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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2017 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Just want to say THANK YOU!!

    Ah, yes, I have seen some of those posts and honestly, they're too painful for me! It's the encouragement and inspiration I come for. Take what I need, offer what I can and leave the rest....
  2. 2 points

    Really bad chest pains?

    Chest pains, call your doctor! We are not medically trained. Good luck!
  3. 2 points

    slowing weight loss

    Week long stalls really knock down the monthly totals. No worries, losses are losses.. and the DS is super good at getting patients closer to goal and keeping it off.. but stalls and slower losses can happen. Just because month 3 loss is 8 pounds doesn't mean month 4 losses won't be 14lbs. The journey is full of ups and downs, and isn't linear.
  4. 1 point

    Liquid Diet Ideas

    First off...I'm new to this site. So...HELLO EVERYONE! For insurance purposes, I'm on the fast track for surgery. I'm HOPING to have surgery the week before Thanksgiving. My nutritionist informed me that I will have to be on a liquid diet for 8 days before surgery. What are some of your favorite liquid-based meal replacements? I have my booklet that she gave me and I plan on following that. I would like ideas from my peers to see what their thoughts are. Thanks in Advance!
  5. 1 point

    Through this journey

    There's an unspoken dynamic called the Fat Friend Syndrome. In some social circles, people are comfortable with the fat person as long as she remains fat. Once the fat friend loses weight and engages in self-improvement, it disrupts the status quo. Subconsciously, the presence of the fat friend makes some thinner people feel better about themselves and their appearances. Once you lose weight, several of these thin friends might develop insecure feelings or feel you're in competition with them. When you're no longer fat, you no longer have the dumpy image that instills a sense of security into them. So, yes, expect the dynamic of your friendships to possibly change with permanence if/when you ever attain your goal weight. http://brittanyherself.com/cgg/im-the-fat-friend/
  6. 1 point


    I was sleeved on 09/07. And the last two or three days I was tired. I mean tired! Last night I went to bed at 11 and just woke up at 345 pm. Am I odd? Is it normal to feel like I’m catching up on sleep or like a bear????
  7. 1 point


    Wanted to post some updated pics and let everyone know I understand and have been there. It's not an easy choice and it's never easy but Daily Choices keep you going! Stay busy and keep moving after surgery
  8. 1 point

    Let's all vent!

    I'm 13 months post op and I've lost over 200 pounds. But I remember like it was yesterday waiting to get approved. It took me over a year to finally get a date for surgery. I wish you all the best! And if you have any questions, I'm here! [emoji4]
  9. 1 point
    I am 5 weeks post op and starting to feel really good about myself again. I 24. As a young woman, I always had curves but they were all in the right places but about 10 yrs ago, it became harder and harder to loose weight and the old tricks(including diet pills) became less effective. About 4 yrs ago I was diagnosed with a begin pituitary tumor which caused my body to produce excess amounts of prolactin(hyperolactinemia). Essentially your body thinks your pregnant. Even though the condition became controlled with medicine. Losing weight remained an issue and I slowly creeped up from 185 to 214over 4 years and just couldnt get out of the 200s. Fast forward to today, I'm down 18 pounds post op and starting to notice results. I attended an anniversary party yesterday and was able to wear a medium. I bought the same dress earlier this summer but needed an extra large. And at the dinner and in general I'm able to skip past the rice,pasta and potatoes and make those healthy choices of baked chicken or fish and veggies and salads etc. And its not hard; it has become a way of life for me that I have been able to embrace. So excited about what my new weight lose journey will bring! I know it will take time but I really feel like I can do it[emoji5] Sleeved 8/10/17 HT: 5'2 HW: 214 SW: 212 CW: 194 Goal: 155
  10. 1 point

    Alcohol after surgery

    So, be careful. This is actually why they tell people who have had the surgery to not drink at all. First, too much sugar in it. Second, we can easily transfer our food addiction on to alcohol, which has bigger risks. We just trade one addiction for another. My surgeon, other surgeons that I know of personally who do this surgery, the NUTs, everyone involved say please do not drink. Anymore. From now on. Now, most of us do and are fine but it is VERY common for people who have had this surgery to become alcoholics. It is just a risk that we have and it happens a lot. To me, it is bad enough to be addicted to food but the other addictions really really scare me. Take care and whatever you decide, we are rooting for you.

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