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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2017 in Status Updates

  1. 2 points
    My home scale dipped below 300 as of this morning. I haven't seen the 2s in almost 7 years. I hope to never see a 3 again!!
  2. 1 point
    Just got approved by insurance!! EEK!!!
  3. 1 point
    Went swimming for the first time since surgery (and let's admit...it's been a long time in general). Felt amazing! Nice to do a different type of workout that didn't feel like such a work out! Tired myself out and took a nap. Fantastic Sunday!! I should consider having more of these days!
  4. 1 point
    mentioned to mom i had lost a few lbs do to being sick. she said, oh no -you should do this or that to gain weight (i'm at goal) i "reminded" her with a laugh - that all my life "i had heard" not to eat so much etc. now she tells me i'm too thin!!!! - mothers, can't live with them, can't live without them
  5. 1 point
    Hello All best of luck to those who are going in for surgery the worst part will be the gas pain. It'd excruciating wish someone would have warned me so there you go.. my journey- started at 240lbs with a height of only 5'2 I'm down to 203 as of today. I'm almost at my 40 lb mark best decision I've made in my life besides my kids. Feel more energy feel alive something I hadnt felt in a while. Best eating advice I can give after surgery at about 1 month mark is to eat many times during the day stick to protein shake in the AM and eat rick protein foods water and healthy fats. Weight will keep coming off. Thanks to all for hearing me out and best of luck to all this in journey!!!!
  6. 1 point
    Mieko Tominaga

    Proud <3

    Proud <3
  7. 1 point
    Yesterday was 3 months post-op. I have lost 35 lbs since my surgery and 82 lbs since August of last year. I am so happy that I decided to do this for myself. I am healthier than I have been in years and I feel amazing. I was eating a low carb diet since December of last year and recently decided to transition to a whole foods plant based diet after reading the book Proteinaholic and doing my own research. I have an incredible support system for this change as my circle of friends from church are all vegans/vegetarians. At this point my daily carb consumption has gone from 30g to about 55-70g and my protein has dropped from 80-85 down to 50-55. My blood sugar control has remained perfect despite the increase in complex carbs. I continue to avoid sugar, white flour, bread, white rice, and pasta. My weight loss has actually picked up this past week, but this may just be a coincidence. I feel really good. The only slight negative I can note is am a little more drained after a run and have been unable to run my long distance of 3 miles yet. I have been sticking to 2-2.5 miles for now. I think my body is still adjusting to the change. I am going to post my photo because a couple of people have requested before and after pics. It is hard looking back, but it does help show us just how far we have come and what a difference a year can make.
  8. 1 point
    Just a share..... People ask me all the time... Who was your inspiration when you first came here?...... I say with out a doubt..... Makulafamy & Lellow..... These two chick rocked the band. Although they don't come here any more.... I still keep up with Makulafamy via FB and her blog. If you want to be inspired and laugh and cry.... http://cheeseandsunkist.blogspot.com/ ..... When i saw these two's before's and after... everything seemed possible.
  9. 1 point
    Tomorrow's my surgery day. God, I hope I can eat the right way and permanently lose this weight.
  10. 1 point
    Wow.... 43,328 people have viewed my profile. I sure hope that i was able to at least inspire one person.... That would be nice.

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