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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2017 in Magazine Articles

  1. 1 point
    Mindfulness basically just means paying attention to something - without judgment. Mindful eating is paying attention to your food, and to your appetite cues - again, without judgment (that's the hard part!). Dieting vs. Mindful Eating: Diet = Weight gain: 95% of people who diet will regain the weight they lost within 5 years. 2/3 of those people will regain more than they lost, ultimately resulting in overall weight gain. All about willpower and rigidity. Relies on external cues. Restrictive and depriving. Food & body are the enemy. Mindful Eating = Weight loss: Studies show that mindful eating programs result in weight loss, fewer calories consumed, lower fat intake and increased self-confidence (Timmerman et al., 2012) All about trust and acceptance. Relies on internal appetite cues. Permissive and satisfying. Food & body are the ally. Which would you prefer? For me, I'd much rather give mindful eating a shot. Especially since dieting was what led up to most people having bariatric surgery in the first place. Step-by-step how to eat mindfully: Pick a calm and quiet place to sit down and eat. Check in with your hunger. Are you physically hungry? If not, wait until later when you are hungry. The food will be much more satisfying if you enter the experience hungry. Choose a food that will be satisfying. Give yourself permission to eat that food without judgment (toward the food or yourself) or guilt. Use all of your senses - look at the food, touch the food, smell the food, taste the food, feel it in your mouth, move it around and notice the way the texture and taste changes as you chew. Chew slowly and thoroughly. As you swallow, feel the food going down your esophagus and into your stomach. Notice how the food feels in your stomach. Ask yourself if you want more. If so, take another bite and repeat until you feel satisfied. At the end, take a moment to express gratitude for the experience, for the food, and for your body. Carry the awareness of mindful attention to other areas of your life - you'll be shocked at what a big difference this makes! Be patient with yourself. The practice of mindful eating is just that - a practice. Your mind and attention will wander, you will inevitably catch yourself judging yourself or the food. That's ok - it's normal. Just notice it, and return your attention to the experience. Practice this as often as you are able. Of course, it's not possible to eat mindfully 100% of the time, so don't be rigid with it. As you get more skilled at mindful eating, it will become more effortless and second nature. See, I told you this wasn't just for hippies! Mindful eating is very doable for all of us. We just have to make the conscious decision to do it. Paying attention to our food and our bodies allows us to get infinite more pleasure out of life. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Share your experience in the comments below. What was it like to pay close attention to the taste and texture of the food? What was it like to refrain from judgment about yourself for eating the food? What surprised you about mindful eating?
  2. 1 point
    Freedom from Medical Chains Medical benefits are probably most closely related to weight loss, but they are still worth noting as a “side” benefit of Weight Loss Surgery. As you lose weight, you may have improvements in blood sugar control, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. You may have less joint and back pain. You may have fewer trips to the doctor, and be able to take fewer medications. Better Sleep Never underestimate the power of sleep! Losing weight can help you sleep more deeply so you feel better all day, every day. Your sleep can improve as you feel more comfortable in bed, and if you had sleep apnea that goes away or diminishes with weight loss. Just think how good life could be if you did not have to did not have to use a CPAP machine! New Food Finds Strange but true…there is a whole food world aside from burgers, burritos, fries, and bagels. Who knew that you might end up loving to start your day with oatmeal cottage cheese protein pancakes? Your favorite snack could turn out to be kale chips with parmesan. Dinner might be roasted cauliflower with grilled salmon – something you might never have considered when your go-to was mac and cheese from a box. Sure, you might miss a few foods, but you might notice that you are loving all kinds of new health foods, and the way they make you feel. On top of it, eating slowly can help you savor each bite and enjoy the textures and flavors more. Saving Money Saving money probably was not your main reason for considering weight loss surgery, especially if your insurance is not footing the bill. Still, Weight Loss Surgery could be a financial gain in the long run as you consider some potential savings. Lower medical bills for doctors’ visits, prescription medications, and complications such as complications of diabetes. Fewer sick days taken from work. Lower food bills as you eat less and potentially eat more homemade food. Fewer “extras,” such as higher prices of plus-sized clothing or needing to reserve two seats on a plane. More Meaningful Relationships Were your relationships built around food before Weight Loss Surgery? Did you consider your friends your best eating buddies, with each of your meetings at a restaurant or each other’s houses for a (unhealthy) meal? Weight loss surgery frees you up to explore other interests. Deepen your relationships with your friends as you walk together or meet at museums or other sights instead of depending on food to bring you together. And, if you do meet for a meal or snack, feel good knowing you can focus on the conversation as you eat slowly. Confidence Ultimately, weight loss surgery is for you, and you can benefit inside as you look better on the outside. You can gain confidence from your new looks, maybe as you fit into clothes you love, or you see a few muscles popping out. Confidence also comes from your achievements. If you can do something as hard as going through Weight Loss Surgery and sticking to all those healthy lifestyle changes, you can do pretty much anything you set your mind to. Energy Energy is a wonderful thing, but it may be in short supply when you are carrying around extra pounds. Lose a few, and you might feel your endurance explode. You can keep up with your kids, enjoy a day at the mall or beach, and go on vacations. Getting through the work day can be easier. Life is better all around when you have energy. Bariatric surgery is a weight loss tool, and it is so much more. Use it properly, and you can make great gains in many areas of your life. Part 2 of the series – to be published soon – will discuss ways to get what you deserve – maximum gains from Weight Loss Surgery!
