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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    I'm going to be extremely extremely honest here. This is actually going to be really hard for me to say. I think the weight loss surgery can change the relationship in both good and bad ways. I've seen/heard a lot of people break up or get divorced after the surgery and I wondered why. I'm only 2 months post op and having relationship issues and I'm starting to have an epiphany. Do I love my boyfriend? YES. However, now that i'm losing the weight and gaining my confidence back...sometimes I ask myself, was I settling for less than what I deserve because I didn't think I could find better? Did I let my weight and my body determine how I should be loved for the last three years and accept things I didn't deserve in the relationship because I thought I was not worthy of better love because, who would want me? My boyfriend thinks I will leave him once I get thinner. I had a friend who had the surgery years before me and told me "don't let a man keep you fat to keep you around". So when my boyfriend tells me I don't need to lose more weight, her words come into my mind...maybe he wants me bigger so that I don't leave...My hormones are also going crazy right now since surgery and I'm emotional and crazy some days and we fight so hard that i'm just emotional drained and exhausted and don't have the energy to fight for my relationship some days. On the other hand, this surgery has done some good for my relationship as well. Each time my boyfriend notices my body is changing and I'm getting a little smaller, the way he looks at me...with pride, and love and appreciation and always tells me how beautiful I am and am becoming...it makes me happy. He saw my strength after surgery and how brave I was. I think he's falling in love with me even deeper than before after my weight loss surgery, however, I don't know if I can say the same. There's days where we are so connected and I am so freaking in love with the man, and then there's other days where I feel like walking away. There were issues before the surgery but I think i'm now opening up my eyes as I'm coming into my new skin and just don't want to accept the sh*tty things for the rest of my life. We deserve happiness. We deserve unconditional love. We deserve the absolute best. Our sizes shouldn't determine the size of happiness we think we should get.
  2. 2 points

    One week to go

    My surgery is in 34 days (OCT 12). Good luck and best wishes with yours!
  3. 2 points

    Today's my day

    I have a 2:45 surgery time so I'm just sitting here passing time. .. Anyone else today???? Nervous and ready for it to be over! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 2 points

    Social eating

    During the liquid phase I ordered a soup and didn't worry about finishing it. Tonight I ordered a 2 egg taco omelet with cottage cheese. I managed about half of the omelet (not much of the filling,) and a couple nibbles of the cottage cheese. The leftovers will be breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. I eat slow enough that I don't have to spend half the meal watching my companions eat, which is nice. My boyfriend and I plan to go in on meals together. American serving sizes are plenty generous so my maybe 4 ounces isn't going to make him go hungry, lol. The hardest parts for me so far have been remembering to not drink with my meal, and not getting so caught up in conversation that I miss the 'satiated' point and go straight into 'full.'
  5. 2 points
    Eating is very important. I've heard great things about Smooth Moves tea for constipation, also I've had good results with Benefiber and sugar free fiber gummies. All bodies are different, sometimes diabetes is completely resolved after surgery, sometimes not, sometimes only after a certain amount of weight has been lost. My friend was insulin dependent for 10 years before surgery and was completely off it and any other meds within 6 months of surgery. Try to get your walking in, it will help prevent muscle atrophy (you need your muscles to process glucose properly) and help move things along in the downstairs as well. Have faith, follow the path, and trust that a healthier you is going to be the result. Getting on meds now does not mean you'll be on them forever, and ending up on less meds in a healthier body is not a bad option for a result.
  6. 1 point
    I am over a year out and can have carbonated things. I can't drink much, about half a soda or beer. I almost never drink anything carbonated because I don't like sodas etc, but my plan allows them after 4 months.
  7. 1 point
    Hmm, well I was never a big drinker of anything outside of water to begin with. So, naturally, I have no interest in soda. But as for sugary foods, that did change some. I still like it, but I don't feel that intense craving for it. Salty stuff though...I think it's worse. I just can't handle myself around chips and crackers! It's weird.
  8. 1 point

    Kinda Worried

    Definitely talk to your doctor about how he made you feel. I am 5'8" and I weighed 208 on the day I had surgery. I had tyoe 2 diabetes and was one step away from needing insulin to control it. I ended up going to Mexico to get my surgery and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My diabetes is in remission and I feel better then I have in years. Lower BMI should not prevent you from having access to such a life changing surgery.
  9. 1 point

    Progress picture

    Picture from January 2017 : 231lbs Picture from July 2017: 183lbs Goal weight : 139lbs
  10. 1 point
    There is also just a change in attitude. Anyone that doesn't pat people on the head for eating 1/2 a pizza on day 10 was considered a bully. That seems to have died down some and people are better able to take suggestions and constructive criticism. Still with the void of people over 12 months out, there is less here for Vets, which means long term less vets will be active. I'm not even a real Vet (I think people beyond 3 years are Vets) but I am probably the furthest from surgery of people that post daily or close to everyday. If it ever stops raining and I can get my summer going, I won't be posting much either. It is a shame, this was the most active site, the other ones are dead dead dead. Oh well. At least I have my Keto groups.

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