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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Congratulations on your weight loss thus far. One thing to do now at this stage is to assess your protein intake. Your daily protein requirement is met by a combination of the amount of protein you obtain from food combined with the amount of protein from protein supplements (protein shakes, protein bars). Right after gastric bypass surgery, the volume of food you consume is minuscule (2 ounces) per meal. But as you get further along, the meal volume increases. Therefore you have a very important option available to you. As a result, you can begin to reduce your reliance on protein shakes. I went from 3 a day, down to 2, down to 1 and eventually none when I reached 1 cup per meal at a year and a half post-op. This offloading of protein supplements is important because protein shakes contain calories. If you can reduce your caloric intake, then you can maximize your weight loss. There are two phases to weight loss surgery. These are the weight loss phase and the maintenance phase. The weight loss phase is fairly short. In my case I transitioned into the maintenance phase at around 7 months.
  2. 1 point


    Hi everyone, I am 6 days post op and feeling great. Shoulder tip pain was agony in the first 4 days, had only a twinge yesterday and none today so hopefully that's the end of that! I have been on fluid food since the op and move to smooth tomorrow as I feel ready. I look forward to reading your posts and picking your brains as I progress through my weightloss.
  3. 1 point
    I thought I'd write about my journey for the older folks out there considering this surgery. Last Nov I turned 71 and after regaining 50 pounds I had lost two years ago (the story of my life) I could see that if I didn't do something drastic I would spend my remaining years in a wheel chair. So off to a bariatric seminar I went. I was encouraged by all that I saw there and decided to take the plunge. I survived the two week starvation diet with out murdering my husband or eating the furniture and had my surgery on Feb. 4th. I started my journey at 298.5. The surgery was interesting I guess. As they put in the gas to blow me up, the gas hit my vagus nerve and my body slowed way down. 40 heartbeats a minute. They backed off the gas and did chest compressions to get me stabilized. Then contacted the cardiologist who told them to go for it so they compleated the surgery and then sent me to the cath lab for a heart cath. That came back normal. Surgeon said I gave them quite a scare. I wouldn't know as I woke up in the ICU and don't remember a thing about even going to the OR. Let me tell you, I used Tennova at Turkey Creek as my hospital and the care was outstanding both in the ICU and the bariatric wing. I couldn't have asked for better. Woke up only to walk far enough to get them to take the catheter out. My surgeon checks for leaks during surgery so I would drink as soon as I woke up. Yayyyyy. I could drink easily and like the very cold the best. I had no nausea or pain when still. When I tried to get up that was another story. Seems like when they blew me up they also disturbed the scar tissue from my mastectomies of 9 years ago and that gave me fits for about a week. The actual surgery part was a breeze. I have had no problem meeting my carb, Protein and Fluid goals daily. I can drink normally but not as much as fast. I'm on liquids for 4 weeks on then on to purees. I am so looking forward to some refried beans!!! So for you older folks considering this--go for it. I'm a two time cancer surviver and figured I had nothing but fat to lose and everything to gain. I'd do this again in a heartbeat. Oh, and I'm down 23 lbs. from the start of my pre op so that part is going well, too. Chris
  4. 1 point

    Six months on

    Hw- 229 Surgery- 220 Current weight 148 Clothes have gone from a uk 20 to a uk 10/12 And the hard work? That's the stuff I've done in therapy. Food was a self destruct button: the work is in fixing what made me push it and of course, in not seeking other even more dangerous buttons. I love new me and I've forgiven and love old me - but she ain't coming back!
  5. 1 point

    What is everyone "eating"?

    Sleeved 5/24. I'm just sticking to the plan they gave me sugar free jello, chicken broth mixed with 98% fat free cream of chicken soup, sugar free Popsicles,liquid protein isolate. I haven't felt hungry or full yet. On wed I move on to the next phase.
  6. 1 point

    Change in tastebuds.

    I'm on puréed foods. So getting my protein from that
  7. 1 point

    Let's have Fun this holiday weekend

    Thank you! Still a but further to go, but not as far as I had. I love Hank and all he accomplished, but I'm happy I don't have to carry him around every day. I'm sure he wouldn't want to carry me either. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  8. 1 point
    Diva T

    Do you still enjoy life?

    I'm 14 weeks out and down almost 70#s from where I started. For me this has absolutely been the right decision for me. Life is better for me and I'm more content and comfortable in my own body. Having less of me, physically, is so much easier. Easier to move around, walk, turn over in bed, fit in chairs in public places, find clothing that's not super expensive, breathe etc. Mentally/emotionally life is better too. I feel more free to really be me, who I am at the core of me. We still eat we just eat less and make heathier choice which I find leads to more contentment and happiness because I'm being more thoughtful about what I choose to put into my body. Not just mindless eating of sub-quality, highly processed foods. I enjoy the conversation and company more at meals as I'm focused on that and not the food. I've a long way to go yet and for me the challenge has always been in the maintaining of weight loss but I feel I'm up to that task now. So short answer: YES I ENJOY LIFE MUCH MORE NOW! Good luck to you and God Bless you in this journey!
  9. 1 point

    Do you still enjoy life?

    I felt like you. I was so happy in my current life before surgery that I was afraid the surgery would negatively impact it. Then I thought, "what if I can be even happier"? Being only 6 days out I'm still in the earliest stages but I can already tell that I made the right decision. Enjoying life is about so much more than food. We will still eat. Just much healthier. On special occasions we can eventually indulge but now we have the tool to help us not over indulge and not make a habit of choosing bad foods. We will still live life. I'm working on my all or nothing mentality. I want to learn that enjoying a less than perfect meal doesn't mean you go off the rails. I figure if I'm making the right choices most of the time I'll do ok. We have to remember that we tended to associate food with fun. I want to start living without food being the star of my life. It's kind of exciting.
  10. 1 point
    I don't lose weight rapidly but my body keeps getting slimmer. I'm in a size 12 now and haven't lost a single lb yet I was a size 14 2 weeks ago. lol! Mine is slow and steady but my body is changing more rapidly.

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