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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Need advice!

    Just eat protein and veggies. Don't you have a plan from your Dr? Follow it. Not like a diet, but like a prescription that your life depends on.
  2. 1 point

    Weight Gain/Stall

    Hi! I had my sleeve done 3/27 and initially lost 30 ponds in 4 weeks. YAY! Then I didn't lose anything and now I've gained a few pounds. It's possible that I'm PMS'ing but I'm SO sad/frustrated. I've been very vigilant w/what I'm eating and trying to exercise. I've had a few complications since the surgery including getting a kidney infection and getting put back into the hospital. I haven't been going to the bathroom which worries me. My dietician at my hospital is not very helpful and just wants me to see someone else. It's quite upsetting because I really want this to work. My drs are aware of all of this but man is is this frustrating. I did drink one day but only vodka/water and am freaked that I ruined this. I don't feel like I really know who to talk to about this with because I'm feeling like it's not working now w/the stall/weight gain SO early on. Help! Height: 5'10" Surgery Weight: 264 Current Weight: 237 Goal Weight: 160
  3. 1 point

    13 days ago I had a stomach.

    Since you've been on liquids, I'd recommend your first solids are like pudding consistency. You will get full very quickly. My first thing I tried was blended up split pea soup. Was full after 2-3 spoonfuls.
  4. 1 point
    I'm 8 weeks postop and could imagine starting a zumba class about now. I had a very easy recovery too.
  5. 1 point

    If lactating will bcbs texas deny?

    it is absurd! i think your right too about Doc reporting me, he won't. Thats a good idea ill bring my pump with me and just pump before surgery and i should be fine. Im not going to cut him off cold turkey and have a angry baby because BCBS says so. Its weird these "rules" insurance companies make up, they have too many lawyers calling the shots. Ill just be happy when surgery is done, I haven't did anything for me in ages and its my time. Ill let you know what happens. I should be having surgery on may 30th just gotta confirm sitter and a few things but its a "Go"!
  6. 1 point

    Has anyone had chemical gastritis?

    Chemical gastritis is erosive gastritis commonly caused by NSAIDs. This types of gastritis causes ulcer-like lesions in the mucosa. Confirmed by EGD biopsy. There are actually a few types of gastritis. The other common gastritis is caused by H Pylori.
  7. 1 point
    I'm one month post-op as of yesterday and I walk at least 4 miles 5 times a week or 10000 steps and I started few days after my surgery.
  8. 1 point
    Tomorrow I will have my first appointment with my surgeon. To say that I am excited is an understatement. I made my decision 9 years ago to have the surgery done. I have been over weight my whole life except once when I was going through a very messy divorce. During the 9 years a lot has happened. I became a first time mom at the young age of 53 to not one but 2. No I did not give birth we are adopting. I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 25 so being a mom was never on my list but I did pray for a child of my own. I know that my age may play a factor, but I want a better quality of life and I want to see my children graduate. My husband is very supportive and wants what is best for my health. I have dealt with fibromyalgia for the last 20 years plus I am watching my fasting blood sugar go up. Diabetes is huge in my family history and it scares me to see it go up. I had an appointment with another clinic and was informed that I would only qualify for their medical weight loss and not the surgical. I informed them of my choice (my BMI was 39.9) I went back 6 weeks later, I had quit smoking (I smoked for 45 years) and I gained 12 pounds in 5 weeks. The nurse practitioner Add to dictionary informed my that there was people that gained weight just to have surgery. My BMI was now 41.2 and again I stated I was wanting the surgery and she informed me that the surgeon would not do the surgery and I would have to wait another six months to even be considered. I was very upset when I left so I called my insurance company (my benefits had already been confirmed that this was a covered procedure). Did I ever get a surprise, not only did I have someone that would listen, they called the clinic asked if they had a problem explained what had happened and recommended that I look for another clinic and found one for me. Tomorrow is that appointment along with appointments with the physiologist and dietician. By the way the other clinic called this week to inform me of the different surgeries that are now available to me. Yes I feel like this is a long post but there is a lot on my mind today.
  9. 1 point
    I really like seeing someone switch doctors and take control of their healthcare. Medicine in America is a for profit business. If they can drag you through 6 months of visits and then do surgery when medical weight loss fails and they know it will fail. They get to double dio and milk your insurance. It is more cost effective for your insurance to get you to surgery as soon as possible. Congrats on the adoption. My grandparents adopted my mom in their 50s and I am so grateful they did. They had so much love to share. Older parents make wonderful parents. Thank you for adopting.
  10. 1 point

    Weight Gain/Stall

    Well I was sleeved on 3/31 and in the first eight or nine days lost about 13 pounds, then had a stall for about 3 weeks then lost about 3 pounds and am now the same weight for the past week. Going up and down the same pound. 30 lbs is a great loss in the first month!!! Keep up the great work and dont get discouraged by the stalls. Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
