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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    You should get checked out by your doc. In the meantime, if the pain becomes severe, go to the ER, since it could be a bowel obstruction or hernia. Recently there was a bypass patient that had to get surgery for a Petersen's defect. It is a fairly rare complication of the bypass, and it can happen anytime postop (even 13 years). Hopefully it's nothing, just some constipation, but better safe than sorry...
  2. 2 points
    You have to create your ticker. Go to the top right corner of your screen. Click on your profile name. In your case, it would be LillieDuFran. A drop down menu will appear with the word "My Tickers" on the list. Click on that and follow the steps to create your personal ticker.
  3. 1 point

    My RNY journey

    Hey, I was kind of reluctant to share my story but, I think it’ll be good for me. I’m 2 weeks and 5 Days post-op. I had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on 9-19-17. I spent two nights in the hospital. When decided to have gastric bypass surgery I was 331 lbs. The day of surgery I was 311 lbs. I am currently 297. Surgery actually went fine and there were no complications. I was in pain but that’s normal right after surgery. When I came home, again I was in pain but I was given hydrocodone for relief. As the pain started to go away I was able to do more. I was walking fine, getting out of the house, just simply getting back to my normal routine. Eating was a little difficult at first but transitioning into the different stages got easier to deal with. Of course, everyone is different but the earlier stages is where you find out what foods you can eat with no problem and what foods you can’t keep down. This past week, my pain began to increase where my main incision site is. I can’t lay in bed, get out of bed, tie my shoe laces, or pick anything up off the floor. The hydrocodone had finished so my dr suggested I take a liquid form of over the counter pain reliever ( which worked for 30 minutes at a time). I called my Dr once again because the pain had gotten so bad. He had prescribed me tramadol. Currently I’m taking tramadol and I’m pretty much still in pain. My 1-month post-op appointment is on the 18th with my surgeon and I’m hoping the pain subsides by then. How long has your pain lasted? How many of you get emotionally overwhelmed by the pain? -Christine D-
  4. 1 point
    I just had my revision done on 9/25. I did a two week liquid diet and was in the hospital for two overnights. Surgery only took 1.5 hrs. My surgeon said there was minimal scar tissue and my liver had nicely shrunken so it made it go faster. I work from home and was able to start working again by the end of the week but only for a few hours. Last week I worked all week but had to take breaks and nap in the afternoon. Today is my first day back full time and so far I have a ton more energy. I even went back to my morning walks although only 2 miles today instead of my usual 3.
  5. 1 point

    What do you do when you get sick

    If you need cough syrup to feel better, I doubt whatever sugar is in it is really an issue, although if you use something like NyQuil, the alcohol may be. I have tried both alcohol (1 beer) and carbonated soda (diet) since my surgery and have been able to tolerate all except Dr. Pepper Ten, which came back out like a volcano. I don't have any intention of being a regular user of either, but a Sprite Zero or Diet 7-Up would probably hit the spot for an upset stomach. But I think each of us has our own set of tolerances we have to feel our way through as we go through the post op journey, so what one person can tolerate doesn't mean another one can. Good luck to you with your surgery.
  6. 1 point

    Average Weight Loss

    It's good you had this discussion with your doc. Lots of people don't, and then are super surprised and upset when the scale stops moving when they are 40lbs above a normal BMI. Here's an article that talks about it: http://www.obesityaction.org/educational-resources/resource-articles-2/weight-loss-surgery/dear-doctor-ive-had-bariatric-surgery-will-i-ever-get-to-normal-weight
  7. 1 point

    Fainting... 4 months post-op sleeve

    I also think they'll find the cause in bloodwork. Also, think about any prescriptions you are on.. they may need adjusting too.
  8. 1 point
    The diet right after surgery will be hard. Clear liquids, then full liquids, then puree, then soft foods. My dietician said half a cup of food per meal. 1000 calories per day is the goal. 80 grams of protein per day is the goal plus 64 ounces of water. I will be honest with you, it is very difficult. I am a food addict and it has been very hard. I miss all my old foods. having said that I am glad to see the pounds falling off.
  9. 1 point

    Stomach Stretching is a Myth

    @dreamingsmall it does stretch. But it's supposed to. You have to watch the videos for a full answer. They have scoped (camera down the throat into the stomach) WLS patients and found that sleeve size really has no effect on weight regain. Everyone's pouch stretches in time, it's the diet and activity level that will create lasting change. He also has a video on re-sleeving and revision procedures. Research shows that these revision surgeries (including the re-sleeve) end up with minimal results. He calls WLS a "one-time restart button" and emphasizes that we must be ready to make change and do the mental work because we get one shot at this.
  10. 1 point
    I'm new here, hope I am doing this right! I'm Canadian and have been researching surgeons do to a sleeve for me (possibly a bypass but I'm leaning towards the sleeve). Researching this is overwhelming. I don't know which acredititations are important, etc. I seem to have landed on Dr. Louisiana Valenzuela who works out of the Mi Doctor hospital in Tijuana. Can anyone speak to their experience here at this hospital and with this surgeon? I have heard this hospital is not as large or "nice" as the Angeles hospital and others, but I'm not sure if that matters. It is a smaller facility and am told it is a full service hospital. I have read one negative review about the facility. Anyone who can share an experience would be greatly appreciated, I am overwhelmed by information. Cat.

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