  3. 1 point
    Craving sushi? You likely will not be able to tolerate your favourite sushi rolls because of the rice and seaweed wrap, however there are several other equally satisfying options on every Asian-style restaurant menu to consider. Indulge in an order of tartar or sashimi. These rice-less options are easier to digest. Don’t be afraid to ask if your favourite sushi rolls can be made with a cucumber wrap instead of the traditional seaweed wrap. This is often a ‘low carb’ option on sushi menus. Order a side of edamame beans. These soybeans are not only a good source of protein, but they are also rich in fibre. Try a protein rich Asian soup. Asian-style restaurants often have a traditional soup with eggs, tofu, chicken, and/or shrimp. Prioritize the solid pieces and leave most of the broth behind. Salmon or tuna salad. Most sushi restaurants have a simple green salad with a seared piece of fish and a flavourful salad dressing. Sandwiches & Wraps· Choose a sandwich on toasted bread. If it is a large sandwich, remove the top piece of bread. Great options include: chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad and deli meats. Wraps are also a good option. Opt for baked chicken rather than crispy chicken. Breakfast egg sandwiches Choose a breakfast wrap or a toasted english muffin sandwich. Skip the bacon and sausage. Salad Almost all restaurants now have a green salad with chicken. Again, opt for grilled chicken instead of crispy chicken. Other high protein options include: taco salads, chickpea salads and bean salads. Chili Whether you choose the vegetarian or meat version, chili packs a lot of protein. They are also very easy to digest making them the perfect option if you have recently transitioned to solid food. Here are some other helpful tips to challenge those old fast food habits: Skip the combo option… yes, even if it’s cheaper! Don’t order a drink. You will be less tempted to drink and eat at the same time if you don’t have a refreshing beverage staring you down during your meal. Eat in the restaurant instead of in the car. If you are driving and eating, food is more likely to block. You can’t be mindful if you are multitasking! Choose foods described as: grilled, baked, sautéed, broiled, steamed, boiled, etc. more often. These cooking methods are lower in calories. Many corner stores and gas stations now have ‘grab and go’ options in their fridges such as sandwiches, salads, protein shakes, yogurt parfaits, etc. Next time you get gas, make a mental note of 3 appropriate meal options you could choose if you were in a pinch. Bon appétit!- Lisa & Monica
  4. 1 point
    There are several apps that you can use to log your food, like My Fitness Pal and Lose It. Keeping track of your intake throughout the day can be a relatively quick way to keep your food journal. That’s one smart move. What about days that are so packed you don’t have time to record your foods and fluids until the end of the day? Another smart move is taking a picture of the food and fluids you have throughout the day. When we depend only on our memories, we tend to remember things in our favor and not necessarily the reality. For instance, researchers studied a group of nuns to see if they could accurately report the amount of food they had eaten. Pictures of the meals were taken before and after the meals were eaten. Guess what? The nuns were not too accurate about what they had eaten! Even the best of us need help to accurately recall what we’ve eaten. This is a case where a picture is worth a thousand recollections. Hope you have some smart moves to use today!
