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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    My partner and I have this issue, so I feel you. Early on I hated it. It absolutely pissed me off. I found that a conversation about it and my telling him that it bothered me, and asking him to be understanding, helped. He still makes the occasional comment, but he listens when I explain. And that's supportive. I think he is doing his best to support me, and now I welcome it because I can be out of control if I'm honest - but people will never truly understand it, or if they do, they are not us. I just try not to judge it. I gotta do what I gotta do.
  2. 2 points
    I agree...this may be his way of showing support and trying to help you be successful. Personally, I asked my husband to help me stay in check and this seems similar to some of the things he does to help. I know ultimately it is all up to me but having him give me a nudge in the right direction gets me thinking and sometimes helps me make even better choices. One thing you could try is telling him, in a very straightforward way, exactly what kind of support you want and what really makes you feel support from him. That way he doesn't have to guess what you want and accidentally show his support in a way that doesn't translate to what you need. Tell him what he CAN do to be helpful. Examples: "It really makes me feel loved and supported when you compliment me or notice how hard I've been working" or " When you point out a positive change in me, I find it very motivating" Sent from my SM-G900T using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 2 points
    So, I did quite a bit of work today to help make the process go a little faster once I finish my last medical weight loss class: both my psychological clearance and my final appointment with my GP have been scheduled on the same day. So, I clarified with the bariatric coordinator from Northern Colorado Surgical Associates that once she phones me the following Tuesday, I can get my consultation that week or possibly the following week, which will allow me to have surgery 4-6 weeks after that point. So, based on these timelines, the earliest possible date for my surgery is the 16th of August and the latest possible date for my surgery is the 8th of September. So now, I have an idea of when about I'll be getting my surgery.
  4. 1 point
    I GET you for sure!! My personality is like this: DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! I have always had just a little bit of rebellion running in my veins!! If someone trys to push me I get ornery. I WIL do the opposite of what you say!! I resent the heck out of somweone telling me I can't eat that!!! But...I am horrible about this aspect with my hubby. He gets mad everytime. I ask him what are you doing? What are you going to eat? While he is in the kitchen, and he HATES this because others have critzied him on what he is eating!! I just want to know so if I want to eat it too. LOL Mind you we have been married for 43 years. LOL You would think I would remember this. LOL Another thing he does is he will buy all kinds of junk food when he starts his diet. This makes me so upset!! He is living his fantasy thru me. I have told him so many times that I don't want or need this junk!!! Yesterday I told him that he wants me to get fat again!! Of course he said no but I know he likes his women thicker. Oh tthe hells of the housewifes!!!!
  5. 1 point
    July is a great month to have WLS. I had mine July 2, 2013. A very good month!!
  6. 1 point

    I'm so tired!!!

    I was 8 weeks before this stopped. It wasn't constant for me but would hit me like a brick. I was the type that couldn't nap or close my eyes in a crowd , but soon I found my self sleeping in a store parking lot in my car , I'd just get so sleepy. Or I had to pull over driving into town (1/2 hr drive). Getting better now. At 2 months post op.
  7. 1 point
    LaLa Ladybug

    Stomach Issues

    This is great info!
  8. 1 point
    Yeah, we had that long convo this very morning.......all good. 🤔💖🌞🌹
  9. 1 point

    Stomach Issues

    It is important to understand what happens inside the body when you eat... especially carbs. Basically, you eat a fast-absorbing carb (simple carb, like table sugar), and it hits the blood stream quickly. The sugar in your blood goes up, too high. The body sends insulin out to force the sugar into the cells, because too much sugar in the blood is dangerous, but it is safe in the cells. But now the body might have sent too much insulin, and now your blood sugar is low. Normally adrenaline kicks in about this time to go release some sugar back into the blood. But for some people this mechanism is damaged, so the blood sugar drops and the body can't increase it on its own. So, you have to eat more carbohydrate. The way to fix this vicious cycle is to always eat carbs with protein and fat which slows their entry into the bloodstream, and concentrate on eating complex carbs that also enter more slowly. This is what the glycemic index is about. The lower the #, the slower the sugars hit the bloodstream. Anyone with poor blood sugar control should only consume carbs #54 and less. (As a starting point. Individual results vary).
  10. 1 point
    I really like seeing someone switch doctors and take control of their healthcare. Medicine in America is a for profit business. If they can drag you through 6 months of visits and then do surgery when medical weight loss fails and they know it will fail. They get to double dio and milk your insurance. It is more cost effective for your insurance to get you to surgery as soon as possible. Congrats on the adoption. My grandparents adopted my mom in their 50s and I am so grateful they did. They had so much love to share. Older parents make wonderful parents. Thank you for adopting.

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