    Yeah, two weeks and I’m ready to start work again too.
  3. 1 point

    Triple Digits, Baby!

    Congratulations.. Sent from my XT1650 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    October surgery

    Having my surgery 10/10! Excited and nervous
  5. 1 point

    Average Weight Loss

    It's good you had this discussion with your doc. Lots of people don't, and then are super surprised and upset when the scale stops moving when they are 40lbs above a normal BMI. Here's an article that talks about it: http://www.obesityaction.org/educational-resources/resource-articles-2/weight-loss-surgery/dear-doctor-ive-had-bariatric-surgery-will-i-ever-get-to-normal-weight
  6. 1 point

    1st week post vsg surgery...

    It's so crazy how everyone's body and VSG differ. I had mine 10/03 and am down 15.6 lbs since the 1st. 9 of those lbs. are after the procedure. I try to get at least 5,000 steps in from my daily 10,000. I get too tired to do anything else. I cannot wait to get in the gym. Sent from my SM-G920P using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    Fainting... 4 months post-op sleeve

    I also think they'll find the cause in bloodwork. Also, think about any prescriptions you are on.. they may need adjusting too.
  8. 1 point

    Triple Digits, Baby!

    Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment!
  9. 1 point
    I went with Dr. Louisiana Valenzuela at Mexico Bariatric Centers and I can tell you I had a great experience. My patient care was outstanding much better than I have ever received in the States. From start to finish it was very easy. Dr Valenzuela had the same surgery three years ago and the Doctor assigned to our floor had it done 3 months ago. Dr V has: Performed over 4,000 Bariatric Surgeries Limits Bariatric Surgeries to 3 Per Day Performs Every Surgery She Schedules Successful Results & Close to Zero Complication Rate The price varies based on your BMI and other health conditions but I found them to be very reasonable. The key though is don't fudge on your weight or height because they base fee's off of your BMI at time of registration. So if you put down a lower weight on the application you might be assessed a fee at registration. Also, plan on a few hundred extra dollars for additional medications and such from the hospital. I needed a blood thinner for long airplane travel that was not covered. Whatever the cost find the money somehow and get the surgery done. It will change your life! I no longer have to take medicine for diabetes or high blood pressure.
  10. 1 point
    I'm new here, hope I am doing this right! I'm Canadian and have been researching surgeons do to a sleeve for me (possibly a bypass but I'm leaning towards the sleeve). Researching this is overwhelming. I don't know which acredititations are important, etc. I seem to have landed on Dr. Louisiana Valenzuela who works out of the Mi Doctor hospital in Tijuana. Can anyone speak to their experience here at this hospital and with this surgeon? I have heard this hospital is not as large or "nice" as the Angeles hospital and others, but I'm not sure if that matters. It is a smaller facility and am told it is a full service hospital. I have read one negative review about the facility. Anyone who can share an experience would be greatly appreciated, I am overwhelmed by information. Cat.

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