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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2017 in Status Updates

  1. 3 points
    7/8 - Extremely healthy keto day. 7/9 - Halo Top 1/2 Cup Chocolate Mocha Chip (I am in heaven!!). Healthy keto day. Weighed in at 208.4 lbs. Gained 1.4 lbs 7/10 - Hung out at Coney Island with my Mom, little Brother and my dog Buddy aka Rasta Scoobs. At Nathans Philly Chicken with no bun. The guy gave me the nasty look when I ordered it. (It was like really, you are going to come here and want to eat healthy at Nathans?). With a nasty tone, he says, "It's going to be the same price and the same amount of meat." So in an even nastier tone, I said, "Did I ask about the amount of meat or the price? No. I asked for a Philly Chicken with No Bun. Thank you." He just placed my order and my brother says, "Don't be surprise if you find some special sauce or a hair floating around in it lol." 7/11 - Keto Day. Decided to step on the scale and weighed 205.4 lbs. I was like WTF!!! What is going on? At this point my weight is fluctuating up and down. I think I maybe starting stall soon and my body is warning me. It could also be water weight. 7/12 - Another Keto Day. Went out to eat with my mom and brother and I was upset because I could have the Tacos of Bell. My mom keeps saying, "Oh you have your meal prep and you have been doing so good on your diet. Taco Bell is not good for you." I was like then why are you eating it. She says, "I'm grown and your mama. Do as I say and not as I do." She is right but sooo annoying sometimes. 7/13 - My day was healthy. Received two new Hidrate Spark bottles. Gave one to my mom and brother. They are in love and I set them up on their phones. Breakfast: 2 egg whites boiled with salt. Snack: 2 pickle slices Lunch 1 - 2 : 2.1 oz of turkey with a tomatoes, a little cheese, romaine lettuce and my special dressing. (Broken up into 2 meals) Snack: 21 olives. Dinner 1 - 2: 4 oz of ground beef, a little cheese, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream and salsa. (Broken up into 2 meals)
  2. 2 points
    So far surgery is a success. I'm on liquids 'clear' and 'full' until day 17, then I start blending all my food...haha, yay? I've tried very small pieces of a few soft solid foods. It takes about 2 minutes for everything to register that it is being rejected.. Then I throw it up about 15 times, rather unpleasant. So suffice to say, it has been easy to stick to liquids like I'm supposed to Thick cream soups kind of have the safe effect. Protein shakes however, are going down, slowly, but going down none the less. Down 12lbs since surgery 8 days ago. Even received compliments, the "your face looks skinnier" compliment. It's odd but I'll take it
  3. 1 point
    Today 18 days after my 1st or 4 skin removal surgeries I was able to walk 1/4 mile with the walker. This is the farthest I have walked in over 30 year without any back pain. I am so excited that I was able to do this. When the 2nd skin removal surgery is done in the Fall I may be able to walk without the walker. To be able to do all the activities that were taken away from me over 30 years ago would make me so very happy and proud at what I have accomplished over all these years. Over 280 pounds gone, smaller boobies and soon a smaller tummy and than 2 more skin removal surgeries is a lot to go through but it is so worth it in the end.
  4. 1 point
    Post op Day 15.... For dinner last night I nibbled on some very mushy broccoli with a hint of lemon and pepper and a touch of salt. It was DELISH! I probably had 2 bites of that and then I had paired it with my Ricotta Bake. I maybe had 3 bites of that. I am still learning the feeling of what is "full". The DS is not like the gastric bypass. Things seem to go down much easier as opposed to the gastric bypass it was coming up regardless if I liked it or not. I am thankful for that experience only because I will not over eat. I am scared to throw up especially with my wounds still very much present and hurting occasionally. ( I think the nerves are reconnecting) But on that same point I am scared I may not eat enough. Today I still brought a protein drink and I had half left over from work. So now I have had thus far 1 full protein premier protein and a half and 3 bites of my ricotta bake that I brought. I also brought some non fat yogurt but I doubt I will open that. I know I cannot live in fear but I do not want to not make my protein intake for the day. I have been getting the water in but I noticed my urine not as clear as prior to surgery. Oh well....I will keep trucking.
  5. 1 point
    Had my 3rd diet visit today (which is a restart in the process since I missed 2 appts) and it went very well. I lost 10.58 pounds (4.8 kg) since my last visit of April 28, about 10 weeks ago. They were very proud and encouraging. I talked a long time with the NP (bless her patience!) about some of my fears and anxieties about getting surgery and besides giving me lots of good info she reminded me that since I still have five visits to go before we can submit for approval, I have plenty of time to make decisions. I am enjoying the new protein-focused diet which I find easy to stick to at the moment, and I am swimming every day which is also helping! Between the nutrition changes, therapy, and sleeping a bit better I am feeling pretty positive about my chances for success. It looks like December is totally out for surgery since my final visit with the surgeon is 12/15 and the NP said it's 3-4 weeks for approval usually. So looking at the middle or end of January at the earliest. That will change some of my plans for school, but thankfully I planned ahead and I already have all the classes I need to transfer in the fall, so I can just take online or half-semester courses to allow for some downtime in Jan & Feb. I do need to be enrolled in at least 6 credits to keep some of my merit-related things in place, but I think I'll find something that works. So once I get approved, they schedule a pre-op visit with anesthesia to get cleared for surgery and I will attend a class that gives all the nitty gritty about post-op care and diet. That will also be the start of the 2-week liquid diet which will continue for 2 weeks after surgery (or 3 weeks if I change to the VSG). I'm really looking forward to getting to this stage! I'm at 362.75 pounds at the moment and between the liquid diet and my pre-op diet changes, I would love to hit the operating table at 299. Can I do it in six months?????? Sorry for the rambling update! Hope everyone has a great weekend, and stay cool out there!!!!
  6. 1 point
    Well, all the status posts on AM workouts had me in the mood to try my hand at it again. I believe this was the first time I've taken a morning walk as a post op. It went.. ok. I really loved it for the same reasons I liked it preop, but I didn't drink enough water before I headed out the door and came back home very dizzy. So I'm gonna try again tomorrow, but this time I'll make sure I'm better hydrated before going out.

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