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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2017 in Status Updates

  1. 2 points
    Guess what!? I haven't had a single bout of heartburn/acid reflux since being sleeved and changing my lifestyle diet to plant based. AMAZING! I believe it has to be the diet more than just being sleeved, since I've read that so many are having issues with it after being sleeved. Makes you wonder...huh?
  2. 2 points
    7/26 - Worst day EVER!! My dog was hit by a car and his back leg paw is broken. My mom had him off of the lease and he was peeing on some grass near the curb. He was walking on the edge to come back around when he fell into the street and a driver clipped his back right leg. The driver didn't even stop. He is okay and just requires surgery to get pins in his right ankle. He has surgery on 7/28 in the morning. I broke my Keto for the day. Anxious eating has always been my problem. I had Tostitos and salsa and just ate half a bag without realizing it. It took over an hour, however I still ate it. 7/27 - Got the price of how much this would cost. Over $5,000 for 3 nights stay, surgery, pins and painkillers. I cannot complain. It was funny to watch people look at me as I paid the medical bills up front. They were like, what does this young girl do and how much money does she make? I was looking at them like, I will pay anything for this dog. I just want to be able to take him home already. He is such a resilient dog though. He continues to try and get up although it hurts. I told him we will be twins (I have screws in my right ankle). Kept to my keto today. Had beef chevy's for snacks. Sooo good.
  3. 1 point
    I'm so impressed with my weight I weighed less now than in 2014. I'm 31 pounds away from when I was pregnant with my 12 year old. My happy and outgoing personality hasn't changed in fact I am getting more love than I expected. My clothes are falling off me and I feel lighter plus I am more spiritually happy than ever. Can't for the next set of losses I am in the early 300 pound mark. I'm taking pictures to see the progress I have been making. Not to mention I am checking myself out in mirrors a lot lately.
  4. 1 point
    Newbie here.i just reading over some the post an what others may have experienced.i got a month before surgery.if I don't change my mind.
  5. 1 point
    My surgery date is August 29, 2017. 😜😜😜😜😂😱. So happy I could cry 😭
  6. 1 point
    I am looking forward to the cooler weather the Fall will bring. I say this as I am sitting here cooling down from my run. The humidity really kills me, but I hate treadmills so I will continue to endure. This morning I found the pace that feels like you could run forever and I started going over how my life has improved since last year at this same time. I weighed in the 250's with my highest known weight 255. I wasn't weighing much then because I was disgusted with myself. I had let carbs back into my diet and my weight and blood sugars were out of control. I couldn't understand why I could go 4-6 weeks and then I would just give up. I now know why. My body was fighting me every step of the way. I kept fighting though, and found a new endocrinologist who agreed to change my thyroid medication and help get my diabetes under control. I had to wait 6 months to get an appointment with him, but it was worth it. I saw him in Nov. 2016 and he was the first doctor to suggest WLS. He put the idea in my head and I told him I would think about it. He saved my life that day by having the courage to be honest with me about my weight without judging me or making me feel like the failure I thought I was. The truth hurts sometimes, but it also motivates us, or at least it did me. I was going to be put on insulin if my A1C did not come down to below 7 on my next test in April. Having WLS surgery gave me the metabolism reset I needed. My body is no loner fighting me every step of the way. I realized this morning that I am 74 pounds lighter than I was last summer and this is a miracle. I am on my way to being healthier, stronger, fitter, and happier in my 50's than I ever was in my 40's. I won't go back to last year ever. I know I can't see the future and what it holds. I know my journey won't be easy and I will stumble and fall, but I am certain with all of my being that I am moving forward and never back. As long as I keep getting up I am strong. Have a great Monday everyone!
  7. 1 point
    Today is my second year surgiversary best decision I ever made. My body change alot i still have some stuff i have to get used to but still working on my body.... 187 pounds less

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