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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2017 in Status Updates

  1. 2 points
    I think I'll go to the bookstore and find the book PROTEINAHOLIC by Dr Garth Davis. I just read some accounts of his patients being on a plant based diet and being very successful. I even read that his points are very valid about the amount of protein we have all been lead to believe we need. I'm super excited, because I've been trying to do plant based for a while now and I've got the support of my husband who wants to go plant based as well. Now, I have to get very creative for my kiddos. The easy part with them is that they tend to not eat meat anyway. I've got to sneak veggies and legumes in...LOL LIke black bean brownies. They'll for sure eat those! I HOPE!!!!
  2. 2 points
    Went to the movies with my hubby this morning. (We're taking advantage of a kid-less day) I did have some popcorn (no extra butter--never get that stuff anyway) and no, it wasn't the end of the world!! Lol. I enjoyed every little bite I had (obviously it wasn't much). I did not die. I did not gain a lb and I did not crave more either. It was good. 😁
  3. 1 point
    I had a spiritual experience during my morning run, and I want to share it here because if it helps just one person through a tough moment then 🙏 amen. I am supposed to skip days between my running according to the C25K program, but in my infinite wisdom I decided that I felt great and since I was off for the 4th I would just run today and take tomorrow off. I know not very smart. So I am coming up on the third run sequence and my muscles are really screaming at me and the self doubt starts in my head, "what made you think you could ever be a runner?" you are just going to hurt yourself. And then Just about the time I am thinking about walking the song "Blessings" by Laura Story comes on in my ear buds. It wasn't long before I was running through my tears. This was the message I needed this morning. If you are hurting, doubting yourself, sad, lonely, whatever you may be going through, know that the Lord is with you. What if the trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights, are his mercies in disguise?
  4. 1 point
    Well...I just got my first lesson on how this surgery is a tool, not a miracle. Went grocery shopping hungry, bought some "extras", came home and made some poor choices for the rest of the day. It is scary how quickly the calories added up, and how quickly my sleeve feels empty after eating. I ate a lot of food I feel bad, but I'm gonna use this as a lesson. First off, it's not the end of the world. I'm 6 weeks out tomorrow, and this is the first time I've fallen off the wagon. That level of adherence to my diet was unheard of preop - I always broke within a week or two. Also, I went back and re-read my NUT materials. It's a good time for a refresher. I'm gonna learn what I can and just move on. Yesterday's poor decisions have no control over my choices today.

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