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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Unfortunately, no amount of revisions will work if your head isn't in the game. You'll just end up in the same place. Have you thought about the reasons WHY you sabotage yourself to not become successful? Would counseling help? I wouldn't consider a revision to bypass until you feel you're emotionally ready to change your lifestyle to ensure that this surgery is successful. Otherwise, I think a revision to bypass would be a good option for you. The sleeve isn't for everyone, and some people need the additional help the malabsorbtion offers with the bypass. Also, take anyone's advice who chimes in that hasn't had regain with a grain of salt. They don't understand the struggle of being several years out and trying to get back on track and go back to basics. They all think the weight loss comes as easy as it did during the honeymoon period, and I'm here to say it absolutely doesn't. It's a whole different animal several years out. Our metabolisms, appetites, and capacity changes, making going back much harder. It can be done, but you're talking pre surgery effort at that point.
  2. 1 point


    Hi everyone, I am 6 days post op and feeling great. Shoulder tip pain was agony in the first 4 days, had only a twinge yesterday and none today so hopefully that's the end of that! I have been on fluid food since the op and move to smooth tomorrow as I feel ready. I look forward to reading your posts and picking your brains as I progress through my weightloss.
  3. 1 point
    Congratulations!! That is the best feeling in the world to go shopping in your own closet. I loved finding clothes I purchased years ago and finally got to take the tags off!! I agree on the vacation clothes. Wait until two weeks before so they won't be too big :-) congratulations again!!
  4. 1 point
    New Me 31317

    Unrealistic expectations?

    Thanks. Who is supposed to clear me for the next stage, my dr or nutritionist?
  5. 1 point
    New Me 31317

    Unrealistic expectations?

    Thank you. I have considered the fact that I might need more calories but I am not sure how to fit it in! On my drive to work, I have a protein shake. Around nine I have some yogurt. The lunch time I have some sliced turkey and around three I have a piece of cheese. And then for dinner I have some lean protein (no more than 2 ounces) Not sure I can get any more than that....also I'm not sure what else to eat, I've been pretty much stuck on yogurt cottage cheese lunch meat and tuna.
  6. 1 point

    Unrealistic expectations?

    Very well stated.
  7. 1 point

    Presurgery diet

    The sole purpose of the pre op diet is to shrink and soften the liver to allow the surgeon to move the organ without damaging it. When you think you can't do the diet, remember the purpose. Surgeons have not gone through with surgeries on patients who didn't follow the diet. And then you're SOL. You can do it!
  8. 1 point
    Stay strong. Maybe try mixing in some PB2 into a protein shake to give you that rich peanut butter flavor. I'm 1week post op [emoji4] Hang in there. I had a small decafe soy latte to change things up a bit.
  9. 1 point
    I worried alot about hair loss when I first took this journey but I can say hitting 6 months on May 9th, I have not had any hair loss other than my usual shedding on occasion between styling. I do take my vitamins and calcium chews faithfully so maybe that helps and the additional protein may help since I did not follow a healthy diet in the past so maybe this body change is a help to me than a hinder...
  10. 1 point
    I am around 9 months out and completely understand you. I noticed my anxiety increasing and even though I've lost 165 lbs, I am extremely unhappy about the remaining 100 lbs of fat I need to lose. It is like I notice the fat on me more now than I did when I was over 400 lbs. It's really weird. When I was 400 lbs, I always saw myself as smaller than I was in mirrors and such, but now that I am 258, I see myself as bigger than I am and struggle to see the weight I've lost. Super weird. I upped my dosage of Lexapro a couple weeks ago, and am starting to feel better now.

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