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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2017 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    After pictures

    I had gastric bypass Jan 18. My highest weight was 235. My day of surgery I weighed 192. My current weight today is 136. Boy has it been a journey of ups and downs but well worth it. I will however be getting plastics in the near future. I went from a 38 DDD to a b cup full of skin YUCK!
  2. 3 points

    1 year anniversary today

    I can not believe I am at my 1 yr anniversary already. Seems just like yesterday I was getting ready to go into surgery. I have to say best decision I made. I am down 80 pounds as of today:) My family have been very supportive from the start of my journey and I am so, grateful to all of them. I could not have done it with out them. Looking to get the other 20 pounds off and I will be at my goal I set for myself. Congratulations to everyone on here to becoming a healthier you!!! HW 263 SW 249 CW 183
  3. 2 points
    I know I have posted many MANY times about my struggles with regain. I have attempted resets and restarts multiple times but fail every time. Today I am ready. I just have had enough. Absolutely enough. I am SICK AND TIRED. I am angry at myself for having lost all of my will power. I did SO great post op and then things changed. My personal life went into chaos-it's like I totally forgot that I'm a bariatric patient. Today I realized that there is NO MAGIC PILL for regain. I've tried it all, but right in this minute I realized that going back to basics and getting my butt into a gym are the key. There is no secret. I promise I won't ever post again asking WHAT to do. I may post asking how to tweak something or for a bit of guidance, but I KNOW WHAT TO DO... so today, today is my day. Today I start back with dense proteins, tracking my water, giving up the pop permanently, cutting all the carbs, treats, snacking, etc. I WILL add shakes too, because I work nights and part of my problem has been eating through the day, then eating all night at work just to stay awake. If i'm going to have to do SOMETHING to stay awake, i'd rather it be a shake than pizza or junk. Please. PLEASE pray for me, cheer me on, drop me a smile or a piece of support. Whatever you have, please help me along. I have little access to a surgeon (I had to leave my original surgeon due to a move, and my new surgeon only wants to talk revision). I attended a new support group and liked them, they only meet once a month. I'm walking in there again in a couple weeks and going to ask for email/phone/text contact info of the members so I can stay in touch with them. Ok. I'm ready. Seriously, truly ready. Here we go. Day 1.
  4. 1 point

    Eating for road race

    7 miles isn't very far. I don't think you really need to carb load much for that.
  5. 1 point


    Woo hoo!!! Congrats!!!!
  6. 1 point
    I got lazy inputting info on the apps so stopped using it. Eating smaller portions is how I "measure" my meals now, so I measure how much food I put in my small plate (usually I'm good between 4 oz - 6 oz of food). Height: 5'0" Weight for WLS consultation: 216 lbs. Surgery date: 2/13/17 Goal: -71 lbs for healthy BMI (about 145 lbs). Current weight: 140 lbs, now ready to lose 15 more past goal. My profile picture is not me. It's my "FITspiration" body.
  7. 1 point
    You are eating too fast and not chewing enough. Slow down. Cut one tiny piece of food. Put it in your mouth. Chew 25-40 times. Put your fork down. Do not cut a second piece. Wait 40-60 seconds before taking your next bite. That's why you feel like you are going to puke.
  8. 1 point
    Your plan sounds great!
  9. 1 point

    EGD before surgery date?

    Do you live in a place where you could have the EGD done somewhere else? I had mine done at my regular clinic, because my surgery program is a 2 hour drive from me, and they just sent the results to my bariatric surgeon.
  10. 1 point

    Wow it's been awhile!

    Hello BariatricPal Friends! It's been close to 4 years since I've posted on here and didn't realize this site was still kicking! Anyway, I'm here to tell you about my story about me and my Lap-Band. I've had my Lap-Band for 2 and a half years before I had revision surgery because mine slipped due to me losing too much weight and my adjustments were very frequent. Before revision surgery, I was down 120lbs. After revision, I haven't gone back to the doctor. The last four years of my life have been a roller coaster. I'm close to my starting weight before starting my journey in 2013. Well after getting married, my daughter being born and fast forward to 2017, I'm back where I started before getting weight loss surgery... Crazy huh? It's not a good feeling by any means that's for sure. I could sit here all night and give a list of excuses. The biggest area of my problems was in my marriage (currently getting divorced). My significant other was against my surgery after my revision and it was a downward spiral from there emotionally, mentally and spiritually among other martial issues that hindered my weight. I got into bad habits again and just felt like my self worth and self esteem was non exist. I picked up all my weight I worked so hard to lose. Worst feeling in the world and feel like my surgery wasn't worth it and that I'm just another lap band patient that picked all their weight back up! Well now going through the motions of a divorce and will be putting it in the past once everything is settled, I've started to get back in the groove of things and I'm getting back to my old self again of taking control and have already seen weight loss and have seen my Lap Band doctor. I'm glad to be back on track and I can't wait to see the what future holds! -I'm a 5 year veteran with plenty of experience with the lap band so if anyone needs advice or wants to ask questions let me know! I used to be very active on this site! -Amine

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