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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I am about 5 months out now from surgery and I stick around the forums (even the pre-op one) specifically so I can continue to help out the newbies. I personally felt a bit lost leading up to my surgery and immediately post-op and found these forums a blessing. The support groups at my hospital tend to be more focused on long term/veteran issues which is to be expected - and generally they downplay newbie questions because they are exactly as you find, repetitive and not surprising Coming here was a breath of fresh air because no matter how many times the same question is asked people still get kind responses. I want to be part of that support - and I'm doing the same thing within my program/hospital as much as possible. It's been kind of fun to transition from needing the support to giving the support (though I'm sure I'll still need help - I'm nowhere close to the end of my journey!!!)
  2. 1 point

    A confession at 16 weeks

    I have those days More than I'd care to admit. Im almost 8 months out. It doesn't get easier lol. I think im going back to basics and will probably do a pouch reset. Mainly to detox my system and get my mind back on track. It's rough. It's definitely easier when certain people and food arent around. Sent from my SM-G925T using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Bariatic Lesbians

    If you click on the user's name, it takes you to their profile. There is an envelope picture, labelled "message". Click on that and you can send them a PM.
  4. 1 point

    100 lbs down!

    Congrats! You look amazing! What is your exercise routine like?
  5. 1 point
    I would definitely call and at least talk to your NUT about your reaction. He/she may choose to make changes to your post op diet. Do not take Imodium. All this protein will constipate you at some point. If you have diarrhea you should definitely call your surgeon's office for advice. I had tummy pains early out but I described them as spasms more than a steady ache. There are things I tried on the approved list that just didn't sit well with me but now at nearly 4 months out I can eat fine. Your sensitivity to your body is very valuable so use your intuition as to whether you feel like it's something wrong. I relied on my intuition throughout my early recovery. Most of my symptoms resolved on there own as I healed.
  6. 1 point

    What is everyone "eating"?

    Sleeved 5/24. I'm just sticking to the plan they gave me sugar free jello, chicken broth mixed with 98% fat free cream of chicken soup, sugar free Popsicles,liquid protein isolate. I haven't felt hungry or full yet. On wed I move on to the next phase.
  7. 1 point

    Post Surgery weight loss

    the three-week stall usually lasts a week or two, but I've known of a couple of people who had it last for 3.5 weeks. Mine lasted for two weeks and after it broke, I settled into a pattern like you described - a half pound to a pound a day. I lost at that rate for the first six or seven months, then it slowed down even more (actually, after the first month or two, it was more like a half pound a day, if that...). It adds up over time, though. I've lost a total of 236 lbs. Just stick to your program and be patient and the weight will come off..
  8. 1 point


    Best of luck Joe.
  9. 1 point

    Cheating on pre op liquid diet

    That pre-op liquid diet is a killer. It is very very tough, both physically and emotionally. Headaches, hunger, crankiness, crying. Your body will adapt in a few days. and I promise that you won't feel like this once you are post-op. This is just the painful kick start to your journey. Staying positive is really important. Drink a lot of water to flush the toxins out, and have a lot of broth so that you feel like you sat down to a meal. Please follow your surgeon's instructions. My surgeon told me after my surgery that he could tell I followed instructions and that his job is so much easier when patients follow the pre-op instructions. (and making our surgeon's job easier means less risks and complications for us). Please think of it this way... these are pre-operative instructions from your surgeon and must be followed to the letter to reduce your risk of complications and improve your surgical outcome. It is not the same as cheating on a diet or ignoring your nutritionist's advice, which will just slow your weight loss. Hang in there. it won't always be this hard
  10. 1 point
    Congrats on your success!! I totally understand. I was stuck in stretchy pants and tshirts for so long now I am semi dressed up all the time. haha I can finally dress cute so you bet I'm going to do it all the time!!

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