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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2017 in Status Updates

  1. 2 points
    Hello everybody I new to this forum but wanted to share my story . I started my weight loss journey on October 15 2016 when my surgery was scheduled in Tijuana Mexico. I started a all liquid diet on the 17th of october 2016. On that day I weighed 268 pounds , my Vsg surgery was scheduled for October 27,2016 at 11am. On the day of surgery I weighed in at 258 pounds . The surgery went off with out a hitch. I was released the next day . For the first month I questioned the decision I had made . Nothing can prepare you for the huge life change that's to come. For the first time in my life I have control of my life , my eating and have regained my self confidence that had been gone for so long. I'm almost 10 months out and have hit my ultimate goal of 150 pounds. I'm embarrassed to admit I never exercised during the 10 months , i always struggled to get my protein in and after work , kids and life I was always exhausted and not motivated. Now after 10 months post op I've started to go to the gym. I don't regret my decision and would do it over if given the opportunity. #Mynewlifeisfabulous
  2. 1 point

  3. 1 point
    Meeting with the nurses and anesthesiologist on the 8th. I need to get blood work done then too. Surgery is scheduled for August 15th @ 9:00. I'm excited at this time. and not really nervous yet. It has been long and drawn out fighting with my insurance on coverage. I started this journey February and it is finally going to happen. I just want to be off the medications and my c-pap. I hope the knee and feet pain go away or at least is more tolerable. So thankful for my supportive husband and family.
  4. 1 point
    I ran in the pouring rain this morning for the first time. It was actually not too bad except for the rain in my eyes. I am having a slight issue with my right knee, nothing serious just a twinge so I am running with a compression sleeve and following the RICE protocol. I am praying this doesn't side line me. I will be taking an extra rest day tomorrow just to be careful.
  5. 1 point
    I am looking forward to the cooler weather the Fall will bring. I say this as I am sitting here cooling down from my run. The humidity really kills me, but I hate treadmills so I will continue to endure. This morning I found the pace that feels like you could run forever and I started going over how my life has improved since last year at this same time. I weighed in the 250's with my highest known weight 255. I wasn't weighing much then because I was disgusted with myself. I had let carbs back into my diet and my weight and blood sugars were out of control. I couldn't understand why I could go 4-6 weeks and then I would just give up. I now know why. My body was fighting me every step of the way. I kept fighting though, and found a new endocrinologist who agreed to change my thyroid medication and help get my diabetes under control. I had to wait 6 months to get an appointment with him, but it was worth it. I saw him in Nov. 2016 and he was the first doctor to suggest WLS. He put the idea in my head and I told him I would think about it. He saved my life that day by having the courage to be honest with me about my weight without judging me or making me feel like the failure I thought I was. The truth hurts sometimes, but it also motivates us, or at least it did me. I was going to be put on insulin if my A1C did not come down to below 7 on my next test in April. Having WLS surgery gave me the metabolism reset I needed. My body is no loner fighting me every step of the way. I realized this morning that I am 74 pounds lighter than I was last summer and this is a miracle. I am on my way to being healthier, stronger, fitter, and happier in my 50's than I ever was in my 40's. I won't go back to last year ever. I know I can't see the future and what it holds. I know my journey won't be easy and I will stumble and fall, but I am certain with all of my being that I am moving forward and never back. As long as I keep getting up I am strong. Have a great Monday everyone!
  6. 1 point
    Post op Day 22... So the dreaded stall is here....first I was angry,sad,depressed. I think I might have gone through every emotion possible in a matter of a few days...oh lets add confusion. I have been reading too much into other peoples journeys and I simply must stop. I took a break from FB, next might be insta.....then today I was just researching more about the stall and I found a thread were this woman made perfect sense.... "Please remember, Weight Loss Surgery is NOT a diet, it’s a lifestyle change which requires patience, diligence, mindfulness, change of old habits, etc.; it’s not a quick fix. It really does sound like you are doing very well and you just need to keep going and be kind and loving to yourself and embrace your success right where you are." I have been expecting fast results when my body is still healing, my wounds are not even all the way closed up. I am doing more damage by fretting or physicking myself out. I need to relax and continue with my new lifestyle and give it to the Lord. My body is so tired, I get tired in the shower washing my hair. I also think I am about to have a visit from Aunt Flow....so maybe that is playing a part. I felt more bloated and have been having those hunger pains more (usually I eat more during my time of the month) I also saw some candy and wanted it. I only liked candy during my time of the month. Also there are a few people on this site who like to give backhanded compliments. Or even advice, this site does have wonderful information but sometimes the threads can go crazy and too many people have an opinion. Just going to keep doing what I am doing and walk more. I have been doing my correct water intake and staying within my approved foods. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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