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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    HELP! Portion sizes

    Weight has been far more accurate than volume for me. I use a scale for everything and I weigh everything in grams/ML because that is more accurate and makes more sense Once you are allowed solids, it is unlikely you can eat 4 ounces of it at once. It took me months to work up to it. The exception was soft baked fish, but that is really a soft food, not a solid. Even at 2 years, 4 ounces of solid food will still vary for me based on moisture content and the mood of my sleeve that day. You don't have a book that tells you what you should be eating? I was allowed 2 ounces at first and even that was a stretch. Also, this really isn't a question you should have to ask online or be confused about. You paid a team of people for this surgery, they should be telling you explicitly what you should and should not be doing. Make them. Weighing your food long term is going to save you a lot of calories over measuring. In the beginning a WLS patient that is healing can't eat much, so it doesn't seem like this matters much. Long term, when you are stalled or can't seem to lose and you think your calories X they might be Y. These small calorie differene over the course of a day, week, month and year add up. Better to create strong good habits in the beginning and carry them on long term.
  2. 2 points
    Just remember it will be worth it. I'm on day 4 now of liquids and since I haven't cheated, I can tell you it is true the hunger pains do go away. Your head occasionally wants food but my tummy is fine and I don't want for anything. I can tell already I've lost weight. Just get that protein/ fluids in and you will be good!
  3. 1 point
    Arthur Dent

    Sleep issues

    Has anyone experienced any issues staying asleep after surgery? I fall asleep pretty quickly, thanks to an Ambien, but I tend to wake up several times a night and need to listen to music or something to help me fall back asleep. Before surgery, I had problems falling asleep but then slept pretty soundly. The sleep interruptions make it very difficult to wake up, and then I'm tired all day. Any advice? I don't know if this is related to WLS, but I'm five weeks out and I don't know if my body is changing too quickly which makes it uncomfortable at night. Just thought I'd ask.
  4. 1 point


    Out of plus size women's clothing! Hooray!
  5. 1 point

    Vacation Post Surgery

    I think you should be fine. You'll be a week in a half out. Going off of my experience all my pain was gone and I had a good amount of energy when I hit a week in a half. I was sleeved on 9-12 and I don't take any of my pain meds anymore. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point

    After first week out ???

    I know there are a lot of views on weighing yourself daily. I weighed (and still do) everyday but I don't let it bother me if the scale doesn't move or fluctuates slightly upward. After years of not wanting to know what the scale said, it is important for me to weigh in everyday to stay accountable. I'm six months out and getting closer to my goal weight, things have slowed down but that is to be expected. Stick to your plan and you will have amazing results. Oh, and I started dairy (greek yogurt, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese) around 3 weeks maybe a little less.
  7. 1 point
    Yeah, I was in complete shock. He replaced my old doctor who left. I was going to give Him a chance. Lol. Thank you
  8. 1 point
    I’m so sorry that you are dealing with this. How stressful. [emoji25]. Have you thought about changing pcps (again) I don’t what kind of doctor says I’m going to ruin your day, drop a bomb on you and then leave you hanging. It’s your right to get a second opinion. I hope everything turns out ok 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  9. 1 point

    Natural remedies for nausea?

    This may not qualify as natural, but buy a bunch of rubbing alcohol pads and sniff them when you feel nauseous. I was severely nauseous after surgery and those puppies helped. It doesn't last long, but it helps.
  10. 1 point


    I also prefer the delayed chat feature the message board provides. Can walk away and not miss anything...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
