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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    All I can do is sleep

    Yes, you had something major done and your body needs time to heal and recover. It was only 2 days ago you had 80% of your stomach removed. People take longer than that to heal from a paper cut.
  2. 1 point

    Scared to Eat

    Oh, I'm definitely not in any hurry to push things. I'm just concerned about my sleeve getting too used to the bland stuff and making it that much harder on me when I am allowed to eat "normal" foods.
  3. 1 point

    1 year surgiversary!

    Fantastic job
  4. 1 point
    I told almost everyone and still do if the subject comes up. Everyone has been thrilled or at least supportive so far. If there are those that weren't, I'm guessing they kept it to themselves. I didn't want to have to lie about why I was losing weight or eating a certain way. At almost 55 years old I've come to learn that I can't control what others think or do, just my reaction.
  5. 1 point
    I am fairly open, so I told everyone even strangers on the street. The response from most people was either supportive or curious. The only one I had a negative issue with was my mother. She was relying on me for support and anything that might jeopardize that was a problem to her. I would guess the primary individuals to tell about your surgery is your spouse, children and supervisor.
  6. 1 point
    If I had a Dollar for every "They are going to Harvest your Organs" comment I could have paid for my Surgery with Dr. Illan. I think if I had it to do over Pre-Op I would have had more funny come-back lines to Help battle peoples fear of Foreign Surgery. If you do decide to be open just be prepared for all the personal concern and baggage people will put on you, they think they are looking out for you but it truly is just their limited knowledge on the subject that is speaking. It is now my mission to use my weight-loss and recovery to Help others learn about a Safe & Affordable option if their insurance won't cover Bariatrics. Let me also Congratulate both of you for making a Great decision in Surgeons, I Promise it is the Best Vacation you will ever take.
  7. 1 point

    3 month Follow-up

    3 month follow-up went well. Down 90lbs total. Surgeon is happy with the progress. He wants me to focus on working out more and strength training to lessen the potential for excess skin in the end. Having this surgery was the best decision I have ever made. DS on 12/30/16
  8. 1 point

    How I maintain

    I have sympathy for those of you who have regained weight. I myself lost 120 pounds and at 2 years out my portion options became much larger, my ability to snack became apparent, and my weight started to yo yo. So what happened. Well I felt very very depressed. I put on 15 lbs and was having nightmares about being back to my pre op weight. I also felt extremely depressed about the idea of having to be back on a diet and stay there the rest of my life. My weight loss with my sleeve was very easy and I had it had to really try not to eat. Suddenly all that changed. The scale began to rise. So what did I do? I began dieting again. Counting calories, doing low carb, etc. what happened? I lost weight. And then gained it back and then some. I found myself back in the same pattern of dieting and binging that got me obese in the first place. I felt very angry and in despair. I just knew I couldn't live like that again. I knew dieting had made me gain weight before and I would again. Skipping meals, going to bed hungry, not allowing myself to eat things I enjoyed, not enjoying family events because of the food, etc. I decided I was done with all that. There was no way I was going to go back to dieting because I would be more depressed living like that than being overweight. Instead I began to research anti-dieting. I discovered intuitive eating and it changed my life. I bought books, read stories and blogs, and made a pact with myself I would no longer diet. And I began to eat anything I wanted and to honor my bodies hunger and fullness signals. I soon found myself eating a normal amount of food without binging. My weight stabilized, my energy level shot way up, I regained my health. I stopped weighing myself or counting my calories. I finally had the energy to go to the gym- not for weight loss but for the fun I got out of it. I now weigh about 128lbs at 5'6. I maintain my weight with no effort. I eat when I am hungry and I don't if I'm not hungry. I eat whatever makes me feel good and sometimes I even eat food that makes me feel crappy. I am active and fit. I don't think about food or have food rules. I allow all food in my home and I never binge on food because I don't need to as I am not deprived or hungry. I follow my bodies intuition. If you are having issues like me I highly recommend reading intuitive eating and walking away from the diet mindset. Surgery is a great tool but no one can live on a diet plan forever. And who would want to? Me and my daughter who I am also raising to be an intuitive eater and to love her body at any size.
  9. 1 point
    Checked my husband back into surgery center ER and he was VERY dehydrated due to diarea. Even though he was drinking the recommended water quantity. They said this could have been very serious and could have been a stomach leak or even pneumonia. Luckily we got to the ER in time and all test a and the CT was good. He was released after 3 units of fluid. He is still running a 100 degree fever. They said that if it reaches 101 degrees to come back. The only other test to come back tomorrow is a GI viral infection Which will be treated for antibiotics and probiotics. The moral of the story...everyone is different and these symptoms should not be taken lightly. It's better to get checked out if you have these symptoms then to think it is "normal" after surgery side effects. The other moral of the story is to address these types of issues quickly (especially the first week after surgery) so they do not progress into something more serious and harder to diagnose. On a final note...do not hesitate to contact the surgery center where you had your procedure if your doctor is unavailable to personally talk with you. They are available 24 hours a day.
  10. 1 point

    To my Jewish friends here...

    L'shanah tovah umetukah! Wishing everyone here the continued strength to do what is best for our future health, and many moments of happiness in the coming year. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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