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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Down 45pds

    @jazzy0917 i'm gonna slap your handLOL don't down play your success whether you lost 45 lbs or 4 lbs, look at how far you have come, glass half full or half empty, you choose!! doing great - you are aces keep on keepin' on!! kathy
  2. 2 points

    On the verge of dehydration!

    Also try sugar free popsicles
  3. 1 point

    Losing relationships

    Has anyone else noticed any relationships being lost? People that you never thought would back away? Your success makes them feel more insecure about themselves and you might lose pounds/ inches but the you find that the people closest to you become an emotional weight dragging you down? Sent from my SM-G930P using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    On the verge of dehydration!

    The only premier shake I like is the chocolate one because it doesn't taste grainy or too strong deff try it. They have it in Walmart pack of 4 shakes for $7
  5. 1 point

    July 12th

    Less than a day to go! YIP-E-I-O! Hospital called this morning and moved my surgery up from 11:30 to 10:00am, and need to be there by 8:00am to get the ball rolling with all the prep stuff. Did you get your surgery time? Pardon me with all the questions ^^, just want to get some bearings with whom I am talking. So yeah..., you can read my Bio (still haven't posted my story/background yet), but it'll come. In a nutshell - I am the heaviest person in my extended family on both sides. EVERYONE is tall and thin..., I am tall and large. I started putting on weight after my first child was born 20 years ago, and soon after the twins were born 16 years ago, it really started to show up. Went from a size 12/14 up to a 22 on one point. Had a personal trainer the gym..., did Weight Watchers..., did Advocare..., blah, blah, blah. AND THEN, my husband had an affair and moved out..., I lost 90 lbs in four months..., was in the hospital with gallbladder attack/removal in fifth month..., filed for divorce...., turned 40 years old a couple months later..., and then diagnosed with HYPOTHYROID DISEASE...,, and fast forward to a couple years ago when I get diagnosed with HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS - the autoimmune cousin to Hypothyroid Disease. That's when the Eureka moment occurred ---- I will never get this weight off by strictly dieting and/or starving myself because my thyroid was all out of wack! So here we are..., the eve of "When Lauren Gets Her Groove Back"! And in 6 months I will get a Right Hip Replacement, due to Osteoarthritis..., and after it's all said and done, I will be ready to capture life again! Oh, and btw - I turn 50 this August and actually looking forward to it. 2nd Quarter really sucked and hoping for the 3rd Quarter Rebound!!!!
  6. 1 point

    Eating certain things?

    You're still really early out! I couldn't do eggs for six months, red meat was even longer... and I STILL can't do much bread unless it's toast. I don't include it in my diet usually anyway, no need to. Rice is another thing I still can't do. Carrots are iffy unless they are cooked.
  7. 1 point

    one year surgiversary

    Hi, I just passed my one year surgiversary and I wanted to offer up my thoughts on what this passed year has brought. My day of surgery weight was 285. My current weight is 138.5. I have read a lot of the forums and was surprised to see how many folks had regrets. I can honestly say I have none even though I had to have another surgery to fix an internal hernia and remove lesions. I feel blessed that I was given this tool, yes, it is only a tool. It is not a magical procedure that miraculously makes you thin and fixes all the problems in your life. Your struggle with obesity still continues long after surgery. The hard work really begins once you resume eating every day foods. I have not had soda (including diet), cakes, cookies, bread, pasta, potatoes, chips, any type of junk food, processed meats, etc since a month prior to my June 2016 surgery. Do I miss it? Not really as the trade off is much sweeter than any cookie. Instead of indulging in food, I can indulge in a smaller sized wardrobe. I do cook for my family and bake. I have become a master at washing my hands off as soon as I get icing, or cake batter or cookie dough on my fingers. I don't take tastes of these things either. I know it is a very slippery slope and these types of food are triggers to bad behavior for me. I struggle with the same bad habits that I had when I was heavier. These habits do not disappear with the rerouting of your internal plumbing. You have to look within yourself and decide what you want the outcome of this surgery to be. I wanted to be healthier and feel better about myself. I know that being happier about myself would spill over to family and friends. I am more confident about myself which has benefited me at work. If you are contemplating the surgery, go for it! If you are regretting the surgery, don't! Look at it as a gift that will keep on giving as you become healthier, more confident and ready to take on the world. This is a once in life time opportunity. Thank you.
  8. 1 point
    Well, hopefully by the time you feel comfy enough to get down n dirty with someone you feel comfy enough to talk about your weight loss n how you're a lil insecure about being naked in front of someone.. Munky
  9. 1 point
    I am 10 months out. I got sleeved in June 2015. I am 44 years old. I was 200 and now I'm 130. I starting losing in October, November and December. I lost 50% of my hair. Literally clumps fell out. Because of this site and all of the hair loss posts, I didn't freak out as much because I knew if I was going to lose hair it would start around the 4th month and last 3 months...which is exactly what happened. I abruptly stopped losing hair after 3 months and now it's all growing back. It's the rapid weight lose and hormones. It's not about getting more protein or certain shampoos or supplements. If you're going to lose hair, it's going to happen. You'll be so afraid it won't stop and then it just does. I didn't get bald spots, but it got very thin and I lost about 6 inches in length. It does suck, but it was worth the weight lose. Good luck!
  10. 1 point

    The Science of Attraction

    The biggest thing that I look for, and am attracted to is confidence. If a man lacks it, two things are going to happen. 1. I'm probably not going to be that interested 2. If I still happen to like the person, I'll take charge, as I am a naturally dominant woman. That's just who I am. I love Alpha males. Not the chest beaters, those guys are really beta males trying to convince you they are Alphas. A true Alpha male (imo) is a man who knows how to create his own space. He is in control of himself, and his emotions. He is never desperate or needy. He is not the guy going around from table to table at a club looking for a woman. An Alpha male is the guy sitting alone, comfortable in his own skin, enjoying himself...he always draws the women to him. He is neither controlling or overly dominant, because he has total control of himself. He is not insecure or jealous either. Now that's exactly what I want. That kind of man, I feel safe with. Which for me, is very high on my list of needs, where a mate is concerned. The smell thing....maybe I'm different, more animalistic, or primal, but I don't mind a little musk on my men. I like to be able to smell their natural body odor. I do not mean rank. But I don't need a soapy smelling apple/pomegranate in bed. You mask your true scent, and that's what makes me want a man more...his true scent. Very good questions @@OKCPirate Uh oh, sorry I thought these questions were geared towards women, looks like I'm in the wrong room. Carry on with your discussion.

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