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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    What was your breaking point?

    My father just passed away from liver and kidney failure (non-alcoholic). Congratulations on making life changes. He felt he was too old and set in his ways to make significant changes. His passing away was my a-ha since we share the same rare blood type.
  2. 1 point

    Tomorrow is the day.

    Just got a call from surgical scheduling, arrival time is 6:15 am, they will start shortly thereafter. I'm the first one of the day. Please say a prayer everything goes well and doctor is able to so the revision. So excited and nervous. Thank you all!
  3. 1 point
    Since I started this journey I always wanted RNY. For some reason I started second guessing myself & wanting the sleeve. As soon as I got my upper endoscopy & found out I had mild reflux I stuck with RNY because I don't want to mess with GERD & have to revise later.
  4. 1 point

    successful sleevers?

    Well I am far from disillusioned, I read a 5 year study about regain and WLS patients. I have every intention of utilizing my sleeve to help me continue to lose & maintain. There are many people who are successful and they are further out than you. Everybody's journey is different. I would enoucrage any interested in WLS to look at success stories as well as those who didn't make it to where they wanted to.
  5. 1 point

    Carbonated beverages?

    If you are beyond the initial six to eight week healing period, one glass of champagne to celebrate your bachelorette party will not do a lot of harm. You may find, however, you do not like how it makes you feel.
  6. 1 point
    I can't speak to Mexico specifically, but here are some items I found really helpful when I was sleeves 3 weeks ago: 1. Electric heating pad 2. Sleeveless nightgown 3. My favorite pillow with a colored pillowcase (so the nurses knew it came from home) 4. Brand new pack of underwear (just felt good since I couldn't shower until it was time to leave) 5. Flip-flops for walking around. The socks with grippies just didn't do it for me. 6. Check-list of phone numbers for my boyfriend to call to let everyone know I was ok. I divided it up between "Text" and "Call" and included my closest friends, parents, and work team. When I was in recovery he was getting all the congratulatory/good luck/rooting for you notes on my behalf It was great to fully wake up to. 7. Loose yoga pants for going home. Your tummy may be bloated from all the gas used during the procedure. 8. Biotene. Your mouth gets dry from surgery and you may not be able to get up to brush. The minty biotene covers you for both 9. If you use a CPAP and your hospital allows you to bring your own, DO IT. I had a strong reaction to the anesthesia, so I slept for basically the entire first day. The second day I was able to stay awake and alert for longer stretches, but not enough to read or watch tv or use my laptop. I used my phone a little to check Facebook and Pinterest, but I barely remember.
  7. 1 point

    What's eating like 2+ years out?

    I liked the idea of dumping too, but it really doesn't happen for me. I can overeat (slightly, I still have a pouch after all!) sugar and carbs, and while I don't feel great, I wouldn't call it dumping. But I'm not that disappointed, although I do need to be more responsible for my eating now that I'm two weeks away from being two years out. It can be a struggle, but when I get back to basics, it's much easier! I have to be honest and say I have been far from perfect and even had weight gain. I'm learning a lot more about why I eat, things I'd never considered before. I admit this is something I've been working on for 30+ years but hey, I'm a slow learner!! And yes, I know I should have done that pre surgery, but I thought I had. Then I had to go back to work after a year of not working (nine months after surgery, and at my goal weight) and it took me a year of being back at work to realize how the compulsive urge to binge is directly related to work stress. Stick with the basics for as long as you can, and if you ever stray or have regain, just get back to basics again. Most importantly, no liquids with meals or 30 minutes before or after (or at least 15 minutes), meet your protein and liquid goals (whatever yours may be) and eat your protein first. That's the rest of your life. I might not be the right person to answer this because I'm still taking two steps forward, one step back getting back on track, but I do know the rules, even if I don't always follow them!! Bottom line? You absolutely have to change the way you eat for the rest of your life. I wouldn't recommend following my path but if you do, don't beat yourself up. Just pick yourself up, and get back to basics asap. And stay plugged in to groups. Socialize with other bariatric patients, in all stages of the journey. You can do this!!
  8. 1 point

    Am I stupid?

    Hi there Normally if you see a title of a post look along to the right and will will tell you how many replies a post has had and how many views its had. Your not stupid no i had the same problems when i first joined a forum years ago i couldn't figure out if a post had a reply or not.
  9. 1 point

    Summer bbq and parties

    BBQ arent even an issue. Grill shrimp, Salmon You can eat burgers and hot dogs Get a broccoli salad from the deli instead of potato salad. Just don't drink. Drink water I really isn't hard you just have to take a hard line on it. If people try and push stuff on you just ask them if they love you enough to let you be great and lose the weight you want.
  10. 1 point

    Summer bbq and parties

    My family has a beach family gather every summer in Clearwater FL. I've already told them, Salmon and Chicken Breasts for me please, nothing else. Stick with what's right for you. I've told everyone I've given up drinking because of health reason, which in a sense is partially true. Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
