I have three more days of full liquids, unless something bad happens when I see the doctor. I am very tired of them. I've never tolerated meal shakes well. All of the protein I've chosen is supposedly lactose free, but I feel as if I've been drinking milk and my body has never liked that. Also, I really want to drink some water, not sip it. I'm thirsty! So, I'm very excited about puree day and keep telling my husband what I want! Of course a quarter cup two or three times a day will probably feel limited to my hungry brain, but I think my stomach will like it!
Like NIkkiWorldJourney, I'm surprised that people are eating solids so soon. I do NOT want to screw this up...for me. This is my last ditch effort. If I don't lose the weight now, I never will.
Back when I was 21, I had jaw surgery and was wired shut for about six weeks. I had so survive on Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink. I think that's why I find these shakes so hard to tolerate, but I'll get through it.