  5. 1 point
    Drinking liquid calories (although the stomach limits the volume of food that you eat, it doesn’t prevent you from being able to drink large amounts of calories), Not delaying your fluids from your solids (drinking and eating at the same time - only after surgery - appears to result in the rapid transit of the food you eat, in other words it “flushes” the food out of the stomach the same way flushing the toilet with water empties the bowl. This results in an empty stomach and a true physical hunger leading you to eat more. This is often confused with people thinking or feeling as if they have stretched their pouch), Grazing/Picking and nibbling (surgery operates on the stomach, not the mind, thus the reasons that may have lead some people to overeat before surgery may remain, such as emotional eating, stress eating, using food as a coping mechanism, etc. Some other reasons for weight regain that are less common but still possible include: An enlarged gastric pouch A fistula Intestinal adaptation New medications that may induce weight gain (i.e. anti-depressants, some forms of chemotherapy, etc) A poorly controlled thyroid (synthroid doses need to be adjusted after rapid weight loss). For further nutrition advice or to read our blog, visit our website and like our Facebook page for up-to-the-minute information: Bariatric Surgery Nutrition Bariatric Surgery Nutrition
  6. 1 point
    ‘It’ foods are typically foods that many parts of the world have been eating for centuries but are only now being marketed in North America and other first-world countries. They are advertised as ‘good-for-you’ products with the promise of making you healthier and happier than you have ever been! Their marketing claims make you feel like you’ve been missing out and that you NEED to include this ‘perfect’ food in your diet every single day! As dietitians, we are ALWAYS skeptical of these types of promises. Many of our patients this year have been loading up on hemp and chia seeds to supplement their protein intake. Patients brag about sprinkling them on their oats, yogurts, scrambled eggs and even ice cream! While these seeds do boast some great qualities, they have been misrepresented as being high in protein. Yes you heard us right… hemp and chia seeds are NOT considered to be a good protein supplement. Let us explain… If you are struggling to meet your protein needs, a good protein supplement should add at least 6-15 grams of protein to your meal or snack. Additionally, you ideally want this protein source to have the least amount of calories possible. A good way to compare how much protein you are getting for the calories is to calculate the food’sprotein to calorie ratio (protein : calorie). Let's look at the protein to calorie ratios of some common protein supplements: What is this chart telling us? * For every 1 gram of protein from chia seeds there are 29 calories. ** For every 1 gram of whey isolate protein powder there are 5 calories. This means that whey isolate protein powder can give you the same amount of protein for much less calories. More precisely, it can provide the same 6 grams of protein for 1/6th of the calories compared to chia seeds! So does this mean I should stop using hemp and chia seeds? The short answer is no! Hemp and chia seeds do have many positive benefits (see below), however they should not be used to supplement the missing 20 grams of protein in your diet. WHY? Adding 20 grams of protein using chia seeds would mean adding a whopping 585 calories! With hemp seeds this would mean adding 320 calories, which is still quite a bit! Comparatively, adding 20 grams of protein using whey isolate protein powder would only mean adding 100 calories. See the difference? How should I be using hemp and chia seeds then? For those of you looking to boost your protein intake, hemp and chia seeds should not be your only source of added protein. We recommend using them in combination with other lower calorie protein supplements such as protein powders. Adding ½ or 1 serving of seeds per day (see serving sizes in chart above) for example is very appropriate, as hemp and chia seeds contain many important nutrients that are often not talked about. Hemp and chia seeds are… Good vegan/vegetarian source of protein. High in fiber. Make sure you choose whole hemp seeds (i.e. not shelled ones like hemp hearts) if you are looking for the fiber boost. In the early stages postop, adding 1-2 tbsps of these seeds into your smoothies is a great way to help fight constipation. High in several important micronutrients. Hemp seeds are excellent sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and vitamin E, while chia seeds are high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, omega-3s and omega-6s. The bottom line: Healthy eating is not determined by one ‘superfood’ or seed. As always, the key is variety and moderation! - Lisa & Monica P.S. For those of you who are vegetarian or vegan, we recommend that you speak with your dietitian if you have questions about sources of protein.

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