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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I think there is some merit to alcohol affecting you differently after surgery. I know it did me. Rightfully there is much concern for addiction transfer but also alcohol is pretty harsh on a tender tummy. That first 6 months could be particularly sensitive. Considering that, I am a wine maker. I make berry wine from wild Alaska berries and I could not imagine missing out on that. I made a dryer (less sugar) wine with a lower alcohol content and it is so yummy. I spoke with my surgeon about my winemaking hobby and he did not seem at all concerned. There is no doubt that I can't hold my alcohol like I used to. I feel the buzz very quickly. Oh and I'm nearly 8 months out.
  2. 2 points
    It's due to gravity pulling the abdominal wall in an unusual direction. Usually it hangs straight down, but then you lay down and it's pulling to the side... to help minimize the pulling, I used a pillow or two to prop my belly on. Gravity is a beeyich!
  3. 2 points
    to answer your first question - yes, we do. when people pop off at the mouth spreading false information to prospective patients for no reason, it's definitely something to get worked up over. a skilled surgeon can reverse an RNY. a back-alley Mexican chop-shop probably can't. but again, the RNY is such a superior procedure it is virtually never even ASKED FOR, much less done. compare that to the constant flood of sleeve patients who have to have revision surgery to.... you guessed it.... RNY. second question - yes, ghrelin reduces with bypass. one study showed it reduced MORE than the sleeve.
  4. 1 point
    Macy Gray

    Sleeved on September 28th, 2017

    Hi all, I finally did it. I got sleeved yesterday. I flew all the way over the ocean to Mexico Tijuana to have my procedure done by dr. Jaime Ponce de Leon Palomares in the Int Hospital. Ill try do breakdown my journey up to this moment (Excusez moi mon French, English is not my primary language. Neither is French :-) ) Transportion. Like i said a had to fly in cause i don't live in the USA. Beautiful country though i vacation here as much as possible. I flew into San Diego and got picked up by the Drs. driver, named Sandra. She got there a little late, but i kept my cool. She is a happy chatty girl, so if you ever get to have a ride with her, you will surely not get bored. The drive from San Diego to Tijuana takes about 20 minutes. Clinic/hospital My surgery was performed at INT Hospital. Please do not be alarmed by the size of the establishment. It is not a large facility but squeeky clean. The nurses are such a doll, they check up on you like constantly. Every 20 minutes someone is knocking on my door to check my stats or the drain or give me my medication. They genuinely seem to care about their patients. when i got there, they checked me in, i had to sign all kind of waivers and give my emergency contacts, after that i was off to the labs to take blood. Every turned out ok, with the exception of my blood pressure. it was very high (which surprised me cause i really had no sign or inconvenience at all, but again i hardly go to my gp so god knows how long i have been walking around with my elevated blood pressure. They gave me meds to regulate it, and told my as soon as i got home i had to pay my doctor a visit to have it monitored. But they assured me it will get most probably regulate when my weight drops. Ponce de Leon He is a very kind man, he only speaks Spanish though so for the ones that don't speak Spanish this may be a language barrier, he explained the procedure to me and took his time to answer my questions. Why did i choose him? I spend a lot of time researching, he comes highly acclaimed by his peers, he has a good record and teaches other surgeons, just google his name and tijuana, and his results should come right up. I was hesitant between him and Cordoba, i choose Ponce because of the prices. I paid 4700 USd for the procedure, with meds , 2 nights at the clinic and 1 night at the hotel. After that his assistant came by, very jolly man, great smile he answered all my questions again, took a selfie with me and sped of the prepare for surgery. After that the internest/lab doctor give me ok for the procedure so off i went to the surgery room Surgery they got my a surgery robe with my big behind hanging out, very embarrassing, but again, all is fair in war, love and surgery land. they hooked me up to my IV and rolled me to surgery waiting room. when i got there a man just came out and was crying like a new born baby which scared me a little bit.. but again, women are much stronger than men so i know i got this.. :-) The anaestatist came by to greet, very jolly, singing and cracking jokes, he explained the procedure again and promised me to not let me die on the operating table. He hook me up with a tranquilizer, after that i dozed off. they woke me up and i had to walk like 10 steps to the surgery room, they put me on a surgical bed with my arms spread like our savior Jesus christ and after that i remember nothing. I woke up in the recovery room feeling extraordinary well, only very sleepy. After a while they rolled my bed to my room and since then I've been here, sleeping, walking a lot to get rid of these gasses, with a very empty stomach i havent eaten in nearly 4 days. Im only allowed to sip on ice. Ponce de Leon and his assistant check up on my daily and explained they took a good 80% of my stomach. Tomorrow the will perform a leak test. and if everything goes will i can move to the hotel. The nurses keep coming in to check on me and to make sure im comfortable, all this with a genuine smile. They really seem to enjoy their work. I have nothing but praise for their job. I had my first shower today. it was heavens. i got my diet for the next 30 days, it seems im only allowed to drink water, broth, yogurt, premier protein shakes and juices.. no wonder i will lose weight :-). i alse got a cd rom with my surgery video on it, but i have a MAC so i can't insert it in my computer. hopefully i can watch it tomorrow in the hotel Greetings Macy
  5. 1 point
    Today I called and inquired about secondary insurance with first health conventey. I've read good things about the insurance and I'm hoping that'll get be back on track for coverage in addition to the health insurance provided with my husbands work. Anyone have similar situations?
  6. 1 point

    2 weeks out..not a pound lost!?

    Well, I think mine was a combo of the fluids + pms/period. Of course that started about 10 days after surgery, period ended yesterday and I weighed this morning and was already down 1lb, so hopefully now that's all out of the way I will see more progress
  7. 1 point

    Getting scared

    I've been having a hard time but luckily I got to see my surgeon himself today. I am lucky, in that at our bariatric center we have both a surgeon, and a Clinical Pharmacist that works with him and us to make sure our meds are always right. Both of these wonderful men called my OBGYN themselves and the Clinical Pharmacist working with her to get me a med of progesterone and something else to help with my symptoms. They took such good care of me I could cry! It just took a few days, which I can understand. Being in such pain and so close to the surgery date had me on edge. Without birth control after so many years without a break my body is going haywire! I am just excited for my surgery. I lost 6 pounds this week in spite of not being able to exercise. Thanks for all the kind words and support.
  8. 1 point

    Party time!

    U look great.!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    After first week out ???

    I know there are a lot of views on weighing yourself daily. I weighed (and still do) everyday but I don't let it bother me if the scale doesn't move or fluctuates slightly upward. After years of not wanting to know what the scale said, it is important for me to weigh in everyday to stay accountable. I'm six months out and getting closer to my goal weight, things have slowed down but that is to be expected. Stick to your plan and you will have amazing results. Oh, and I started dairy (greek yogurt, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese) around 3 weeks maybe a little less.
  10. 1 point
    Mine and my husbands both exclude as well. I have wanted to find one that does. I have 49 BMI. Sleep apnea and high blood pressure and cholesterol so I would be approve on a plan that offers it. I would quit my job and work somewhere that offers it with their plan but it's hard to find out till you are already hired. Is this secondary expensive? I found the Dr I want in Mexico but it would be good to have a back up incase if issues.

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