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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2017 in Status Updates

  1. 3 points
    What doctor (or qualified medical professional) makes his or her patient believe that he or she is going to have dramatic weight loss right off the bat and lose all his or her weight in a matter of weeks? I sware, there is a poster that is shocked that he or she hasn't lost 30 pounds the first month almost every day. It makes me wonder what some of these pre-op conversations are like, or if people just hear what they want to hear...
  2. 3 points
    Post OP- Day 12 So since my pre op meeting (June 5th) I am down 40 lbs. I have lost 14 lbs since my surgery June 28th. I saw my nutritionist this morning and she said I have to work to get in more protein. I have been getting better. They found during my surgery I had a hiatal hernia, which my doctor repaired. Sometimes I gasp for air as I have not been breathing for minutes. But I have been doing breathing treatments and it is much better. Yesterday I did over half a mile on the treadmill in under 14 min. That felt good, it felt good to sweat. I am so ready to get to the gym and hit the ground running. I know I have such a long road ahead of me but I am excited for the journey. For the first time I cooked dinner for my family last night and it felt soooo good. I had been removing myself from situations involving food. My husband and son went to Mcdonalds and I just sat in the car and waited. I would get angry and I did not like that. Cooking for them gave me pleasure and I wasn't tempted at all surprisingly. I just tasted some sauce I made to make sure the flavors were on point and boom shacka lacka! Since my surgery I have lost a loved one and gained a niece, it has been such an emotional time for me but I know that God has a bigger plan for me. <3
  3. 2 points
    Tomorrow I can eat scrambled eggs! I am really excited about this! I am also going to try to make a ricotta bake......even if I just get a bite of each down I would be a happy camper. I am also really proud--- today being Day 13 Post op--- I FINALLY got down two protein shakes! (60 grames protein) It is really hard - plus trying to get my water intake in as well. I have a very full feeling that has not gone away. Today was a good day, and my 2nd day at work since surgery....feeling optimistic. My tummy is not hurting as much, I just wish I was back to sleeping normal. I am super tired and no caffeine until the end of the month...sheesh!
  4. 2 points
    I'm usually not a cardio gal (even though I do cardio) but I'm digging in getting my cardio in with JUST DANCE. I haven't had a session yet without my girls in it. They love to dance/workout too. Even if I do a YouTube workout video, they're in it. I want them to always remember the days that they worked out with me. I did the same with my dad back in the 80's when he had an exercise class he taught. That's where my love to exercise came from....I just pray and hope they don't let go when they get older as I did.
  5. 1 point
    So I used to do Pilates and loved the feeling of being stretched and limber afterwards. I decided to do a quick Pilates video and the first move was to lay down on the floor on your back and pull up your legs at a 90 degree angle. Easy enough right? Not when it feels like your tailbone is sitting on top of a metal rod!!!! I couldn't lay down properly. So I tried the next move, lay on your side to lift your top leg up and forward. OUCH! It hurt my hip bone!!! Then I rolled over to the other side to check, felt the same. Am I destined to get my stretches one standing up? Hurts way too much to be laying on my bones, they feel bruised and/or like I said, laying on a metal rod. Anyone else have this happen to them? Maybe it's weight loss? Maybe it's my age? I don't know!
  6. 1 point
    Today marks 7 weeks post op! This month has not gone as smooth as last month did as far as eating on plan. I had a couple of days this month where I ate well over my calorie budget. Even though it was not nearly as much as I used to eat before surgery, it doesn't take much for me to stall. I'm not sure of my weight loss (if any) because I'm still weighing once a month, but whatever number pops up when I weigh in next week, I am still doing better than I ever could have before having surgery. I still know that I for sure would have blown it by now as I have never been successful for more than 2 weeks. I am also taking every failure as an opportunity to learn. I realized I made bad choices in some of the foods I bought because the sugar/carb content stimulated my hunger. There are certain foods I have to stay way from if I want to be successful. Even with that, I made some adjustments and do not feel deprived at all. My plan is still to weigh in once a month. I feel it really makes me focus on nutrition and what I can do starting at my very next meal to be successful. When I'd weigh in weekly sometimes I'd have a week where I knew I was not eating as well as I could have, yet I still had a loss. It could have been a big poop, or pee, or dehydration, but I'd remain blissfully ignorant and loosen up on my diet the next week to celebrate. On the flip side, I had weeks where I was working hard, diet was on point, and I'd lose less than a pound, sometimes nothing, sometimes I'd gain... and it would break my spirit. Weighing in weekly is too emotional for me and I believe on some weeks it can be misleading regarding the overall trend. That's what I'm interested in now - the overall trend. If I weigh and measure everything I eat, stay on plan, then I feel comfortable weighing in once monthly for the time being. This post is much longer than I was expecting, but lastly, I'm learning how important it is to stay positive and believe in yourself. It truly makes a difference. Preop, when I would wake up in the morning, I would always be in a terrible mood, but I'm stopping myself and changing the script now. There was a story on the radio of a famous science fiction writer. When she was initially writing her best-selling series, she would line her manuscripts with little positive mantras. She believed in herself and achieved her dream. I think all of us can do the same with the right mindset.
  7. 1 point
    So I decided last night I was going to go to the gym this morning and do an upper body workout with the weight machines. My husband looks at me like I am crazy..lol.. he knows how much I hate the gym. He said, you do realize even though you are going before work it will still be packed in there. I said I know, I am trying to get over my dislike of working out in a crowed gym. Well I tried. I did not like it. I don't know why I thought it would be different. I felt so awkward using the machines and I was never able to really focus or get in a good grove. I am just going to stick to doing my own workouts at home on days I am not running. I can do push ups, squats, sit ups, ect.. Maybe it would feel better if I had a friend to go with me, but I don't, so I am not going back.
  8. 1 point
    I am down 30 lbs now. Feeling lighter. I went ahead and went shopping since my pants look disgusting with how droopy they are now. Quite exciting for me. The only problem is that now, all my shoes are too big. I love heels, but now my feet are flopping out of them. A little scared to think I will need to replace my entire collection.
  9. 1 point
    16 weeks post op yesterday. 18 weeks since pre op diet. 70 lbs down. Unbelievable really

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