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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Average Weight Loss

    You’re so welcome! You probably didn’t misread it. The charts I think do show 70%, but you know what? I never think anything anyone says is 100% true to MY body. We ultimately can change those charts! So let’s keep our heads up and beat the numbers. By the way, if I only lose 70%, then I’m still fat too. No thanks, I can do better!
  2. 2 points

    Average Weight Loss

    I think if you work out , you’ll lose all your weight. Perhaps after you lose the 70%, you’ll just have to work a bit harder for the rest to come off.. have faith and don’t stress about the future that we can’t predict. I can’t give a true “ average” weight loss for me as I know it’s not realistic. Since I’ve lost 21lbs in 2 wks...
  3. 1 point

    Young, Short + Female

    Hello all, I am going to be sleeved on Tuesday (19th September 2017) and I found myself on this website this evening creating a profile... I suppose I am on here for some support and guidance, but also because I thought it might help center my own thoughts about my journey to 'have to' type it out. Mini therapy, I guess. I also couldn't find - maybe I was being lazy - too many people sharing their journey with my sort of stats, so many I will be helpful to some younger, female patients on the 'light' side of the scale in terms of what to expect etc. We are all in this together! VITAL STATS Age: 26 Height: 159cm or 5'1" Weight: About 86.5kg, or 190lbs - I will verify this and put it on my signature when I am weighed pre-op. Female Location: Australia, home for the operation but I live in London, UK. Surgery + Date: Gastric Sleeve 19/09/17 JOURNEY TO NOW I suppose I always had a bit of a problem with my weight. I have certainly gone through periods in my young adult life where I was slim. The trouble for me, I suppose, is that I have an identical twin sister who has always been slimmer than I have (maybe 5-7kgs) and, as such, I have always subconsciously felt like the 'bigger' twin. My twin is tiny - she is now about 20kgs lighter than me and it really gets me down. She lives in Australia still and I am in London, but imagine living with a 20kg lighter version of yourself! Someone who is exactly like you but 25% less weight. It can be hard, although she is really supportive. I am a really emotionally stable and rational person, but I have self-control issues and I emotionally eat. In the last 2.5 years, I have gone through 2 serious break-ups. The first was with my boyfriend of on-again/off-again 9 years...and the second was with a man I loved possibly more. I turned straight to food and alcohol (which I seldom drank prior) to forget the pain I was feeling and to be able to get on with work. Over this 2-2.5 year period, I have gained about 25kgs. I remember being 62kgs at Christmas 2013, and when I was weighed a month or so ago at the surgeon's office I was 86.6kg. To say I was devastated was an understatement. Although I admit I have self-control issues, I certainly have it within me. I guess I would classify as an 'all or nothing' person; I can easily eat and eat and eat, but when I reallllllly get on a roll with a diet, I am the type to be able to starve myself. This has lead in the past (over 10 years) to yo-yo dieting and I have tried it all; starvation, protein shakes, exercising, duromine/metermine pills...really anything. Sometimes it has worked, sometimes it hasn't. My mother has been overweight my whole life and although she doesn't have diabetes, her mother did. I live in a family of eaters and providers, and I see patterns in my own behaviour that mirror my mother. My mother was a very attractive woman in her youth - she is still attractive now actually - but I do not wish to see the same health and aesthetic issues she has repeated in my own life. I find myself not wanting to go out and socialise because I have nothing to wear; my clothes don't fit and I always tell myself I should lose weight before I buy more...I say no to outings, I hide away and eat. I am embarrassed about my weight - I hear myself telling people that I 'put on weight recently' and over-compensate for it by saying how I used to be slimmer....I go shopping and I don't even bother to look at perfectly normal, lovely clothing because I seem to have subconsciously (or otherwise) decided that I could never wear something like x, y, z. All of this might seem extreme given that I seem to be less overweight relative to some people on this forum - but I am sure these are issues we all share to varying degrees. Also, I am so short and small in frame that my weight is probably largely as evident as others. All in all, I suppose I subconsciously 'decided' I was chubby years ago and have become obese as a result. It is such an unhealthy pattern. GOALS First goal: get under 80kg. Second: get under 70kg. I want to take it as it comes. But, longer term: to be 60kg or under. 55kg would be ideal. 60kg would be great, too. NSV: Throw out all the old clothing I have been wearing to cover up - aka my 'fat' clothes. NSV: Buy size 28 jeans for comfort, like I used to. I am currently in a 32 of the same jean. To be honest it's really hard to write my goals as I have not yet even conceptualised this working! It has been so long since I lost weight and felt good that I can't even remember....perhaps I will work on the goal list later! I'm also gonna post some headless pics....I think that will help me... Anyway, this is a start. I have an appointment on Monday to see the Dr and take bloods...then it's straight to it on Tuesday. Wish me luck!
  4. 1 point

    Extremely nauseous

    [emoji106] sometimes it just feels good to know you’re not alone.
  5. 1 point

    Extremely nauseous

    Are you allowed to take anti-nausea meds?
  6. 1 point
    Hi Timarland, I totally understand where you are at. I had the lapband for 14.5 years until my revision this week. I was surprised how short the stay was in the hospital. I checked in at 9:30 am on Tuesday and surgery was at 11:30 am. I stayed one night and the let me go home at 7:30 am the next day. It has been so different from the lapband and so far I love it.:)
  7. 1 point

    I got this ♡

    Congratulations! Good for you!
  8. 1 point

    Pain in chest when eating

    I had similar experiences when I started eating solids after surgery - it improved over time. Four months out and no more gurgling!
  9. 1 point
    Danny Paul

    Surgery day!

    I think anyone going through any surgery has mixed emotions. As you can see in the forums the vast majority who had the surgery don't regret it.
  10. 1 point

    Random thoughts

    I'm reading a book called The MagicalArt of Tidying or something similar to that and have started implementing it. Started with my clothing. As I was going through my clothes I realized that most of the clothes I had were purchased simply because they fit. One of the premises of the book is that we should only own things that "spark joy." I ended up getting rid of 2/3 of my clothes. It was so freeing. Now when I'm shopping I'm only buying things I just love. Also I felt so old in my old clothes. Now I'm feeling so much younger. No more old lady clothes for me! Mich W Hw 223, SW 217 CW 179.8 GW 135

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
